Lighted tractor parade is back in Barre on Dec. 11
BARRE – A procession of lighted tractor, trucks and all-terrain vehicles will be back for a parade on Dec. 11 in Barre.
The Barre Betterment Committee welcomes the community to the 4th Annual Lighted Tractor Parade. It starts at 5:30 p.m.
The parade will begin at the corner of Route 98 and East Barre Road and will head north ending at the Barre Town Park. After the parade there will be Christmas caroling.
Participants in the parade should bring their tractor or farm vehicle to East Barre Road by the VanLieshout Farm by 5:15 p.m. No registration is required.
“Simply decorate your tractor and join the fun,” the Barre Betterment Committee said in announcing the event.
About 20 tractors and trucks were decorated in lights for the third annual Barre Lighted Tractor Parade last year. This group of tractors includes one driven by Kurt Dudley in center.