letters to the editor/opinion

Our Letters Policy

Posted 24 October 2023 at 3:00 pm

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Woodward touts long-term commitment to Lyndonville in seeking re-election to Village Board

Posted 17 March 2024 at 1:02 pm


To the voters of the Village of Lyndonville my name is Danny Woodward Jr. I am asking for your vote on March 19 for re-election to the Village of Lyndonville Board.

I have been a member of the board for the past 12 years with the last 8 years as Deputy Mayor. I was born and raised, grew up in and attended school here where I graduated in ’92.

I have lived in Lyndonville my whole life, and love our little village. I am currently a 31-year active member of the Lyndonville Joint Fire District were I have held the ranks of Chief, Assistant Chief, Captain, Lieutenant, President and Vice President.

So please exercise your right to vote by coming out on March 19 from noon until 9 p.m. at the village office and vote to re-elect a home grown and current community resident, Danny Woodward Jr., to the Village Board.

Danny Woodward Jr.


Write-in candidate says sidewalks, stray cats need attention in Lyndonville

Posted 16 March 2024 at 9:32 am


Tuesday is election day! If you are looking for a candidate that is hard working, motivated, and is a man of values, write in Justin Edwards for village board trustee.

If elected, I will immediately start addressing the issues of our sidewalks, roads (specifically the deterioration of West Ave between Dobbins and Mizkan), and our growing stray cat problem.

I will work diligently with the other board members on current issues being addressed as well. Along with the issues I have stated, my main focus will be on ensuring our village tax does not unnecessarily increase.

My military experience and work ethic make me an ideal candidate to represent the residents of Lyndonville.

Justin Edwards


Assemblyman Norris has proposals to make childcare more affordable

Posted 16 March 2024 at 9:28 am


One of the most challenging things parents face is finding affordable child care, which is why I have been working on a comprehensive plan on this essential issue with fellow colleagues.

Our plan, “A Blueprint for Childcare,” is a three-prong reimaging of child care in New York with the goals of making day care more affordable for families, helping providers grow and expand their facilities and services and expanding access to early childhood education.

It is essential that children are safe and well cared for while their parents are at work. Compared to previous decades, parents must now rely on day care providers to care for their children while they are at work. According to data in the New York State Child Care Market Rate Survey Report of 2022, these costs can run parents more than $400 a week for an infant at a day care center to $325 a week for children aged 3-5 in a family day care home or group setting.

Costs for special needs children are higher. This means a family with two young children could be spending well over $20,000 a year in child care expenses.

To make child care more affordable for families, I am calling for a variety of tax credits that will help parents keep more of their paycheck and save the average family an additional $2,300 per year. For example, our plan to increase the state Earned Income Tax Credit amount from 30% to 45% (A.9258) should save parents a collective $386 million and increasing the Empire State child credit amount to 45% of the federal Child Tax Credit amount (A.9257) should save another $299 million. Additionally, I am calling on the federal government to permanently reinstate the Enhanced Child Tax Credit. On top of that, because we know not every parent works a weekday schedule anymore, our plan will allow providers to increase child care availability to hours outside of the traditional models such as nights and weekends (A.9126).

Because the first eight years of a child’s life are the most critical for their brain development and learning capacity, it is important to me that our plan helps child care providers offer the best services possible for families in our state. This is why our plan creates a new $250 million Child Care Facility Capital Improvement Tax Credit to help child care providers enhance and update facilities (A.9264) and allows local taxing entities the option to offer an exemption from real property taxes to licensed child day care centers further helping providers keep more of their money to invest into their business (A.8579).

And, this is why ensuring greater access to early childhood education is an important part of our plan. My colleagues and I are calling for a Universal Pre-K (UPK) aid increase and program improvements (A.9128) as well as an increase in the state reimbursement rate to school districts for UPK students and expanded collaboration between school districts with child care agencies.

These are the building blocks of our plan as child care is essential and must be made more affordable for hardworking families in order to keep them in our state.

