Lyndonville voters urged to resist union’s attempts to flip Board of Education

Posted 19 May 2024 at 4:46 pm


Listen up Lyndonville parents and taxpayers!

A plan is in place. The Lyndonville teachers’ union brought in experts last year to teach the teachers how to flip the board!  It’s been their goal. It is in their emails and meeting minutes. Is that OK with you? It makes me livid! It’s so wrong!

Having been on the board for 12 years, that isn’t how you get what you want! The teachers’ union is not thinking about the kids, but their needs above all else. They are in contract negotiations and have wants. They want pay increases among other things.

Why should the teachers, when maybe only about 15%  of them live in the district, choose our board?!!!  They recruited!

The board flipping idea never came about because of healthcare! That is the smokescreen used to drive teachers and community members to support their candidates. The school board was not forcing anything on them, and they agreed to let research be done to see if comparable insurance existed for less impact to the budget. (12% of the annual budget goes to staff healthcare.)

I have spoken to teachers, and they were told if they go publicly against the union….they will face a lawsuit! Many are against this move.

Nothing about this is right! The union is investing finances on two mailings to all  Lyndonville residents, and numerous signage. They are spending time on phone trees calling taxpayers, all to flip the board!  Don’t let them control this election, in order to get what they want!

In order to take back our country, we must start at the local level!  And, that means our schools! I love the small rural town of Lyndonville! LCS was my, and my children’s, alma mater. I have invested in its children for many years. I don’t want to see the indoctrination of CRT and DEI in our small school. The “Union slate” includes a candidate that promotes that! His twitter account has been public, so I have seen it myself.

Keep LCS Conservative!  Vote for incumbents Lewis, Hrovat, and Vann! It is crucial that you spread the word! Time is short! Don’t let the “Union” pick your representatives on the board!

It has never been done before and this should never be happening!  Sadly, they are dividing a strong community.

Elizabeth Carpenter
