Media thrives on amplifying division, controversy

Posted 4 September 2024 at 8:27 am


As the days wind down before the November Presidential election, Americans are once again faced with a choice. The choice is not about who the most likable candidate is, but who will do the best job.

For the most part, we can no longer trust mainstream media for the truth. They have evolved into an amoral institution; no longer able to meet the standard of excellence of just telling the truth. Instead they serve their own interests and a culture of lying has been born as Paul H. Weaver states in News and the Culture of Lying: How Journalism Really Works, Paul H. Weaver (The Free Press, 1994).

Both the media and government are married to a ruthless network of manipulation and egotism. As a result of this decadent union, the need to create crises to arouse the interest of the public has emerged. Journalists capitalize on this as the government, in turn,  follows suit to showcase their role as protector.  Many times these so-called crises are purely joint concoctions to lie to the public instead of telling us what is true and preventing the government in ruling accordingly.

Many Americans are now faced with a conundrum – who to believe?

As for me, I have established my own criteria to help me make the best decision. Having been vigilant over the last four years has allowed me to see the light, to weed out the smokescreens – so I can get to the truth.

It is vital that our freedom of speech and religion always be a given for all of us and future generations.

As a former teacher, it is imperative that teaching math, history, and science return to the classroom instead of indoctrination of our children.

Peace in the Middle East and returning our troops from foreign countries to end America’s involvement in foreign conflicts must start. Focus on what needs to be cleaned up here in our own nation: the domestic war of homelessness, drugs, poverty, a broken welfare system.

Instead of outsourcing a lot of jobs overseas, keep jobs in America to rebuild our economy and add credibility to the label: American Made.

Securing borders and legal immigration is a must.

The police need to be respected once again. They are on the line every day to risk their lives to protect us. Again, the media has done extensive damage to these men and women. Dramatizing one part of an incident only shows one part of the story.

Law and order must be maintained everywhere. Looting, violent protests, burning businesses and cities should carry the highest penalties, so these violent acts are stopped in their tracks. Criminals being put back on the streets is nothing short of insanity.

The military and veterans who fought for this country should be afforded the greatest honor and respect.

The Constitution and the Bill of Rights must be protected.

For me, these standards define a better America, and I will vote for the candidate who has repeatedly upheld them, along with our national security and the Constitution.

Mary Mager

Fairport, formerly of Albion