letters to the editor/opinion

Our Letters Policy

Posted 24 October 2023 at 3:00 pm

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Partisan news sources paint rosy picture of Trump, allowing supporters to excuse his behavior

Posted 16 October 2024 at 3:02 pm


A lifelong friend of mine just accused somebody of submitting or omitting factually incorrect material. Unfortunately it was clearly sourced from partisan sources and was itself incorrect.

The letter concludes there would be a huge number of illegals allowed in the country under Harris’s immigration proposal – the bipartisan act. It does not understand that the border would be shut down due to the number of “encounters.”

Encounters under the law occur when people are caught by the beefed up ICE and processed. It does not allow illegal immigrants to roam and hide as her source claims except as they are held in brief detention. The proposed Act finally increases funding for administrative processes and judges to handle and either return or properly admit people within days of the encounter.

It’s only when encounters become too large a number to process that the border is shut. (And besides also hiring hundreds of additional agents it also gives them the additional sniffer machines they want as fentanyl from Mexico, for example, is coming across in cars.)

The letter says that the ex-president did not go to visit our war dead in Normandy because the helicopter was grounded by rain. That indeed was the published excuse. But the helicopter worked for General Kelly. The letter ignores that General Kelly, Trump’s longest Chief of Staff, says that Trump did not go because Trump said he didn’t see the point of the “sucker’s”  sacrifice because there was “nothing in it for them.”

Trump’s disdain for men in uniform is well documented. The writer points to hugging one or two disabled vets for the camera but that doesn’t demonstrate any charge of heart.

Further Trump cannot use the Alien And Enemies to remove people from the United States as the letter writer claims. It’s used during a declared war with another country.

There were four overlapping acts in 1798, three of which were almost immediately repealed in 1800 as they were uniformly condemned. The long repealed Alien Friends Act might have permitted such deportations.

To get it done – and many other dictatorial acts Trump has espoused like jailing people and revoking broadcast licenses – Trump more likely would use the Insurrection Act. Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Staff Milley writes that Trump is a “fascist to the core” and that Trump and his advisors have considered using the Insurrection Act. Under it the military – which Milley headed at the time – would operate on US soil as Trump directs. Without declaring an insurrection mobilizing military operations on US soil is illegal.

I know that Biden is blamed for Afghanistan and it certainly was a terrible situation. There’s no escaping that! However, Trump negotiated the deal and failed to enforce the Taliban’s promises. Nevertheless he drew our troops down at each stage. The largest just before the 2020 election.

The final stage was left to Biden and if anybody recalls our generals said they did not have enough soldiers there to defend our people. We either had to run or immediately mobilize and restart the war from scratch. It was a disaster waiting to happen.

The letter blamed the lawyers for Trump not taking the stand for whatever that means. Innocence? In fact, there are three  reasons not to take the stand. Insufficient evidence. Or they feel the client will make a terrible witness and incriminate himself.  Or they actually and 100% can not call the defendant to the stand as the client has admitted guilt to them and his trial attorneys cannot knowingly call him and be a party to perjury. The usual reason is perjury.

About CBS, the letter neglected  that from the get-go CBS put on its website both versions of actual words so that they could be compared and demonstrate  that no substantive content was left out. CBS aired the shorter one.

IMHO Trump is losing it and is avoiding speaking in any setting he does not control. At least three times now one of his demands is that debates/interviews not fact check as a condition of his participation.

The good thing about my friend’s letter is that pretty much stays within the bounds of traditional, (mis)characterizations of a person’s position.

She does not claim, as does MGT, that the hurricanes were caused by Democrats to destroy Republican areas. And it did not claim that Republican areas were being ignored by our heroic first responders.

Both may have contributed to fatal decisions. It did not claim that speaking out is treason which should result in prosecution. It did not cross the line of decency and put people in danger like her hero does. It did try to draw into question jury verdicts.

The letter is an example that source materials are of huge importance.

With January 6th people who still believe Trump won have clearly never read the exhibits and source materials. Similarly people who still think Trump was a political target in his suits and prosecutions have never read the indictments and now the grand jury releases. They did not read all the appeal decisions and the real legal issues Trump lied about every time he got in front of a TV camera. That is the problem with partisan sources that at best pretend to report news. Go with sources with long tapes, full quotes, and that source material.