Assemblyman Mike Norris


(Norris serves as the chairman of the Assembly Minority Conference. He represents the 144th Assembly District which includes portions of Erie and Niagara counties. His district formerly included part of Orleans County.)

Sherman, candidate for Medina mayor, wants to keep positive momentum for village

Posted 15 March 2024 at 11:32 am


The Village of Medina is thriving, with a great deal of projects in the works:

• We are currently waiting to hear which projects will move forward in the $4.5 million NY Forward Grant, aimed at revitalizing downtown Medina.

• We are anxiously awaiting work to begin on our beautiful canal, thanks to a $10 million investment by the NY Power Authority and Canal Corporation.

• We will be celebrating the 200th Anniversary of the Erie Canal in 2025, where Medina will host its first major Art Triennial.

• The Medina Business Park is shovel-ready to welcome new businesses to Medina.

• Important restorations are needed in the fire station to house the larger fire apparatus in the future.

With that being said, the Village of Medina will be holding its elections on Tuesday, March 19, from 12 p.m. until 9 p.m. in the Senior Citizens Center. It is important that residents come out to vote for candidates with integrity, experience, and dedication to our beautiful village as we continue to move forward.

I have served 10 years on the Planning Board and 10 years on the Village Board, performing the duties of Deputy Mayor this past year. I pride myself in my ability to be objective and thoughtful in my decisions, always keeping the interests of the taxpayers in the forefront.

I worked as a special education teacher in Medina for 31 years, served as President of the Mustang Sports Boosters, have been a member of the Orleans Community Health Foundation, and remain a member of Holy Trinity Parish in Medina, currently serving as a reader at Mass.

I am running for mayor because I truly care about our Village. As a board member, I have worked alongside Mayor Michael Sidari for many years to make Medina a better place to live. There are so many wonderful things happening in our village; yet there is so much work to be done.

I want to keep the momentum going and am willing to dedicate my time for the betterment of the Village of Medina.

I would sincerely appreciate your vote on Tuesday.

Marguerite Sherman


Colon seeks support from Lyndonville voters in village election on March 19

Posted 15 March 2024 at 8:04 am


I am asking the voters of the Village of Lyndonville to vote for me, Steve Colon, on the Taxpayers Party during the March 19 election from noon to 9 p.m.  I’m running for village trustee.

I have lived in Lyndonville since 1999. I have taken notice to the bridge on Main Street and various parts of the sidewalks in Lyndonville that get flooded and some in need of repairs. I am concerned about the antique waterlines.

I am concerned about taxes, cost and spending – also the possibility of illegal immigrants being forced upon the community. Before anyone goes screaming Steve Colon is a racist,  I am not. I am referring to the persons violating US law.

I believe and support the H2A agricultural workers who do things legally. There is a difference. I will look to offset both the tax issues and the illegal persons being forced upon the people of the United States, taking tax dollars from the people of the United States.

I will look for ways to fix the bridge and sidewalks through grants or assistance from State and Federal governments. I will try my best to spare the Lyndonville taxpayers.

I will try to assist the local fire company getting grants and equipment if I can. I ask for the chance to serve the people of Lyndonville.

I encourage the voters of Lyndonville to write in whoever they think is best qualified for the job of being the Lyndonville mayor. He or she could be your dad or mom. He or she could be you, who just needs some extra income and am willing to do a good job. You the voter can write in whoever you want. The door is wide open.

You the voter can even write in yourself or your aunt or uncle for a Village of Lyndonville trustee. However, I ask that you select me to help you in serving the Lyndonville community.

The rules for the March 19 village election allow any write-in candidates for the trustee and mayor positions. I will stress that myself and Danny Woodward Jr. took the time to go door to door meeting the different people of Lyndonville and followed the rules to be placed on the ballot for the election.

I now humbly ask the Village of Lyndonville voters to take that into consideration. We took wanting to serve the People of Lyndonville and the positions seriously. I can’t speak for Mr. Woodworth Jr., however by him taking the time to meet the petition requirements, I can see by his actions he wishes to continue to serve the Village of Lyndonville.

