Local theater group names scholarships in memory of Lance Anderson

Provided photos: The Lake Plains Players presented three graduating seniors with scholarships in memory of Lance Anderson, a long-time performer and director in the organization. Pictured from left include Zachary Frank of Newfane, Miranda Wolter of Roy-Hart and Rainna Frombgen of Newfane.

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 22 July 2021 at 1:46 pm

File photo by Tom Rivers: Lance Anderson played the role of Jean Valjean in the production of Les Miserables in October 2013. Anderson was also a director and president of the Lake Plains Players. He passed away on April 1 after suffering a severe stroke. While with LPP, he expanded the number of productions, including a children’s theater camp over the summer.

The Lake Plains Players, a local community theater group, has named its scholarships in memory of Lance Anderson, an Albion native was a key leader for the group.

Anderson passed away on April 1, following a severe stroke. He was a performer, director and president for the Lake Plains Players, leading the group in tackling ambitious musicals while expanding programs to include a summer theater camp for children.

The Players awarded three scholarships for $250 each. They were awarded to high school seniors who have shown talent in the performing arts and who will be continuing their studies in the performing arts.

The 2021 recipients include:

  • Rainna Frombgen of Newfane, who will be attending Buffalo State College to major in Music Education.
  • Miranda Wolter of Royalton-Hartland, who will be attending Belmont University to major in Music Education & Orchestra.
  • Zachary Frank of Newfane, who will attending SUNY Fredonia to major in Music Education.

Anderson caught the theater bug while a student at Albion in the early 1980s. He went on to a career as a vocal teacher, and remained deeply involved in the Lake Plains Players.

Anderson was the group’s president. He performed on stage, directed many shows, and would do many of the thankless tasks behind the scenes.

He led a group that was friendly and accepting to everyone, but also pushed to put on high-quality productions.