Medina agrees to supply STAMP site with sewer
MEDINA – The proposed STAMP site across the Orleans County line in Alabama could become the Village of Medina’s largest sewer customer, using up to 3 million gallons a day at the village treatment plant.
The Village Board agreed on Monday to a memorandum of understanding with the Genesee County Economic Development Corporation. The village would provide sewer for the Science Technology and Advanced Manufacturing Park, with GCEDC paying for running sewer lines to the 1,250-acre STAMP site.
GCEDC would pay the current village rates, although a deal could be made for a break in sewer charges in exchange for a host community agreement with money going to the village’s general fund.
“This will help stabilize the sewer fund for years to come,” said Medina Mayor Andrew Meier.
There isn’t an immediate impact because a tenant hasn’t committed to the STAMP site yet. GCEDC is lining up service providers for infrastructure.
The Medina sewer plant is currently permitted for 4.5 million gallons a day. Medina typically treats 1 to 2 million gallons a day, depending on the weather. If there is a big storm or snow melt, the plant sees more use.
Although the plant has a 4.5 million gallon permit capacity, it could treat least 7 million gallons a day, Meier said. The village is tackling some improvements at the plant to increase the capacity to about 10 million gallons.
Even with the agreement for STAMP, Medina still has plenty of excess capacity to serve development projects in the village and Medina area, Meier said. The final agreement still needs to be approved with GCEDC, and Meier said the deal will allow reserve capacities for Medina to serve businesses in the Medina community.
The final agreement could also include a provision for money for the village’s general fund through a host community agreement. That would generate money for the village’s general fund, and ease some pressure on Medina taxpayers.
If the host community agreement is in place, GCEDC could get a break in the sewer rate.
“We’re still working on the details,” Meier said.
The Village Board wants to support the STAMP project, which could bring an estimated 10,000 jobs to the site in full build out over an estimated 15 years or more, GCEDC officials said. They anticipate another 50,000 jobs from STAMP in the region. Meier said Medina is ideally situated for “feeder industries” that would work with companies at STAMP.
The sewer plant with all of its unused capacity is a major asset for Medina, Meier said.
“It’s a huge economic development resource we have in Medina,” he said.
The route from Medina to Alabama for the sewer lies hasn’t been determined yet. That is being studied by engineers.