Lyndonville honors winter sports athletes
Lyndonville High held its Winter Athletics Awards Night this past Thursday honoring varsity and JV athletes.
The varsity wrestling awards went to Chase Stinson (Most Valuable Player), Chris Clark (Most Improved Player), Cullen Heveron (Fastest pin 15 seconds) and Andrew Brabon (Tea Cup Award).
The varsity boys basketball award recipients included Nathan Poler and Zach Johnson (Co-Most Valuable Players), Nathan Dillenbeck (Most Improved) and Brody Brown (Coaches Award).
The varsity girls basketball awards went to Anna Lewis (Most Valuable Player), Savannah Poler (Most Improved) and Miranda Lembcke (Coaches Award).
Varsity cheerleading award recipients included Joyce Stamp (Most Valuable Player), Cianna Button (Most Improved) and Alyssa Winder (Coaches Award).
The JV wrestling awards went to Dillon Burt-Hodgins (Most Valuable Player), Rodney Davis (Most Improved) and Brennan Munn (Coaches Award).
The JV boys basketball award recipients included Nathan Hydock (Most Valuable Player), Casey Winiecki (Most Improved) and Russell Stephens (Coaches Award).
The JV girls basketball awards went to Kaylee Nesbitt (Most Valuable Player), Gracie Johnson (Most Improved and Lorelei Dillenbeck (Coaches Award).