Lyndonville girls nip Attica

By Mike Wertman, Sports Writer Posted 19 September 2015 at 12:00 am

Photo by Cheryl Wertman – Jasmine Plummer scored Lyndonville’s lone goal in today’s win at Attica.

A lone second half goal proved to be just enough to earn Lyndonville a 1-0 victory over host Attica this afternoon in a Genesee Region League girls soccer game.

Jasmine Plummer scored the Lady Tigers lone goal on a direct kick 20 minutes into the second half.

Mackenzie Muck, who made a dozen saves in goal, anchored the shutout effort by the Lyndonville defense.

The victory boosts the Lady Tigers record to 3-2 in the league and 3-3 overall.

Lyndonville next hosts Medina in a non league game at 4:30 p.m. Monday.

Byron-Bergen 2, Holley 1

In another G-R contest, Byron-Bergen edged Holley 2-1.

Riley Sanger scored Holley’s goal off an assist from Emily Weezorak.

Madison Papaj made 12 saves in goal for the Lady Hawks.