MAGA pushes country to extremism, moral decay

Posted 29 February 2024 at 9:21 pm


MAGA is unified by egocentrism and moral decay.  It does not represent the vision on which our country was built. It rewrites history to justify intellectual bankruptcy.

I just saw the threats sent to the New York City District Attorney and it reinforced my view there are some low-information, hateful MAGA.

Since the initial Christians set foot on our shores the US has welcomed all regions. No longer with MAGA Christian nationalists. They want to rule just as the monstrous Ayatollahs rule Iran and control all aspects of life there.  At the Conservative Convention (CPAC) the CEO finally confirmed its objective is theocracy – and the undoing of the American Revolution.

MAGA do not believe in stem cell research let alone IVF. But their answer of a ban denies freedom.  The easy fix is to give them bracelets to be sure they get no medical treatment that involved stem cell research.

IVF was opposed by virtually every Republican in Congress. Now they deny it.

It is the McConnell rule. Low-information voters will accept whatever their tribe’s representative said his or her position was – no matter how blatant the lie – and blame the President for the havoc those representatives created.

The current post-Roe laws about woman’s bodies and pregnancy is killing woman. It is no different than allowing honor rape, or forcing girls to undergo female castration. (Justice Thomas also wants to ban contraception.)  (This is a lesson in getting what you ask for when you think you know a lot but are not a real expert.) It’s also misogyny. Work real problems, not rhetoric.

MAGA is gerrymandering states and closing polling places in black areas to fix election results. It’s hateful racism – assuming that  blacks cheat. But really it’s no different than how they  fix elections in Russia and China or call in armed militias with guns to kill voters brave enough to try to get to the polls in other places.

(MAGA do not read the election affidavits, court testimony and unedited tapes as our courts do. They are similarly uncurious about the truth and more about the certainty you find in stupid pronouncements you see from a run of the mill loudmouth or drunk.) Biden won.

MAGA has a far higher percentage of high school graduates. Under the Florida book standards, for example, high school graduates can set school book standards. Even the Christian Bible can be banned under their rules – idiocy reigns indeed! Ignoring college entrance requirements will condemn MAGA to manual low-paying jobs. If they were even somewhat smart those MAGA would pay more to properly fund trade schools so their kids can find work when they flunk college entrance exams. (The huge downside is more stratification of society.)

The 17 Republican states that now allow 12- and 13-year-olds to do dangerous work are trying to circumvent that our industrial labor force has been built by immigration for over 150 years. We need growth to pay for a Trump tax cut which accounts for 60% of our debt.  Trump admits he killed the immigration bill to hurt Democrats. He killed more labor to pay the debt and reinvigorate industry. He always lets out his true intentions but see the McConnel Rule above.

Ignoring Trump’s life long history of broken marriages and infidelity sets the new standard for marriage. Open marriage is his – the MAGA accepted – norm. (Curious you get what you say you despise when you’re not honest out of the gate.)

Nazis and white-first zealots support MAGA over non-whites. By 2060 Latinos (by natural birth rates) will be in the majority. In the 1830s and ’40s bias against Italians, Irish and Germans resulted in them being banned from jobs. So in a few years Latino employers will have the right to deny MAGA jobs. (Another example of getting what you ask for. It is a shortsighted game of checkers in a world that plays multiple dimensional chess.)

Rural America is being torn apart by big box capitalism. Rather than pull all races in rural America together for rural programs, MAGA appeals to hate and religion to further divide and distract. Uniting all races in rural America to insist on rural programs is the best and perhaps only solution. We need another Biden infrastructure bill just for rural America – rural America is being divided and subjugated by the super rich who are the true power behind MAGA.

Neville Chamberlain tried to appease Hitler by ceding Czechoslovakia. WWII followed. Trump and MAGA will not fund the fight in Ukraine to keep the war there. (This is Putin’s third land grab.)

MAGA is condemning our children to a war we can avoid by standing with the free world.

With no intellectual humility and it’s need to justify its delusional view of history, it’s complete lack of vision for a free and prosperous future, and pathological need to have things its way, MAGA is the enemy within.

It must be stopped at every level in every elected position!

Conrad Cropsey
