Many reasons for abortion to be safe and legal in United States

Posted 3 March 2024 at 8:21 pm


Abortion is health care. Decisions about abortion should only be between a patient and the healthcare provider.

Factors that may impact the need for an abortion include, but not limited to, pregnancy complications, such as placental abruption, bleeding from placental previa, pre-eclampsia or eclampsia.

An ectopic pregnancy where the fetus develops outside the uterus and is non-viable can result in life-threatening conditions for the mother, is another case where an abortion is needed. In some cases fetal anomalies happen such as anencephaly where the fetus does not develop a skull. Abortion can be life saving in this case as well.

Marlena Stell of Texas was pregnant with a wanted child but she had an incomplete miscarriage. The normal medical procedure is to remove the fetal tissue but because of her state’s anti-abortion laws she was unable to have this procedure which put her at risk for infections that could make her sterile or worse could result in multi-organ failure and death.

Kailee DeSpain, also of Texas, wanted to have a family but her pregnancy developed severe anomalies and could not survive outside the womb. Carrying the fetus to term put Kailee’s health and life at risk. A 10-year-old rape victim in Ohio had to travel out of state for medical care. These are some cases we know about; there are many others.

Abortion is healthcare. Studies show that states with abortion restrictions have higher maternal and infant mortality rates than states that don’t have restrictions. Doctors and healthcare providers know how to treat these conditions safely and humanely. What is stopping them is ignorance and prejudices. Abortions should be legal and safe. Abortion is healthcare.

William Fine
