Local Covid cases continue to plummet

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 2 March 2022 at 8:31 pm

Orleans and Genesee each report a death in past week from Covid

The Covid cases in Genesee and Orleans counties fell to 74 in the past week, from Feb. 23 to March 1, with 29 new cases in Orleans and 45 in Genesee.

That continues the sharp downward trajectory from the Covid peak in early January when there 2,703 cases in the two counties from Jan. 5-11.

The 74 in the past week is down from the 112 new cases in the two counties the previous week and the 216 during Feb. 9-15.

Both Orleans and Genesee are each reporting a death in the past week from Covid and Genesee is now at 183 and Orleans at 112 in Covid-related deaths since the pandemic started two years ago, the Genesee and Orleans County Health Departments reported.

Statewide the 7-day positivity for Covid tests is below 2 percent (1.84 percent) for the past 7 days and was at 1.64 percent on Tuesday.

The state also is at the lowest hospitalizations since Nov. 10.

“New York State has made great strides in our fight against Covid as hospitalizations and case rates continue to fall,” Governor Kathy Hochul said. “However, we need to remain vigilant, and by doing the right thing we can keep our friends and families safe and healthy. Vaccines are our best defense against serious illness from Covid-19, and I encourage all New Yorkers to get vaccinated and boosted as soon as you can, and to get your children vaccinated if they are eligible.”