Note: Trump just threatened domestic use of the military against the “enemy within” and Democrats., i.e. use the Insurrection Act against people who say and report things he does not like. Change the channel. Try it. A flood of false narratives all ultimately originating from (or supporting) this unhinged, thin skinned, authoritarian and dangerous man result in wasting time on dangerous letters – sorry to say that.

With this sophisticated misinformation out there, this is why well informed people are concerned about the country falling into unhinged hands. The real news this week was our tremendously strong economy which is the envy of the world and not Trump nonsense. (See the current issues of The Economist from the UK and its four-part review of our economy. )

Conrad F. Cropsey


Writer offered tirade against Trump while omitting facts

Posted 13 October 2024 at 7:01 pm


Another lopsided letter to the editor has come forward, attempting to discredit Trump, with not one word of positivity about Kamala Harris (not one).

A closer look at the brazen statements made about Trump proves this letter was written without sufficient evidence and probably emerged from the rumor mills that mainstream media is spinning about him. When we extract one incident from a story, we never know the entire story.

Let’s take a more thorough look!

The 60 Minutes Decline: Ex-CBS staffers have already called for an outside probe amid editing scandal during Harris’s interview with Bill Whitaker. Why would Trump partake in such an interview if what he says could be misconstrued or edited to make him look bad?

His legal cases: Of course he, like most us, relied on the counsel of his lawyers who did not feel it was in his best interest to testify. Yes, he is a flawed individual – like all of us.

The bipartisan border bill: It was voted down because it was bad. The Border Act would not secure the border. It fails to provide a solution to Biden’s broken asylum system which has released so many asylum seekers into America.

“One of its other weaknesses is the provision that gives authority to shut down the border which wouldn’t kick in until the seven-day average number of cumulative encounters with inadmissible migrants is between 4,000 and 5,000 per day. And it would be discretionary unless the seven-day average is above 5,000 per day.” – Nolan Rappaport.

In other words, the administration could choose to catch and release up to 5,000 inadmissible migrants per day – almost 2 million per year.

Foreign Gangs: In honor of those who lost their lives, Trump said, “We will have an Operation Aurora at the federal level to expedite the removals of these savage gangs.” “I will invoke the Alien Enemies Act of 1798,” he continued, “to target and dismantle every criminal network operating on American soil.”

Trump also said he would execute a 10-year prison sentence for migrants who re-enter the US after being deported, and the death penalty would be implemented on illegal migrants who kill American citizens.

Trump refusing to be photographed with military amputees: Trump hugged U.S. Army Captain Luis Avila (a wounded wheelchair bound vet and amputee) who sang the patriotic hymn in a ceremony filled with a 21-gun salute, a fife and drum corps, and military bands; it was a very emotional moment. How about Dave Riley, a former member of the Coast Guard and quadruple amputee who was photographed shaking hands with Trump when he became National Commander of Disabled American Veterans (DAV).

Donald Trump canceled a visit to the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery near Paris in 2018 because it was raining: Bad weather grounded Trump’s helicopter that day. Instead he met with President Macron and General John Kelly attended the ceremony.

Supporting our veterans: When we are reminded of the disastrous and hasty military withdrawal of our troops from Afghanistan during the Biden/Harris term, the loss of both American and civilian lives is jolting. In the end it gave more momentum to the Taliban. Trump was not opposed to a withdrawal but stated it should have be conducted with “dignity, strength and power.” Perhaps if that had happened, thirteen troops would have lived. Trump signed the SVI Act of 2020 to protect those who protect us. He also signed the Veterans Choice Program Extension and Improvement Act guaranteeing military vets can continue getting health care in the civilian sector when it is not easily available from a VA facility.

It is not necessary to beleaguer the reader any further because I believe you see where I’m going here. When you omit facts and select only those that fit your agenda, the truth is compromised. When you don’t provide any relevant substantiation in support of a candidate, what are you left with, other than an angry tirade to demean the opposing candidate.

Mary Mager

Fairport, formerly of Albion

Democrats offer best hope for keeping strong democratic republic, rather than authoritative state

Posted 12 October 2024 at 7:36 pm


I am asking you to vote for Democrats this Nov. 5th. This election will determine whether we continue to be a democratic republic, as established in the Constitution, or some sort of authoritarian state.

