letters to the editor/opinion

Our Letters Policy

Posted 24 October 2023 at 3:00 pm

We appreciate input from our readers, and we publish letters to the editor without charge. The letters should be written by the person who submits the letter and not be “ghost written” by someone else. While open speech and responsibility are encouraged, comments may be rejected if they are purely a personal attack, offensive or repetitive. Comments are the opinions of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Orleans Hub. Although care is taken to moderate comments, we have no control over how they are interpreted and we are unable to guarantee the accuracy of comments and the rationality of the opinions expressed. We reserve the right to edit letters for content and brevity. Please limit the length of your letter (we suggest no more than 500 words) and provide your name, telephone number, mailing address and a verifiable email address for verification purposes. Letters should be emailed to news@orleanshub.com.

Information welcome for return of stolen bike in Medina

Posted 21 September 2024 at 11:48 am


We just had a very disturbing occurrence at our home last night. Someone walked up onto our patio, right under our kitchen window and stole my daughter’s very expensive bicycle. She is a single mom who works three jobs and cleans for a dozen others to have something for herself.

We live in Lakewood Village and felt safe here, or the bikes would never have been in plain sight. She just spent $200 for new tires on it.

The bike is white, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the thief will spray paint it a different color.

We don’t live on the beaten path, so whoever stole it cuts through here, probably to walk to McDonalds, and saw the bike.

We will pay a reward for information leading to the return of this bike. Anyone with information about the bike could call the Medina Police Department at (585) 798-5602.

Virginia Kropf


Trump, Vance push lies about immigrants in Ohio despite knowing the truth

Posted 20 September 2024 at 6:17 pm


Hereeeee Kitty, Kitty, Kitty!  If you believe that the Moon landing was fake and that Trump tells the truth, please look at the reporting of that liberal rag (Wall Street Journal) today and see what liars Trump and Vance are.

The article shows staff for Vance had clear and direct denials of story by Ohio authorities.

Enough said.

Proud cat owner,

Gerard Morrisey


Residents urged to learn Open Meetings Law for transparency in local government

Posted 20 September 2024 at 9:48 am


NYS has an Open Meetings Law that is key to transparent government at all levels. The law was updated May of 2024. Click here to see the most recent copy.

A few salient points regarding general meetings:

  • Meetings and portions of meetings can be recorded by members of the public, as long as they aren’t disruptive. Boards can make rules regarding the location of the equipment, but can not stop someone for recording or ask them to leave.
  • The Open Meetings Law requires public bodies (including municipal boards) to make available the documents it will consider at a meeting at least 24 hours beforehand. If the municipality uses a website, they need to put it there. This way, during the comment period prior to the vote, the public congregants have the opportunity to comment on the documents before they’re voted on.
  • All meetings scheduled outside of the already published meeting schedule need to be declared to the news media (not as a legal notice) and posted conspicuously in at least one public place along with a regularly updated website (if one exists).

Executive Sessions:

A public body needs to be specific when they go into executive session. The public should know specifically why the board is meeting in private. Because municipalities can elect to go into executive session at times (but are never required to), I’d like to highlight a few of the most common reasons, and the specificity required for the public to be informed of the topic.

Section D: discussions regarding proposed, pending or current litigation:

  • “I move to go into executive session to discuss litigation or a pending legal matter.” This motion is not specific enough under the law, as you have the right to know the name of the litigation being discussed.
  • It is the opinion of the Committee that the litigation exception is intended to permit a public body to discuss its litigation strategy and pending or threatened litigation behind closed doors, rather than issues that might possibly result in litigation. As legal matters or possible (as opposed to pending or threatened) litigation could be the subject or result of nearly any topic discussed by a public body, an executive session could not in our view be held to discuss an issue merely because there is a possibility of litigation, or because it involves a legal matter. Click here for full advisory opinion.
  • It is insufficient to merely regurgitate the statutory language; to wit, “discussions regarding proposed, pending or current litigation.” This boilerplate recitation does not comply with the intent of the statute. To validly convene an executive session for discussion of proposed, pending or current litigation, the public body must identify with particularity the pending, proposed or current litigation to be discussed during the executive session. Click here for full advisory opinion.