Make things change, get out and vote on March 19.

Steve Colon


Write-in candidate for Albion election worries about ‘aggressive tax increases’

Posted 14 March 2024 at 8:13 pm


In recent weeks and months there have been many letters published here regarding the ever increasing tax burden on our community. The pace of these tax increases over the last few years has been very concerning to me.

Motivated by this, I’ve decided to offer myself as a write-in candidate for the Albion Village Board. The election is this coming Tuesday, March 19.

Involvement in this community has been an important part of my life going back many years. My siblings and I grew up participating in Orleans County 4-H programs, including various clubs, the Orleans County 4-H Fair, and other community activities throughout the year. After aging out of the youth program, I’ve remained actively involved as a volunteer with different programs and activities, especially the fair. After my beneficial experiences growing up in Orleans County 4-H, my wife and I wanted to put down roots where our family could continue to be involved.

We bought our house in the Village of Albion in 2021. While we’re very happy with our community and the experience of living here, the drain of aggressive tax increases over recent years has been a growing concern and disappointment.

Just since 2022, our combined town and county tax bill has increased almost 25%. Village taxes have increased just over 7% in the same time, and with the notice on the village website regarding a public hearing to exceed the property tax limit, I expect 2024-2025 will see another increase. Since billing for water service was re-structured, our quarterly bills are up nearly 50% from what they were originally.

These increases have fed a growing concern about the affordability of living in Albion. If the village and the county as a whole are going to be a place that people can afford to live, all  levels of local government need to pursue consolidation and shared services.

Pursuing increases in AIM funding, and an increase in sales tax revenue distributions from the county are also important. I’d be honored to have the opportunity to help advance these priorities and work for the good of the village community overall.

Write in William Gabalski for Albion Village Trustee on March 19.

William Gabalski


Padoleski says 41 years of experience in clerk’s office would be asset as village trustee

Posted 14 March 2024 at 7:48 pm


As you may have heard by now, I am a candidate for Trustee in the Village of Medina Elections to be held on Tuesday, March 19. I am included on the “Village Party” ticket with Marguerite Sherman as Mayor and Tim Elliott as Trustee.

I always said I would never run for a political office. Politics is not my thing, but the Village of Medina is. I was awakened from my almost three-year retirement slumber after receiving a substantial increase in the school and town/county taxes. With this, and the prospect of a major expenditure, I spent a few sleepless nights wondering how the upcoming budget would look for our Village.  I felt the need to get involved – again.

I worked practically my entire adult life in the Village of Medina Clerk’s Office, most of that time as Deputy Clerk-Treasurer to the iconic Peggy Crowley. Having started the job at 19 years old, I learned a lot from her, both personally and professionally.

Upon her retirement, I continued in her footsteps as your Clerk-Treasurer for the next eight years, serving the Village Board. I often gave them advice on Village issues, even when not asked, and always tried to keep our Village on a healthy fiscal path and within state and federal guidelines.

The new reassessments have created tax increases for some of us that are not sustainable.  It’s time to cut the budget and re-examine how we provide services.  We need to put Medina first when negotiating rates and services with outside entities.

Medina taxpayers can no longer afford to absorb the cost of providing services at discounted rates to outside entities while not receiving the relief from the towns and the revenue from the county that is rightly and justly due!

Medina has become a destination for many outside of our community, thanks to the dedication of many volunteers, and the relationship they have had with past boards. It is important that this work continues, but it is also important that our residents find it pleasurable and affordable to live here.

I don’t claim to have all of the answers, but I do have: Passion for the continued success of our Village; Dedication to providing an affordable tax rate; Commitment to keeping Medina first; and 41 years of experience in Village government.

I have never been afraid to voice my opinion, if I have one, and always lead with my gut.  Open communication is key in any situation and feel common sense should always prevail.

Please exercise your right to vote for Mayor and two Trustee positions, and be an active participant in your community’s future.  Thank you for your support.

