Lyndonville Presbyterian hosting esteemed pianist on Saturday
Provided photo: Priscilla Yuen will perform Saturday at Lyndonville Presbyterian Church in a fundraiser for the congregation’s capital drive campaign.
LYNDONVILLE – The Lyndonille Presbyterian Church will host a concert from 3 to 4 p.m. Saturday for the community featuring pianist Priscilla Yuen.
This is the second concert in a three-part series at Lyndonville Presbyterian.
“Her appearance is a rare opportunity for rural communities to experience artists who usually perform in larger city venues with high price tickets,” said Martha Mitchell, the church pastor. The tickets are $10 at the door with proceeds going towards the Lyndonville Presbyterian Church’s Capital Drive Campaign.
Yuen has enjoyed a rich and varied career as a soloist, collaborator, teacher and administrator. Currently a faculty member at the Eastman School of Music, she regularly supports instrumentalists and vocalists from across the Eastman community as they prepare for recitals, competitions and recordings. Additionally, she serves on the piano faculty at the Rochester Institute of Technology.
As a collaborative pianist, Yuen has performed at colleges and universities across the United States, as well as at venues such as the Kennedy Center and New York City’s Yamaha Hall. Since 2016, Ms. Yuen has performed extensively across the country with Eastman faculty trombonist Mark Kellogg.
Gary Simboli of Albion kicked off the concert series with his show, Accentuate the Positive. The third in the series will be on March 9 at 3 p.m. with the E-Yah-Pah-Hah Woodwind Quintet, led by Kae Wilbert of Albion. They will be performing contemporary Native American compositions. The ensemble features Kae Wilbert on bassoon, Susan Walders on flute, Maggie Warren on French horn, Scott Horsington on clarinet and Darren Pulley on oboe. The quintet performed last October at the Native American celebration at the Seneca Art and Culture Center at Ganondagan. Tickets are $10 at the door.
There will also be a musical event with a ham dinner, music and dancing held at the Ridgeway Fire Hall. Gary Simboli will entertain during dinner and a dance band will follow for dancing after dinner. Those tickets are $25 and can be obtained by calling (404) 667-0753 or (716) 795-9426.