Section E: collective negotiations pursuant to article fourteen of the civil service law:

  • “I move to go into executive session to discuss union contract negotiations.” This motion is not specific enough under the law as the name of the collective bargaining union should be stated so that you have some idea as to what union they are discussing.
  • Similarly, with respect to “negotiations,” the only ground for entry into executive session that mentions that term is §105(1)(e). That provision permits a public body to conduct an executive session to discuss “collective negotiations pursuant to article fourteen of the civil service law.” Article 14 of the Civil Service Law is commonly known as the “Taylor Law”, which pertains to the relationship between public employers and public employee unions. As such, §105(1)(e) permits a public body to hold executive sessions to discuss collective bargaining negotiations with a public employee union. Click here for full advisory opinion.
  • With regard to contracts, none of the grounds for entry into executive session deals in general with contractual matters, contract discussions or negotiations. The only provision that touches directly on contract negotiations is §105(1)(e), which authorizes a public body to enter into an executive session regarding “collective negotiations pursuant to article fourteen of the civil service law.” Article 14 of the Civil Service Law, commonly known as the “Taylor Law,” pertains to the relationship between public employers and public employee unions. As such, §105(1)(e) deals with collective bargaining negotiations between a public employer and a public employee union. Click here for full advisory opinion.

Section F: the medical, financial, credit or employment history of a particular person or corporation, or matters leading to the appointment, employment, promotion, demotion, discipline, suspension, dismissal or removal of a particular person or corporation:

  • “I move to go into executive session to discuss a personnel matter.” This motion is not specific enough under the law. While the name of a person does not have to be disclosed, you should be informed if the discussion is regarding hiring someone, firing someone, disciplining someone, etc.
  • “I move to go into executive session to discuss the medical, financial, credit or employment history of a particular person or corporation, or matters leading to the appointment, employment, promotion, demotion, discipline, suspension, dismissal or removal of a particular person or corporation.” This is improper as there are 14 different reasons stated in this motion and the public has no idea what the reason is for the executive session. A correct motion would be a motion to discuss “the termination of a particular person” or to discuss “the appointment of a particular person.”
  • When a discussion concerns matters of policy, such as the manner in which public money will be expended or allocated, the functions of a department or perhaps the creation or elimination of positions, I do not believe that §105(1)(f) could be asserted, even though the discussion may relate to “personnel”. For example, if a discussion involves staff reductions or layoffs due to budgetary concerns, the issue in my view would involve matters of policy. Similarly, if a discussion of possible layoff relates to positions and whether those positions should be retained or abolished, the discussion would involve the means by which public monies would be allocated. In none of the instances described would the focus involve a “particular person” and how well or poorly an individual has performed his or her duties. To reiterate, in order to enter into an executive session pursuant to §105(1)(f), I believe that the discussion must focus on a particular person (or persons) in relation to a topic listed in that provision. As stated judicially, “it would seem that under the statute matters related to personnel generally or to personnel policy should be discussed in public for such matters do not deal with any particular person.” Click here for full advisory opinion.

This is a complex topic, but residents who are aware of their rights make the government and those who serve within it more effective. Thank you for taking the time to read it.

Jess Marciano


Marciano is a trustee on the Medina Village Board.

Candidates should take seriously the consequences of climate change

Posted 19 September 2024 at 4:06 pm


I am glad that climate change was brought up in the presidential debate. All candidates should address climate change in their campaigns if they want to get votes as the American people know that there is 99% consensus in the scientific community as to the link between climate change and human activities.

Recent press coverage has highlighted the consequences of the continued warming including heat-related crop failures and insurance payouts. The Energy Permitting Reform Act of 2024 which recently passed committee would help to address this by speeding the implementation of clean energy projects.

The bill does not increase the size of government, but it does increase the size of the economy by increasing the energy supply. I am hoping Congresswoman Tenney will co-sponsor this important legislation.

As a lifelong Republican and a member of Citizen’s Climate Lobby, I know that Conservation is Conservative!