Deborah Padoleski


Village of Medina Trustee

There are better ways than AIM for state to redistribute money to municipalities

Posted 14 March 2024 at 11:43 am


The AIM debate is an important one, but at its core, seeking an increase in AIM funds is nothing more than a futile attempt at redistribution of wealth, which is at the core of the State of New York’s problems – the state captures revenue generated in the local municipalities, and then decided how much to give back.

It has created both an unhealthy dependence on state lawmakers, and a scapegoat for county governments that decide to spend recklessly on pet projects, sell-off important assets such as a nursing home, or hoard sales tax revenue.

Even though Representative Hawley’s Tier 1 and Tier 2 proposal is severely flawed because it simply shifts the majority of AIM funds to less populous regions and flips the burden, resulting in less per capita for anyone who happens to live in areas with high population density- at least he has done something tangible.

It should be noted that Hawley sponsored a bill on January 3, number A01985, which called for an increase in AIM funds, and included the Tier 1, and Tier 2 components spelled out in his editorial. The editorial that launched this debate appeared more than a month later and stated “Our elected representatives in the state government have failed us in Orleans County with this issue. They don’t speak out about such a glaring disparity in state aid to our villages and towns, compared to small cities in the state.” That seems like an unfair criticism in retrospect.

Moreover, Hawley submitted a letter to the editor, and while it was not posted to The Hub’s social media page so it did not have nearly as large an audience as the original AIM editorial, Hawley is the only elected official that made any effort to make his case with specifics, beyond saying “we want more money.”

There is a viable solution, and that is to eliminate AIM and replace it with a program that allows counties to keep a larger portion of sales tax revenue. Currently it is a 50/50 split, with 4% going to the State of New York and Orleans keeps 4%. Some jurisdictions have a 7% sales tax, and some are slightly over 8%, but if the State decreased the amount they capture to 3.8% and gave the rest back to the counties.

Assuming Orleans County collects $22 million a year, which would result in an increase of $550,000 in sales tax revenue that would be distributed back to towns and villages. It would make counties have more skin in the game and more of an incentive to grow the tax base, as opposed to a fixed amount doled out by the State.

In addition, the state could add a portion of each county’s income tax, which would also encourage municipalities to grow their workforce.

A per capita plan sounds good on paper, but the reality is that there is a substantial difference in the cost of living in different regions. For example, in 2022, the median sales price of a house in Orleans County was $150,000, in Monroe County it was $204,000, in Erie it was $226,000 and in Westchester County it was $770,000.

Ultimately, the State needs to move away from their role of gatekeeper of tax funds, and restore local accountability. AIM is a small portion of the money states funnel back to localities, but they are unrestricted funds, so there needs to be some scrutiny involved.

The only other proposed solution is to sign a letter penned by NYCOM, which says “If the State truly wants to ensure affordability and public safety for all New Yorkers, now is the time for an increase in AIM funding for cities, villages and towns.”

Which sounds great, but has zero specifics other than to ask for “an increase.” So the only thing that letter provides is an opportunity for a press release.

Thom Jennings


Mark Prawel has long been committed to serving Medina community

Posted 14 March 2024 at 8:49 am


To the voters of the Village of Medina, I would like to express how important this upcoming Village Election is on March 19. As a former village resident, we have gone far too long without having true contested elections with a candidate pool as strong as the current choices.

One candidate in particular I would like to voice my support for is Mark Prawel, my father. My father was always meant to serve his community. He wanted to give back to the community so much that he first got into law enforcement over three decades ago on a volunteer basis with the Orleans County Auxiliary Police and eventually transitioning into a Special Deputy Role with the Orleans County Sheriff’s Office.

When former Police Chief Jose Avila asked my father to join the Police Department in 2007, my father knew it wouldn’t be easy; he was 37 years old. He put himself through the part-time police academy while juggling a young family at home and managing a business. Take it from me, someone who went through the very same academy at age 23, the fact that he did what he did at the age of 37 is truly remarkable, but it isn’t a surprise to anyone that really knows my father. Even when told he couldn’t do something, my father fought through the blood, sweat, and tears and proved his doubters wrong.

