Lyndonville girls blank Holley; Kendall improves to 7-0 with shutout win

By Mike Wertman, Sports Writer Posted 23 September 2014 at 12:00 am

Photo by Cheryl Wertman – Holley’s Madison Papaj (14) works to advance the ball against Lyndonville’s Fancey Silversmith (6) during the host Lady Tigers win over the Lady Hawks this afternoon.

A lone goal midway through the second half proved to be just enough to earn Lyndonville a 1-0 victory over visiting Holley this afternoon in a Genesee Region League girls soccer game.

Gabby Dusett netted the decisive goal for the Lady Tigers, her fifth of the season, with 22 minutes remaining off an assist from Chelsea Poler.

Makenzie Muck made 13 saves to earn the shutout in goal for Lyndonville which also got good efforts from Aubrey Lewis on the front line, Katie O’Connor at midfield and Silversmith on defense.

Lyndonville is now 3-4 in the league and 4-4 overall while Holley is 2-4-1.

Photo by Cheryl Wertman – Lyndonville’s Maddy Boyle (10) tries to keep the ball away from Holley’s Nikki Siplo (7).

Kendall 6, Oakfield-Alabama 0

Staying perfect at 6-0 in the league and 7-0 overall, Kendall bested Oakfield-Alabama 6-0 this afternoon as Maya Rutland scored three goals, Taylor ReQua two and Taylor Rutland one.

Marissa Hanlon and ReQua also both had two assists as Maya and Taylor Rutland each added one.

Maya Rutland now has a total of 11 goals on the season, ReQua 7 and Taylor Rutland 3.

Jenna Jacob made two saves to earn the shutout in goal for the Lady Eagles.