Rob Johnson


Shelby residents urged to sign petition banning commercial wind projects, industrial mining

Posted 19 September 2024 at 4:00 pm


Town of Shelby residents, please read and sign our petition if you are tired of having revisit the fight to protect the Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge year after year.

The petition reads as follows: We, the undersigned residents of the Town of Shelby, NY, are asking that the Town of Shelby formally pass a law banning any commercial industrial wind projects and commercial industrial mining in the town. The town’s residents have overwhelmingly rejected these proposals for over 15 years. We should not have to keep revisiting this fight.”

The Town of Shelby only has a 5-member board. Over the years several board members have secretly been approached by both industrial mining companies and industrial wind turbine companies and asked to sign lucrative contracts for the use of their land.

Board members have been pitted against town residents because they stand to gain financially for their positions on the board. In a recent case it involved access to town legal counsel who worked for a firm representing the wind company. The conflicts of interest are undeniable.

It is time to put these issues to rest once and for all. The Town of Shelby is in the middle of the second largest migratory bird flyway in the country. These industrial applications, while they may be appropriate elsewhere, are a danger to the wildlife that frequent the refuge as well as the way of life for the town residents. They affect everyone in the town, not just a single property owner.

Town residents should not have to revisit and refight these issues every time a board member gets offered money for allowing industrial mining or industrial wind turbines on their property. Please create a local law that bans these applications within the Town of Shelby.  Please just click here for a link to sign the petition.  Thank you.


Wendi Pencille

Town of Shelby

Trump is best choice for America to stay sovereign nation

Posted 19 September 2024 at 2:12 pm


My opinion. As sure as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west the Democratic Party machine, its minions in the government-controlled media, its corrupt NGOs and mad dog rabid base, lie, cheat, propagandize and steal elections.

It’s so bad that now it is in your face and out in the open. They just don’t care. The seminar writers that flood the letter sections in the Hub with lies, backwards vision, delusion and in some cases out right hatred for citizens that don’t hold their views. The delusions of grandeur on parade. I’m saying the propaganda by these extreme leftists would make Leni Riefenstahl proud.

I sure hope the NGO (non-governmental organizations or community organizers) or Democrat operatives are paying them well to publicly lie day in and day out or maybe they just are true believers, brain-slaves to the very limited low information news networks, propagandized fact bases, and radio they listen to such as CNN, ABC, NPR or by nutty Marxist college professor indoctrination.

Anyone that would give praise to Kamala Harris and the Biden administration after all the damage they have done to this country in just under four years I have to question their sanity. To quote Dr. Michael Savage, “Liberalism is a mental disorder.”

I believe most Hub readers can see right through this desperate push to keep in power the “America Last” rush to the third world bottom that these globalist-controlled puppets have set us on  course to. Only President Donald J. Trump a real leader and the best president this country had had in my lifetime can save this country and keep us a sovereign nation and a Constitutional Republic.

While one side lives in a constant state of misery, hates the country and everything it has been founded on, MAGA loves our country and we want it to great again and to be respected and feared by leaders and dictators in the world.

Don’t let the Democratic Party steal this election again. The Democratic Party cheats big time. Been doing it openly since1960 with proof of it all over the country, only in this election if they lose it ends the deep state, the globalists, and will bring out the truth about January 6th, it will bring out the truth about the last four years, the treasonous, purposeful, great replacement invasion of Illegal aliens at our southern border, the Trump assassination attempts and put an abrupt stop to Agenda 2030. Very high up people that have gotten away with decades of corruption will be arrested and will go to jail.

This is about good and evil. Which will prevail?

The Democratic Party is a party of death and destruction. Just look at their policies. So many have died and are dying from their policies. I believe America is good. May God bless America. Vote early, get your vote in for Trump and the entire Republican ticket. We have to have both chambers of the house also to Make America Great Again. Remember Democrat NGOs and operatives cheat they probably have a plan already in the works to ruin things for election day. Trump 2024 MAGA.

Paul Lauricella

Town of Yates

Lauricella is the chairman of the Orleans County Conservative Party.

