McMurray would be strong advocate for region, putting country over party

Posted 27 October 2020 at 6:41 pm


Responding to Paul Lauricella, Orleans County Conservative Party Chairman, whose letter was posted on Oct. 20 in the Orleans Hub.

Mr. Lauricella, you are mistaken. Nate McMurray is clearly the best choice for NY 27 Congress. “Lapdog,” your term, not mine, more appropriately applies to Chris Jacobs who, with a platform to support Trump, is blindly loyal.

Jacobs voted party line on 16 of 19 key votes. Jacobs voted against the post office, pleasing Donald Trump. On the way home, Jacobs learned that all other 26 NYS Republicans supported the post office. Jacobs excuse? He was “distracted”; it was a “mistake.” Lower than lapdog behavior, Jacobs tried to play both sides. Are you OK being lied to?

Nate McMurray loves this country.

Social Security helped his mom raise seven children when her husband died young. She worked 3 jobs and young McMurray was often left unsupervised. This country offered McMurray an opportunity to pull himself up and learn to thrive. He earned achievements: Eagle Scout, community college, scholarships, law school. Fulbright scholar.

McMurray is not an insider, isn’t bought off, refuses corporate money, loves our country, our flag and will fight for Social Security, Medicare and is endorsed by 26 labor unions. He does not seek to “oversee the destruction of this country with great enthusiasm,” as you carelessly and falsely claim.

McMurray will fight for healthcare for all. He said, “900,000 people applied for unemployment last week. Eight-million people since May have fallen into poverty in this country, and NY-27 has the worst job market in the country even before the pandemic. So many people either had health insurance linked to their employment. And now they’ve lost their employment, and have no other option, and at the same time, the President is attacking the health care they have. So making sure everyone has healthcare is my priority. I am open to looking at the options.”

Mr. Lauricella, you ask readers to vote party over country and “save the seat” by voting for Chris Jacobs.

While a seat was saved for Chris Collins, now serving time, we were without representation. Aren’t we worth more? We deserve someone who will work for us.

Twice, more than anywhere else in the country Republicans, Independents, and Conservatives have crossed over to vote for McMurray because he is moderate, not leftist, as you claim. McMurray successfully led a bipartisan town board in Grand Island. Unlike Jacobs, McMurray is not a career politician, speaks his mind, is sincere, and has spent thousands of hours visiting with people in NY-27.

People don’t know Jacobs, who takes an easy road, relying on party allegiance.

McMurray said, “I believe you need to represent, truly represent, people that you’re fighting for that you want to help lead in Washington. So, I am someone who will go and listen to them, and Chris, I don’t think he’s ever been to most of these towns.”

If you love America, vote country over party so that we may heal and thrive again.

Thank you,

Jeanne Crane
