Lower taxes needed to keep more people and businesses from leaving NYS

Posted 24 July 2023 at 11:44 am


You know things are bad in our state when staunch liberals like Mr. Remley and Mr. Fine are concerned about rising taxes and costs of living.

The problems we face will not be fixed by drastic and impractical school consolidation, nor will they be fixed by increasing the minimum wage, school taxes, and child care tax credits. These “solutions” will only make our problems more burdensome.

What we need is quite the opposite: conservative policies that reduce government spending – and therefore taxes – and regulations that invite companies to do business in our state. New Yorkers are leaving in droves for red states because, among other reasons, it is cheaper to live there. Businesses are doing the same. Our state budget has increased $56 billion since FY 2019-20 ($173 billion to $229 billion). That’s a 32% increase.

Instead of radically consolidating school districts, let’s lower school taxes. Instead trying to help people by raising the minimum wage, child tax credits, and a bevy of government assistance programs, let’s lower the tax levy so people have more money in their pockets.

Let the people have the power (and money), not our government.

Dan Passarell

Lockport, formerly of Albion