Don’t accept bigotry and hate spewed this election season

Posted 17 September 2024 at 6:56 am


A lot has changed since my youth. In my youth, Conservatives called Russians the “godless Reds.” Today, the Chairman of the Orleans Conservative Party writes that they are “predominantly white Christians.” I wasn’t aware that they had changed colors or religious beliefs.

In my youth, I was always told that it was important to use facts and data to support my argument. However, in a recent letter to the Hub a writer stated that millions of Russians have been killed in the war with Ukraine. Whether you look up the high figures or the minimum, there are no estimates even close to a million or millions that the writer asserts.

According to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, 616,300 Russian combatants have died as of Sept. 1, 2024. Russian military said that its casualties are approaching 300,000 . But who needs facts when you can make up stuff to make a point and it is even better if the point you are making is some off the chart conspiracy theory.

In my youth, any leader would have been called out for spreading racist lies. Today, Republican candidates for president and vice president are spreading vile lies about legal immigrants in Springfield, Ohio, resulting in bomb threats. Even though City officials of Springfield have repeatedly denied these false claims, no national Republican leader and none locally have called out these lies. And these lies are just outrageously racist.

In my youth, the statement: “The only thing standing in the way of the Democrats and the globalists is Trump,” would have been condemned by religious leaders as idolatry and blasphemy. But today there is silence. Where are the political and religious leaders today who will stand up against hate and bigotry.

William Fine


Efforts by Democrats appreciated, and there is room to grow

Posted 17 September 2024 at 6:51 am


Many thanks to Ms. Crane of the Orleans Democratic Party in providing some detail on what the party is doing.  I believe that Letters to the Editor of the Hub is an effective way to get out the word to the largest number of voters on Democratic candidates and issues.

While there may not be a large number of Democratic candidates seeking office in the county, there are many issues at the state and national level that need explaining.

Tom Rivers has stated that over 8,000 people read The Hub regularly. Not bad for a county of 40,000 people! By using the Hub, Democrats could reach over 20% of the voters every day.

Jack Capurso

Albion High School, Class of 1960

Ashburn, Va

Trump did a good job with border security, keeping the country safer

Posted 16 September 2024 at 5:33 pm


According to FactCheck.org, a project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center, the following by Robert Farley was posted on April 4, 2024:

“To be sure, illegal immigration soared after Biden took office, as the chart shows even without cherry-picking the pandemic low. According to our latest update to ‘Biden’s Numbers’ in late January, apprehensions for the 12 months ending in November were 296% higher than during Trump’s last year in office.”

How has the story shifted so far away from reality?  Just saying something isn’t enough to make it true. Trump did a good job on the border and our country was safer.

Mary Hare


Don’t be too quick to accept fawning praise for Harris from media

Posted 15 September 2024 at 7:38 pm


Many thanks to Paul Lauricella for the clear and concise Letter to the Editor. I truly felt uplifted by his honesty and truthful depiction of what has been a stark reality during the Biden/Harris time in office.

Prior to that, someone stated that Kamala Harris has “great instincts”, “impressive intelligence”, and is a “formidable leader”. Like many Americans, I’m still waiting for those attributes to surface; her time as VP has fallen short of earning her any of those credentials.  Her attempts at clarifying her stance on serious issues have resulted in an ambiguous blob of uncertainty.

Although some writers on this forum have attempted to puff up her portfolio, it is like trying to inflate a punctured balloon. Failures and missteps are the holes that make up the fabric of her time as VP. As I previously stated, the Democrats will try and reinvent her as an articulate, intelligent powerhouse. That is not going to be an easy task since many of her initiatives have never reached completion.

However the media is a persistent beast, and you may have noticed some recent endorsements that seem to suggest some high-ranking Republicans are casting their vote for her. One such character is Dick Cheney. Apparently Kamala was honored to have his endorsement. However, if we look at Cheney, under the lens, we will see a career riddled with corruption and bribery.

He has quite a reputation as a war profiteer who started and perpetuated many wars. His business dealings with corrupt Arab Autocrats have been added to his undignified record. In Nigeria a notorious bribery plan involving Halliburton (an oil company he was  previously involved with) also soiled his so called stellar image. He escaped prosecution only because Halliburton agreed to pay a settlement. How convenient. Why would anyone be honored to have his endorsement?

