Lyndonville Foundation gives $4K for high schoolers to pay for GCC classes

Provided photo: (from left) Aimee Chaffee and Shelly Harling represent the Lyndonville Foundation and present a check to Lyndonville Central School Superintendent Sharon Smith, School Counselor Jeff Kingsbury, and Jr. Sr. High School Principal Dr. Aaron Slack.

Posted 15 November 2023 at 8:49 am

Press Release, Lyndonville Area Foundation

LYNDONVILLE – The Lyndonville Area Foundation has contributed $4,000 to students at Lyndonville School to pay for tuition for Genesee Community College through the ACE program.

This allows students to earn college credit for courses taken here at school. $4,000 in scholarship money will pay for 17 students to take one college class while they are dual enrolled in their high school classes.

Together with funding approved by the Lyndonville Board of Education, Lyndonville High School students will be taking a total of 56 college courses at no cost to students and families.