He proudly served the Village of Medina for over 16 years working over night shifts every Friday and Saturday night (and Thursdays in the beginning of his career) all while balancing the business and our family. My father never looked for any thanks or recognition for this, he was just honored that he could do his part. My father retired from Medina Police Department in 2023 at the age of 52 years old and, at the time, being in the top three oldest road patrol officers serving in the county.

On top of serving the community in the law enforcement roles, my father has continued to carry forward the precedent set by my grandfather with running a fair and honest vehicle repair shop for the last four decades; while also being a trustworthy person that people can talk to and feel heard.

At the end of the day, Mark Prawel truly embodies the spirit of Medina; someone who puts Medina before himself and wants to give back in any way that he can. He has lived in Medina his whole life and given back to the community in one way or another his whole life. He knows Medina as much as anyone possibly could. He is my role model that has inspired me to give back to my community and I know that he will serve you all well as a Trustee if given the opportunity.

I ask that you consider supporting Mark Prawel on Election Day, March 19, and keep Medina going in the positive direction that we all know it can. Thank you!

Matthew Prawel

Gaines (formerly of Medina)

Colon would bring needed outside voice to Lyndonville Village Board

Posted 14 March 2024 at 8:04 am


Please vote for Steven A. Colon for village of Lyndonville Trustee. Why? First, he took the time to go out and face the people and get the signatures required to apply for that job.

Second, he’s a political outsider. He not from the school district or the Lions Club. He hasn’t been appointed to this board and that committee nor worked for any town municipality.

He does not have to feel like he owes anybody or has to vote a certain way to go along to get along. He is the perfect candidate as he owes nothing to anyone but the people of the village to give them the best bang for their hard-earned tax dollars.

Steve is motivated to get the necessary things for the village residents that everyone will benefit from while working to lower taxes. He will robustly lobby and make endless phone calls to the state and federal politicians regardless of party.

He will work hard as a right hand to the mayor to get the funding for the bridge repairs and outdated,  ancient water lines. Every successful leader needs a strong right hand. I believe he will get politicians to come to the village and show them the needs.

We need a doer on the village board. Steve will be accessible and come around to your house not just at election time but to see how he is doing and how he can do the work for you. We haven’t had that in a long time.

Steve is not a politician and frankly not part of the group that control’s everything in this town. Time for change and a new breed of candidate to move the village forward. Steve will work for you. Get out and vote for Steve. The opposition is going to try to stop him at all costs. That’s the word. Thank you.

Paul Lauricella Jr.


Tenney’s support for Trump, despite his fraud, remains baffling

Posted 13 March 2024 at 8:32 am


Congresswoman Claudia Tenney endorsed Donald Trump for President of the United States. Donald Trump is a grifter.

In 2016 he was fined $25 million for swindling over 600 students at his Trump University. In 2022 a jury found that Trump organization was criminally guilty of fraud and was fined $1.6 million. This year Mr. Trump was found guilty in a civil fraud case and fined nearly $355 million plus interest.

A Congressional investigation found documents showing that while he was president, Mr. Trump overcharged the government nearly five times for Secret Service protection at his property according to General Services Administration. Mr. Trump is a grifter, he will grift whenever and wherever he can. Ms. Tenney’s support for Mr. Trump shows her contempt for law and order.

Mr. Trump is a sexual predator. This is not a political slur; I am not calling his character or reputation into question. Mr. Trump proudly brags about this himself. Mr. Trump proclaimed to reporters that he could grab women by their private parts. Indeed, a court found that he did just that.

Ms. Tenney thinks that a man who grabs women by their private parts should be President of the United States. Obviously, Ms. Tenney doesn’t support family values. Ms. Tenney endorsed a known liar, a documented grifter and a proven sexual predator. Ms. Tenney doesn’t represent Western New York.