On the other side of absurdity, some fairytale endorsements have emerged from various people in the entertainment business. It’s been plastered all over the news that Taylor Swift is endorsing Harris. Okay, what are we suppose to do with that? Does the media plan to name drop these celebrities in a pitiful attempt to sway voters? Actually at this point in time the media will stop at nothing to bamboozle the public.

By the way, I was accused of referencing an article about the media from 1994 (even though it still applies today).  Two more recent articles, on the media, back up my statements- “How US Media Lost the Trust of the Public” by Saman Malik and Sarah Peterson and “American Trust in Media is Near Record Low, Study Finds” by Annie Aguitar and Angela Fu.

The clock is ticking, and I encourage everyone to keep digging for the truth. It is no longer as simple as turning on the TV or reading the newspaper. If a narrative encourages you to doubt the proven facts, the irresponsible mainstream media is probably to blame. Our responsibility is to check everything and verify with multiple sources.

Mary Mager

Fairport, formerly of Albion

Still time to register to vote for upcoming election

Posted 15 September 2024 at 1:05 pm


Are you, your family, and your friends registered to vote this fall?  Does your registration include your current legal address?

We have stark contrasts in the presidential and congressional races this fall. We also have the opportunity to amend our state constitution to stand up for equal rights.

Now is the time to make sure your voter registration is accurate, be an informed citizen, choose wisely, and cast your anonymous vote.

We are fortunate to have election officials and systems in place to ensure only those qualified are voting and ensure the anonymity of what you mark on your ballot. It is even OK to choose a couple pieces to vote on in an informed way and leave the others blank. When you register to vote, you are not required to choose a party. This is necessary to vote in primary elections and is helpful to those organizing election campaigns.

The last day for the county board of elections to update your address is Oct. 21. The last day to register to vote is Oct. 26.

Make it easy on our county election office employees by making a plan to register, do address changes, or request an absentee ballot ASAP. You can stop by their office at 14016 Route 31, Suite 140 in Albion.

You can also call or connect online with them with questions: 585-589-3274, OrleansCountyNY.gov/elections.

Early voting will be Oct. 26 through Nov. 3 at the county election office; traditional Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 5.

Beth Wood


Trump is best hope for America to reverse decline

Posted 13 September 2024 at 12:35 pm


The Fundamental Transformation of America. The Great Reset – Whatever they want to call it.

As Barack Hussein Obama’s third term comes to a close, the Democratic Party, the Deep State and the Global Elites are on the ropes as America and the entire globe has awakened to their evil plot for one world government with no borders where they have control of speech, every means of production, what we eat, what we drive and our freedom of travel (that will be eliminated) the environment and how and where we live.

The Democrats have inserted with no primary votes from the American people – two naked communists, Harris and Waltz. Puppets that once in power will finish off the middle class in this country.

While we are now living a lot of George Orwell’s 1984, it will be full-blown implemented with the force from one of the most corrupt DOJ’s (right now) the country has ever seen. These people will explode the size of the federal government to proportions never seen before in American history.

All speech that dissents against the government or any protected class of people will result in arrest and imprisonment. The constitution will fall. Anyone telling the truth will become an enemy of the state. Isn’t that what’s going on now anyone telling the truth is drowned out by the Democrat media and big social media as a conspiracy theorist? (They are doing this right now in the UK)

The biggest obstacle to the globalists’ plans is the white Christian male. My opinion is why has Biden been so eager to keep this war going in Ukraine? Besides feeding the military industrial complex, both Russians and Ukrainians are white and predominately Christian. 600,000 Ukrainian men and millions of Russians have been killed in this war. Why do you think the great replacement of the white European male has been taking place all over the western globe?

Make no mistake the globalists, the traitorous Democratic Party want to keep power forever. The invasion of our border with these mostly military-aged men – many who have been military trained – is starting to show its ugly face with rampant migrant crime throughout or entire country. Other countries have cleaned out their prisons, mental institutions, jails and have sent their worst to our country.