After the 2020 election, Mr. Trump and his Republican enablers, challenged the outcome in 60 court cases. After 60 court cases showed no voter irregularities, and after the Governors of every state had certified the results and sent a legal slate of electors to Congress to be counted, Donald Trump, the Republican leader, and his enablers, created a slate of “alternative electors” – both illegal and unconstitutional – to throw the certification into confusion.

When this non-violent coup failed, they tried an open insurrection on Jan. 6, 2021. During Mr. Trump’s presidency he gave Russia classified information, abandoned our Kurdish allies and threatened to pull us out of NATO, all in service of Vladimir Putin.

Mr. Trump disrespects the American Military and he saluted a North Korean General. In the Korean War around 37,000 Americans died, 92,000 were wounded and around 8,000 are missing defending our democracy. The war ended in a stalemate with no peace treaty, meaning we are technically still at war with North Korea.

Mr. Trump saluted a North Korean General. As a combat veteran and patriot I find this is so un-American that this alone should disqualify him for the Presidency. For those reasons and many more, former national security and military officials published an open letter endorsing Vice-President Kamala Harris writing: “This election is a choice between serious leadership and vengeful impulsiveness.”

This open letter was signed and endorsed by more than 700 former officials including 15 retired four-star generals, 12 former Cabinet-level officials and more than 120 ambassadors. Because our Constitutional democracy is at stake in this election, former Republican Vice President Dick Cheney and his daughter, former Congresswoman Liz Cheney are supporting Democrat Vice President Kamala Harris for the Presidency.

This should not be a hard choice as the Biden-Harris administration brought back manufacturing jobs with the passage of the Chips and Science Act. Micron Technology is building a $100 billion chip manufacturing campus near Syracuse and Edwards Vacuum is building in Genesee County. GlobalFoundries, AMD, MenloMicro and TTM Technologies have all made major investments in New York.

Even Republicans have acknowledged how legislation passed by Democrats have improved the lives of our neighbors.  In a comment section in Westside News, (Aug. 25th), Republicans touted the benefits of the American Rescue Plan, legislation passed with no Republican support, writing that the funding from this legislation will “expand opportunities” for senior citizens, new services for veterans, and enriched after school programs for our youth.  Moody’s Analytics examined the economic models put forth by the candidates and concluded that a second Trump presidency would be an economic disaster.

Donald Trump and his Republican enablers are trying to confuse voters with their constant lies. For example, they know that non-citizens cannot vote in national elections and that is why they are blaming them for all our problems.

The lies have resulted in bomb threats against children, but they keep doubling down on these lies. Democracy demands citizen participation. If our experiment with self-government is to continue, we must be engaged. I urge you to vote this election for Democrats. If you need assistance please contact election officials for help.

William Fine


Trump has shown us who he is many times, a person who lies and disrespects the rule of law

Posted 11 October 2024 at 5:29 pm


This is a response to “Harris has a pattern of deflecting, not answering questions,” which was posted on Oct. 9.

I respectfully disagree with many of the statements made in the above-mentioned opinion piece, particularly the author’s assertion that Donald Trump “does not shy away from difficult issues.” I also disagree with the notion that Donald Trump has consistent and transparent policy visions and offer additional details (some opinionated) below which readers can evaluate for themselves.

Trump does not shy away from difficult issues:

  • Donald Trump declined a second debate with Kamala Harris after his performance during their first. Recall this false and bizarre statement about Haitian immigrants: “They’re eating the dogs! They’re eating the cats! They’re eating the pets of the people that live there!” That is indeed a difficult assertion to defend.
  • Donald Trump declined to participate in the exact same 60 Minutes interview that the author criticizes Kamala Harris’s attendance in.
  • Donald Trump declined to testify during his civil defamation trial brought by E. Jean Carroll after stating to the press that he wanted to.
  • Donald Trump declined to testify during his criminal trial brought by Alvin Bragg after stating to the press that he would.

He has made his vision very transparent.

Purging the USA of foreign gangs:

  • Donald Trump’s plan for this is to sanction one day of extreme violence to deter future crime.

