Local veterans’ organizations need more members

Posted 26 September 2020 at 8:48 am


I am a U.S. Army veteran having served my country in Germany. I have seen the ravages of war. I go to the VA for my health care. The VA has become a great place for veterans to get care. Veterans receive of the types of help from the government.

Many of these benefits have come about by the efforts of veterans’ organizations through the years. Now these organizations are facing a decline of membership. They need the veterans to become members. The membership of American Legion posts of Orleans County is falling to a point that some may not be able to survive. Sad, but true.

They need new members to become energized as their membership is getting older and becoming unable to keep their programs helping veterans and civilians.

“Veterans helping veterans.” Become a member and fight to keep your benefits and continue to help others.

Carl Boyle