Over 300,000 illegal alien children have disappeared off the radar. Sold into slavery and human child trafficking. This would make the Department of Homeland Security director one of the biggest child traffickers in the history of the world. These illegal immigrants, probably around 20 million of them, have taken resources and are put first above every need of American citizens.

What monsters would open a border to the world give them full financial support while making every policy detrimental to its own citizens? Lie to you for 4 years saying the border is closed. Lie to you about everything! This is collapsing our system, destroying our culture and destroying our country.

Can you imagine four more years of this? They want to give reparations on top of that? The country will die. By the way there is 16 tons of ammonium nitrate missing from the stock pile that no one can account for. Don’t think ( my opinion) that a government that is covering up an assassination attempt on Trump wouldn’t use that to take out our grid and kill tens of millions of people to declare martial law and stop the 2024 election.

Humanity is not a part of their Agenda 2030 goals you mean nothing to them. Three quarters of us could be wiped off the face of the earth and the quarter left would be to many for these evil people. Make no mistake that is their goal.

If you are paying attention they openly tell you that. If you vote Democrat this November 5th you are voting to put the death nail in all of western civilization. Call me crazy, that’s OK. I hope I’m so wrong. The only thing standing in the way of the Democrats and the globalists is Trump.

They fear him like Dracula fears the cross and Democrats fear God in our lives. The world is on fire but it is also more awake than it’s ever been. The common man, the farmer, most all of humanity sees and understands something is very wrong.

Obama’s fourth term will be the end of the USA. Like him or not Trump 2024 is our only hope to change this upside-down country and world.

Paul Lauricella


Lauricella is chairman of the Orleans County Conservative Party

Trump displays delusions of grandeur, distortions of reality in debate

Posted 13 September 2024 at 9:56 am


Harris used to pick juries. She has great instincts.

The debate and how Trump responded was very revealing – both about Trump and why his diehard supporters did not notice while it was on that she won.

To start, Trump was not able to look over at Harris. It’s called reactive formation and is a clear sign of insecurity. He put on a well rehearsed  tough guy, glowering, face to mask fear. The tell for a poker player is his looking down and scowling, not making eye contact. His followers have long missed that tell.

Patriotic Americans – conservative or liberal – do not negotiate with communist dictators who invade other countries. When specifically asked, he failed twice to support Ukraine.  He favors our enemy.

By pretending he can deal with Russia (without giving up Europe, whose interests he also ignored) Trump displayed delusions of grandeur. This is the guy who writes the North Korean dictator love letters to get things done.

Followers of that type of leader are typically authoritarian personalities themselves or people attracted to leaders with charismatic appeal. That is why his followers are not protesting his putting Patriotism second.

 Bragging about well attended rallies while doubling down, in the same thought, insisting Haitian immigrants are eating pets in Ohio displays senility or what is called distortion of reality. He often distorts reality and often dehumanizes people in an appeal to racists or the other categories of people he (and his followers) distort and scapegoat.

He talked of his persecution. A jury with Republicans convicted Trump  under a racketeering law and he says that is persecution. What it is is a delusion of persecution. In typical cases the gang members buy into that but in Trump’s case it’s simply a sign many followers also share from some form of persecution complex.

After 14 years and 60 failed votes to repeal another President’s health care plan (only now to admit the promised replacement was an undefined concept) he clearly demonstrated he suffers from a coping mechanism called projection as a defense. It allowed him to impress people  with claims he was smarter than Obama.

Now that we know it was a charade it’s clear he is not a serious man and his claims back then projection. That need to be seen as superior – to project – makes Trump an easy mark.

Trump forcefully made the case he is highly respected abroad. But he merely named one reviled dictator. It’s called deflection and he uses that a lot. See above about those attracted to a perceived strong man or a charismatic man. In this situation authoritarians will miss it too. Serious people would have addressed the issue. Who abroad respects him?