Stopping the gateway for fentanyl and other drugs:

  • Donald Trump called on the Republican Party to vote down a bipartisan boarder bill so that he could continue to use the border crisis as a campaign issue. Sponsored by Republican Senator Chris Murphy, the bill was described by Greg Chen, senior director of government relations for the American Immigration Lawyers Association, as ‘probably the most extensive border funding and security package that we’ve seen in decades’.

Creating citizen/work release for qualified immigrants:

  • Donald Trump has a history of bad faith, cruel policies toward migrants and immigration. The previous Trump administration’s immigration policies lead to the separation of minors from their parents and relatives. Some families still have not been reunited.
  • Donald Trump campaigned to end birthright citizenship.
  • Donald Trump campaigned to deport Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio who are there legally.

Strengthening our military (See Promoting world peace below).

Supporting our veterans:

  • Donald Trump mocked John McCain for being captured during combat.
  • Donald Trump referred to fallen soldiers losers and suckers.
  • Donald Trump refused to be photographed in the presence of military amputees because “it doesn’t look good for me.”
  • Donald Trump dismissed head injuries sustained by soldiers during an Iranian missile strike as headaches.
  • Donald Trump canceled a visit to the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery near Paris in 2018 because it was raining.
  • Donald Trump told former White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, “I don’t get it. What was in it for them?” when visiting Arlington National Cemetery.

Developing energy independence:

  • The United States achieved energy independence in 2019 and 2022 marked the highest level of US energy independence since before 1950. “Drill Baby Drill” is not a policy.

Promoting world peace:

  • Donald Trump provoked North Korea by calling Kim Jong Un “Little Rocket Man” and threatened that they would be met with “Fire and Fury.”
  • Donald Trump constantly criticizes and threatens to pull out of NATO which is the world’s strongest peace-keeping military alliance.
  • Donald Trump claims he can negotiate the end of the war in Ukraine in 24 hours which is utterly and completely fantastical.
  • Donald Trump stood next to Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, Finland in 2018 and denied that Russia interfered in the 2016 election, disregarding overwhelming evidence to the contrary gathered by United States intelligence agencies.

Controlling inflation:

  • Donald Trump plans to implement tariffs indiscriminately which economists predict will exacerbate inflation.
  • Donald Trump’s administration added $7.8 trillion to the national debt during his administration. Not exactly a demonstration of fiscal responsibility.

The author’s article which I reference began with the following quote from Maya Angelou: “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.”

On this, we agree. Donald Trump has repeatedly demonstrated his intellectual shortcomings, propensity for lying, and his contempt for the rule of law.

It is deeply regrettable that a reality show in the early 2000s was able to rehabilitate Donald Trump’s image after decades of business failures to one of a successful businessman and capable leader when this is objectively not true.

In reality, Donald Trump is a deeply flawed individual who suffers from malignant narcissism and is incapable of empathy or admission of any wrongdoing. He is not brilliant nor a “stable” genius. He is a failed businessman multiple times over who was lucky enough to have a wealthy father to bail him out of financial hardships of his own making time and time again.

Donald Trump eventually became an unlikely celebrity with his brazenness and shameless self-promotion. He remains a bizarre spectacle at his campaign rallies where his talking points are about past grievances, the “late, great Hannibal Lecter,” how he’d rather be electrocuted than eaten by sharks, and how “windmills” (he means wind turbines) cause cancer.

After watching coverage of these rallies, I fail to glean from them any modicum of a policy or vision for the future. Not only does Donald Trump fail the litmus test for competency and normalcy, let’s also not forget that he was impeached twice as president, was found liable twice for defamation and sexual assault, and is a convicted felon who is awaiting sentencing and possible incarceration.

The electorate will decide in November if this conduct is befitting of one seeking the Presidency of the United States. My vote will reflect that it is not.

Adam Mark


Many challenges impact rural EMS services, including in Orleans County

Posted 10 October 2024 at 10:00 am


Over the last several years I have been asked a number of questions and been presented with countless concerns regarding the emergency medical services (EMS) within our rural county.

Additionally, I have read lots of comments on social media from EMS providers, former EMS providers and the general public that are from folks that are misinformed or are just telling flat out lies.

