Master Gardeners kick off first Saturday educational series next month

Photos courtesy of Cornell Cooperative extension of Orleans County: Master Gardener Jena Buckwell is shown teaching “Meet Your Mulch” in 2022. Several people who had missed that class requested an encore presentation so Buckwell will be teaching it again on Nov. 2 of the 2024 series.

Posted 19 January 2024 at 11:44 am

Press Release, Master Gardeners in Orleans County

KNOWLESVILLE – Orleans County Cornell Cooperative Extension Master Gardeners will once again be offering a monthly educational class on the first Saturday of every month starting in February and ending in November.

The class series, titled “Master Your Garden,” has been growing in popularity since its first year in 2021. Each class is taught either by a Master Gardener (MG) volunteer or a professional in the field. This year’s class lineup with dates and instructors are as follows:

  • Feb. 3: A Mushroom Journey – Elaine Barnett of Heartland Organics
  • March 2: Peony Support Hoops – MG Peggy Thomas
  • April 6: Seed Saving – Eric Andrews, Heirloom Gardening Enthusiast
  • May 4: Potatoes – MG Mark Tucker
  • June 1: Garden Tools and Care – MG Eileen Sorochty
  • July 6: Beneficial Bug-o-rama – MG Michael Klepp and MG Peggy Thomas
  • Aug. 3: Invasive Species in Your Garden – Rachel Taylor, WNY PRISM
  • Sept. 7: Beautiful and Beneficial Bats – Michael Klepp, Nature Teacher
  • Oct. 5: Creating Resilient Landscapes – MG Jena Buckwell
  • Nov. 2: Meet Your Mulch (Encore Presentation) – MG Jena Buckwell

Each year Master Gardeners try to choose topics that cover a varied selection of public interests. Volunteers use previous class surveys to see what other subject matter participants might be interested in.

They try to select a few “customer choice” topics each year as well as others that might appeal to a wide-range of growers. There are classes to support food gardeners, eco-conscience gardeners, practical gardeners, and beyond!

Michael Klepp will be teaching two classes this year, one on beneficial insects and the other on bats.

Master Gardeners also try to have at least one hands-on craft style class each year as well. This year, the hands-on class will be the Peony Support Hoops class taught by Master Gardener Peggy Thomas. Participants will be able to craft their own support trellis to use on peonies or other droopy plants in the garden.

“I’m really looking forward to teaching the class in March making plant supports from natural materials,” said class instructor Thomas. “It’s perfect for those gardeners looking for a project to do while waiting for spring to arrive!”

The goal of the series is to fulfill the mission of the Master Gardeners of Orleans County CCE in extending research-based information to the public. With each new topic presented, Orleans County residents have the opportunity to expand their knowledge and become better gardeners and stewards of the land.

“I know I’m always excited to learn a new aspect of how to improve our planet, in my own little corner or how to improve my efforts to care for my native plantings and my little family of beneficial insects, birds and wildlife,” Master Gardener and Garden Tools class instructor Eileen Sorochty summed up.

The Master Your Garden series will be held at 10 a.m. on the first Saturday of the month in the “Buzz” Hill Education Center of the Orleans County CCE office building located at the 4-H Fairgrounds, 12690 State Rt 31 in Albion.

Classes are offered for an optional donation of $5 per person, with proceeds supporting all programming of the Master Gardener Program of Orleans County. Pre-registration is appreciated to allow for enough seating and supplies. Register by calling 585-798-4265 or emailing