In 1979, community created keepsake of favorite recipes
By Catherine Cooper, Orleans County Historian
“Illuminating Orleans” – Volume 5, No. 12
ALBION – “Tucked among the keepsakes that reflect the earlier years of this unique county are the recipes found in this treasury. Some are copied, some created, some from yesteryear and some from today. All with a special touch from a special person – the one who so generously shared their favorite recipe.”
“Favorite Recipes of Orleans County” is a spiral bound community cookbook produced in 1979 by the Orleans County Historical Association. It was printed in Albion by the Eddy Printing Company. Mary Shuler and Millie Scofield were co-chairwomen.
A hefty tome, with over 300 pages, it is double the size of a regular community cookbook. It includes the staple community cookbook recipes one would expect but also includes heirloom recipes from grandmothers and great-grandmothers, thus linking back to the early years of the county.
Mrs. Charles Defendorf (Rose Hart) submitted a recipe for Salt Raising Bread which was passed down from her great grandmother, Matilda West, 1826-1899. It begins:
“Start bread at night. Scald 2tbsp. of cornmeal and ½ tsp each of salt, sugar, and soda in 1 cup sweet milk. Cover and set in warm place overnight…..”
A recipe for Gingerbread submitted by Doris Bannister is traced back to a descendant of John Proctor, “the Paul Revere of the Ridge” who, in 1813, alerted the residents along Ridge Rd. that “the British were coming.”
A recipe for Corn Bread which includes yeast, mashed potato and cornmeal is traced back to the Matthew Dunham family, the earliest settlers in the Lakeside area of the Town of Carlton.
A recipe for Homemade Ale copied from the Journals of Samuel Brent, Canterbury, England, dates to 1829. It was submitted by his great-granddaughter, Betty Hurd.
Not surprisingly, there are many variations of apple recipes: Apple Grunt, Apple John, Apple Roll, Elegant Apple Pie, French Apple Pie, Apple Cake, Apple Chip Cake, Applesauce Cake, Apple Pie Cake, Apple Pudding Cake, Glazed German Apple Bread, Apple Stuffed Pork Chops, and Squirrel in Apple Bake.
Several recipes reflect the strong English heritage of the county’s population: Grandma’s English Trifle, English mincemeat and 19th Century Whig Rolls.
So many recipes with intriguing names: Taylor Duff, Tell Your Neighbor Cake, Seafoam Salad, Pickled Seckel Pears and The Old Stand By, to mention but a few.
Interspersed with the recipes are nuggets of local history such as: how Troutburg got its name, the Orleans Meat Processing Company in Albion, canning in Holley, the cheese factories. A section on Remedies includes instructions on how to make soap using potash, lard, and rosin, how to remove wrinkles, make a liniment or a mustard plaster.
“Favorite Recipes of Orleans County” is a heartfelt homage to the families who have lived in Orleans County and to the cooks who sustained them. If you don’t own a copy, keep an eye out at yard sales and book sales. If you are lucky, you may even find an edited version, with the former owner’s comments critiquing the recipes!