McMurray calls for recount in close race against Collins
Nate McMurray is calling for a recount of the votes in the 27th Congressional District. Chris Collins is ahead by 1 percent with the votes on Tuesday.
McMurray conceded the race to Collins Tuesday night, but changed that position at 1 a.m.
“After examining the numbers, the margin is 1% and the will of the voters must be heard,” McMurray said in a statement to the media. “We are demanding a recount. Mr. Collins is going to need another set of lawyers.”
The unofficial vote totals from the eight counties show Collins ahead 124,777 to 122,197. That doesn’t include absentee and provisional ballots. In Orleans alone there were 691 absentees out with 531 returned on Tuesday.
McMurray won in three of the eight counties, but both Orleans and Wyoming gave Collins strong support.
The vote in Orleans was 4,505 for McMurray and 7,269 for Collins. In Wyoming, it was 4,608 for McMurray and 8,281 for Collins.