Lyndonville girls blank Pembroke

By Mike Wertman, Sports Writer Posted 15 September 2015 at 12:00 am

Photos by Cheryl Wertman – Lyndonville’s Miranda Lembcke (12) advances the ball upfield against Pembroke’s Savanna Calderon during the host Lady Tigers win this afternoon.

Making it two wins in a row, Lyndonville blanked visiting Pembroke 2-0 this afternoon in a Genesee Region League girls soccer game.

Rhiannon Burgess scored what proved to be the game winning goal for Lyndonville midway through the first half off an assist from Anna Lewis.

The Lady Tigers then got a big insurance goal when Aubrey Lewis scored just five minutes into the second half on a direct kick.

Lyndonville’s Aubrey Lewis tries to go up field against Pembroke’s Alyssa Weaver.

Lyndonville also got a huge game defensively from goalie Mackenzie Muck who preserved the shutout by stopping a penalty kick shot with eight minutes remaining and then by stopping a shot from close range in the final seconds.

Lyndonville is now 2-1 in the league and 2-2 overall.