Medina ag teacher donates long hair to Wigs 4 Kids

Posted 11 February 2022 at 2:59 pm

Photos and information courtesy of Medina Central School

MEDINA – Medina High School Agriculture teacher/FFA advisor Todd Eick had been rocking shoulder length hair for quite a while this school year.

“I shaved my head from August 2007 to January 2020,” he explained. “When the pandemic hit and the hair salons had to shut down my last haircut was February 4th of 2020.  My kids convinced me just to let it grow out. So I decided if I was going to do that, I would see if I could donate it to Wigs 4 Kids.”

Wigs 4 Kids serves children suffering from hair loss from a health crisis and helps to boost their self-image and self-esteem.

FFA alum Tori Grimes, who is a hairstylist, was going to come to the school on February 4th and cut Mr. Eick’s hair for his donation, so that his current students and his leadership team could take part in the fun.

“I wanted to do this in school with the students because one piece of our FFA motto is ‘Living to Serve,’” Eick said. “I thought this was a great opportunity to practice what I preach.”

Unfortunately Mother Nature had other plans; February 4th was a snow day.

“While by many standards of school aged students and teachers is a wonderful surprise, it stopped my planned ‘Living to Serve’ lesson for my leadership class and officer team,” Eick said.  Originally scheduled to help with the lesson was an outgoing local chapter officer, a district president, a state line officer and a county legislator. Eick decided despite the weather he was going to go through with his plans and met Tori at the salon she works, Mera Hair Co. in downtown Medina.

His daughter, a current member of FFA, and his son, the incoming President of FFA, accompanied him and got in on the action.

“It was not what I was hoping for, but we made the best of it and I got my donation in the mail,” Eick said. “I want to thank everyone that was going to help and all of those who were able to!”