Misrepresenting that nations pay tariffs when in fact tariffs are built into the price consumers pay the company (like a sales tax) is a ploy. It plays on distrust of better educated experts or relies on how people buy into easy answers – to the detriment of their pocketbook. (Harris  knows how to deal with those types who compulsively lie and misrepresent. She has seen all sorts of personality disorders in her prosecution days. )

Coming to a debate and not laying out an economic plan is either a sign of senility or another sign of delusion of grandeur.

It was also telling that Trump took time to blame his “many” bad advisors but completely ignored the underlying accusations that he does not hold our men in uniform in high esteem. That again is deflection.

 Trump threatened to jail other candidates and their donors. This betrays fear and insecurity. It is called coercive control. Again, it impresses both fellow bullies and followers of charismatic leaders.

Harris advising people to go to Trump rallies was brilliant! It is called trivialization and was used to suggest that Trump is not worthy of consideration. I suspect she must be sure he will continue to say outrageous things to fill in the gaps in his often broken train of thought – thoughts tending to go back  to the past  perceived slights, getting even, and scapegoating.

Harris did her home work on what makes Trump tick to draw  him out so adroitly. She demonstrated her impressive intelligence and showed she will take practical positions to improve our life and country.

Besides focusing on us and showing she is a formidable leader, she shrugged off the biggest bully of the past decade or two and ate his lunch.

Conrad F. Cropsey


Martin-Linsin has been great asset to Orleans County community

Posted 11 September 2024 at 11:11 am


As you may have heard, Hospice of Orleans has paused operations at the Martin-Linsin Residence due to low referrals and high operational costs.

A few of us who were recently employed would like to form a group, “Friends of Orleans Hospice & MLR” to see if we can turn this unfortunate event around. A lot of work, effort, money, support and love have went into creating the MLR. It would be tragic to see this irreplaceable local asset sit empty.

Last year, Hospice of Niagara stepped up to provide administrative services and clinical guidance. They were able to provide generous wage increases as well as hire on additional staff. It is unfortunate to see that only a couple months ago, we had such positive changes happening and an average of six to seven beds filled… to slowly watching referrals dry up and no new residents being admitted. As front-line care givers, it was our honor to take care of your loved ones, our neighbors, and this community.

As a community, we have already suffered the sale of the Orleans County Nursing Home, watched the ratings of local skilled-nursing facilities fall, and most recently have been dealing with the effects of COVA going under. Will the dream that built the Martin-Linsin Residence be the next to fade into the golden nostalgia of better days or is there something we can do as a community to rally behind Hospice of Orleans?

If you are interested or have already been involved in supporting Hospice of Orleans over the years, we would like to invite you and the public to meet Tuesday, September 17th at 6 p.m. to the Pullman Memorial Universalist Church to discuss, share information, and come up with ideas to continue to support these amazing services.

*This is not an official function of Hospice of Orleans, there will not be anyone from administration present to answer questions. If enough people are interested and we can get a group formed, hopefully in the future they would be willing to meet and provide some insight into what the future holds.

Dylan Miller


Democrats in Orleans are alive and well, and welcome candidates for local offices

Posted 11 September 2024 at 8:30 am


Orleans County Democrats are alive and well. We are not in a “mess or shambles.” I’m not sure where Mr. Capurso is obtaining his information but obviously has not been given all the facts.

In July we held our 65th picnic which was attended by David Wagenhauser for Congress (24th District) along with some local Republican candidates who always support us. Earlier this year, State Comptroller Tom DiNapoli was at the Hoag Library in Albion for a reception.

We have had a booth at the 4-H Fair for years, distribute literature and have registration forms available.

We have a website and Facebook and both are updated almost daily. We have emails for Friends of Democrats which we contact when we have events.

In the past we have attended Legislative Sessions and have tried to enact changes regarding the county legislators at large and we continue to try to make a change on this subject.

We have held pizza parties for Young Dems in Medina which was well attended.

At this time we are getting out information and signs for Harris/Walz, Gillibrand and Wagenhauser. I do admit that getting candidates to run for County offices is a daunting task. We do try.

 I’m not sure how many relatives you have in Orleans County but do encourage them to join us. Contact any committee member for time and place, we meet monthly.

Jeanne Crane


Former Chairwoman of Orleans County Democratic Party