Local officials have been quiet for years about disparity in AIM state funding in county

Posted 23 February 2024 at 8:56 am


On February 22, 2014 Hub Editor Tom Rivers convincingly made the case state leaders should increase the amount of AIM funds coming into the county.  He suggested organizing a march across the county to generate publicity.

As a profound sense of inertia seems to have engulfed Lynne Johnson, Skip Draper, Bill Eick and the others in the county government, I don’t see them leading anybody to help secure the money, let along actually walking in a march.

Now is the time for the Democrats to seize the initiative, move into the power vacuum created by Republican inaction, and help coordinate the AIM March. Democrats should help Rivers organize the AIM march by: handing out flyers for the march to the public, contacting media outlets with the route of the march, and inviting Congresswoman Tenney, State Senator Ortt, Assemblyman Hawley and U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer to join in.

Who knows, once county leaders hear that high-level political leaders and the media will be at the march, they may put on their hiking boots and join in

Jack Capurso

AHS 1960

Ashburn, Va.