William Fine


Bennett will serve Albion well on Village Board

Posted 12 March 2024 at 9:16 am


Village of Albion voters, on Tuesday the elections for trustee positions are up. Get out and vote for Greg Bennett, a lifetime resident of the village of Albion.

Greg is a man of character and respect. On top of being a great father, son, brother, and uncle, Greg is a 25-plus year youth coach, coaching everything from house baseball to traveling baseball with local kids. You cannot go anywhere in this area and find someone under 35 years old who doesn’t know him and fondly remember their time playing for his teams.

Along with co-workers,  friends, family and rest of the community you would be hard pressed to find someone that doesn’t like him. Greg would, without a doubt, do what’s best for the village on all levels of government.

He wants to see improvements across a broad range of issues, everything from business, to youth sports, to the overall aesthetic of the village.

There is not a “political agenda” for Greg. He is only interested in making things better for everyone in the village. A vote for Greg is a vote for your village.

One Town – One Team.

Josh, Jamie, JJ and Jayden Bennett


Holland seeks support as write-in candidate for Lyndonville election

Posted 11 March 2024 at 10:30 pm


To the voters of the Village of Lyndonville, I would like to continue my service to the people and community as a member of the Village Board.

Please vote for me as a write-in candidate for Village Trustee on Tuesday, March 19th at the Village Hall. I have served on the Board for a four-year term and a partial term, previously, and would appreciate the opportunity to be re-elected.

I have lived in Lyndonville for 29 years. I taught special education and was the Director of Special Education in Lyndonville during that time. I have also served in a volunteer capacity as a member of the Lions Club, Lions Club President and as a member of the Lyndonville Area Foundation.

My grown children both continue to live in the community. We came here in 1995 and we love this place!

Please write in a vote for Anne Marie Holland for Trustee on March 19. Thank you!

Anne Marie Holland


GOP in Orleans County ignores strong woman candidate for district attorney

Posted 10 March 2024 at 4:35 pm


As a 63-year-old white male, let me first say, I love Orleans County.  I love New York State and I love my country: the United States of America.

I have served Orleans County, the county I have lived the most years in, as a now retired human services worker, for over 27 years.  I am ashamed that, once again, more times than not, in our county, let alone our country, a woman who has worked so hard to get where she is, has been turned away.

Now, I am going to admit that I do not know John Sansone, who received the Republican nomination for district attorney, and I wish him well in what I see as my home county.  But I do know Susan Howard and worked with her on some cases in the Orleans County court system based on our two jobs and her being an Assistant DA for the past 12 years.

I have a great deal of respect for Susan and feel she has been overlooked, especially after highly respected retired Orleans County Family Court Judge James Punch gave Susan a ringing endorsement that apparently was also ignored.

Luckily, we haven’t had such gender disparity in the Commissioner of Orleans County office as three women have recently been assigned there – Patricia Hardenbrook, Carol Blake and, presently, Holli Nenni. All have had exemplary careers, in my estimation.

Unfortunately, this pattern of ignoring women in our society has been an all too familiar story with the GOP, Orleans County’s dominant party, in our country, as well.

Never has this been more evident than with the present “dominator” of Republicans in this country in Donald Trump, a man who has been married how many times, has obviously been unfaithful to these women how many times and has made misogynistic comments regarding many women how many times? Why this man gets any votes from women after his obvious lifestyle and personal attacks on his opposite gender is beyond my comprehension.

I think it’s time women step up even more and make their intentions known to demand more respect. White males of my age and older (and younger) have been calling the shots for too long now. It’s time for women to be given a chance. That chance is long overdue.

Thank you, Susan, for your service to this county and hang in there. Someday, your hard work will pay off for women in our society, if not for yourself, I hope.

Gerry Golden


Look at all ways to make community more affordable – sharing tax revenue and consolidating services

Posted 10 March 2024 at 12:14 pm


I’m glad to have inspired a previous letter writer to engage in debate regarding twisting the message while ignoring the real issues. Everyone is entitled to their own perspective of what the facts are and how they are interpreted to promote their argument for or against an issue.

Some might say a glass of water is half full, while others may perceive it as half empty. Regardless, we are finally making light of and discussing many of the financial inequities that exist in Orleans County to help improve the quality of life in our community.

I too have four college-educated children, all working, productive citizens that received a good education from Albion Central School. They had many excellent teachers who worked very hard to inspire them. I know that teachers contribute much of their own money to make up for the district’s shortfall of classroom funds, because they care for their students and want them to be more successful. I don’t fault teachers at all. I commend them!

I do find fault with the mindset of the Board of Education for thinking we actually needed an “astro” turf football field. Why we needed something like this to benefit so few kids, for so little time makes no sense. The district should eliminate extravagant spending and provide the needed amount of funding to educate students properly rather than having teachers subsidize classroom expenses.

The school district is lavished with generous funding from the state and the county is lavished with generous funding from our sales tax. So what are towns and villages lavished with? The answer is nothing!

Village of Albion residents are paying for 24-hour police protection, fire protection, water and sewer plant facilities, road maintenance, snow removal, Mt. Albion Cemetery upkeep, parks and recreation facilities, ambulance services and the list goes on, in addition to being the county seat.

On top of that, village and town of Albion residents get nothing in return for hosting all the government agencies that take acres of land off the tax rolls, leaving residents to bear the burden for the rest of the county. With no funding from state and county government, this situation is now untenable and should not be allowed to continue without proper compensation.

Medina is thriving because it bears little of the burden for county government, having less property off the tax rolls. Village officials have recently received a $4.5 million dollar grant to improve the downtown area. I commend those involved for their effort and achievement in bringing new life to their village.

The Village of Albion is not as fortunate as Medina with additional grant funding being bestowed upon it. There is more of a sucking sound caused by high taxes and the diminishing tax base resulting from the expanded operations of county government, leaving Albion on life support.

The housing stock in the village of Albion is very old, generally run down and expensive to maintain. It often sells for less because of this. However, with homes selling for less in the village, young couples have the opportunity to purchase a home, often a fixer-upper, to fulfill the dream of home ownership for their family.

The downside of home ownership in the village is the high taxes imposed on home owners to fund not only the requirements of county government and school districts, but the extravagances of both these entities. Land purchases, taking taxable property off the tax rolls by these groups adds insult to injury. Families are having the money they need to properly raise their children taken from them due to excessive spending, resulting in higher taxes.

AIM funding from the state together with a greater share of sales tax revenue returned to each town and village based on the amount of property owned by government is what Albion in particular need to survive. I applaud Tom Rivers for taking up the cause and for challenging county government to go after the additional AIM funds on behalf of residents who are bearing the heavy cost of county government operations in the town and village of Albion.

The consolidation of duplicate services, including departments in county government has to happen to lower costs. The centralization of all essential services such as fire protection, ambulance service and police protection to name a few should be provided by the county, as all county residents require these services. If everyone in the county needs and uses these essential services, the county should provide it.

Shifting services to county government is one way to diminish the tax burden of all town and village residents through the elimination of duplicate services that the county will now provide. The sales tax money that the county holds will be used to efficiently manage and coordinate essential services using fewer employees to the benefit of all county residents.

The merger of the five school districts in the county into one would save nearly a half a million dollars by eliminating four superintendents where only one is needed. Nothing should be overlooked to salvage Orleans county for the benefit of taxpayers trying to improve their quality of life.

For change to happen, taxpayers will need to get involved and push back against the status quo to shape the course of their future. Sure, the easiest way to change things is to move, however that is not an option for residents who choose to stay. Let’s coordinate our efforts to change all government entities in Orleans County to benefit all at the expense of a few rather than benefit a few at the expense of everyone.

Until that happens, towns and villages in Orleans County can only hope for more AIM funding and a greater share of sales tax revenue to offset the high village and town expenses. Let’s take up the cause promoted by Tom Rivers to get the funding we deserve. The effort will be well worth it!

Gary Deiboldt