What I have realized is there is a general lack of public knowledge about the EMS system, so here is the truth about the struggles we face as one of the smallest counties in New York trying to ensure that the public has an ambulance that responds during your time of need.  This will barely scratch the surface of the EMS issues we face, but it will give you a high-level overview.

First, I think it’s important for everyone to understand where we were 20 years ago, versus where we are now in regard to service. In 2004 there were 2,876 requests for ambulance service within Orleans County, despite a population decrease of around 3,000 people the requests for service in 2023 were 5,159, which is decline from the 5,600+ requests that took place in 2022 and 2021.

In 2004, including staffed career ambulances there were 13 ambulances in the county with 3-4 of them being staffed. Now we are down to 6 total and depending on the time of day between 3-5 are staffed. All of the fire department-based volunteer ambulance services stopped providing this service due to rising costs and the declining number of EMS providers.

The cost of operating an ambulance service is expensive, there is no way around it, especially if you want to attract good employees and provide competitive wages and benefits. To operate a single ALS ambulance 24 hours a day 7 days a week, it comes with a price tag of around $1 million per year. Although the ambulance bills for the services that it provides but in a rural county it’s just not enough, unfortunately.

I often see comments or get asked, why do we have to pay for ambulance service when other areas get the service for free. Ambulance agencies largely look at what is referred to as the payor mix. The payor mix is the percentage of patients that are covered by Medicare, Medicaid, private insurance or the patient has to pay for the transport themselves.

The Orleans County payor mix is generally around 50-60% Medicaid/Medicare, around 25% private insurance, 10% self-pay, and the remainder being correctional facility transports. In areas where the payor mix is much less lopsided towards Medicaid and Medicare and/or the ambulance service has a higher call volume, the ambulance service is able to generate more revenue. The ambulances have less down time between calls and have shorter transport times, allowing a greater return on investment per ambulance.

Medicaid and Medicare only pay a fraction of the bill, generally in the 20-35% range, and the transport agency does not receive any money for the remainder of the bill. The state correctional facilities pay at the Medicaid rates. Private insurance doesn’t always pay 100% of the bill either and it varies amongst insurance providers and what services were needed. The insurance will determine what they are willing to cover, and the provider is not able to bill for the remainder of that transport. Some ambulance agencies have standing agreements in place with the insurance companies that will guarantee them a certain payment on each transport. Some ambulance agencies choose not to enter into these agreements because they ultimately could lose money. If they don’t have an agreement, they could get paid between 20% and 100% of the invoiced transport cost, versus having the agreement where you know that you will always get a guaranteed percentage of each transport.

We regularly hear concerns over the billing rates. Most agencies set their prices based on the “Anonymous Ambulance Rates,” which is a report of the average rates being charged in an area. The rate charged varies depending on the level of care provided for the patient. There are various levels of billing for different advanced life support (ALS) or basic life support (BLS) services that are provided. For mileage, it doesn’t matter where the ambulance comes from you are only charged for transported miles. Because we live in a rural area, the first 17 miles of transport are charged at a higher rate.

Calls are dispatched based on the questions the Public Safety Communications Specialist asks the caller, known as Emergency Medical Dispatching (EMD). After asking a series of questions an EMD code and a priority level of the call are determined. Based on the priority, an ALS Ambulance or a BLS Ambulance is dispatched. ALS Ambulances are sent on the most severe calls – respiratory distress, chest pain, strokes, cardiac arrest, etc.  BLS Ambulances are sent on the less severe calls, such as general illnesses, falls, broken bones, etc.

Another comment we get often is in regard to responses with lights and sirens. People will ask “Why didn’t they respond with lights and sirens”? The answer is two-fold, its generally based on the priority system we discussed earlier as determined through the EMD process. The other part is based on crew discretion, as to whether or not a response with lights and sirens is going to make a difference in the patient outcome.

There are numerous studies that show that the time savings is minimal, and that the difference in patient outcomes are not impacted. In fact, it’s become more of an exception to transport with lights and sirens, rather than the norm that it used to be. It’s safer for the patient, the crew, and the public when lights and sirens aren’t used.

Largely, the EMS service dilemma comes down to people and money. In regard to the people aspect, we lack the volunteers to operate at the levels that we once used to.  Secondly, people largely abuse the EMS system and call for an ambulance when a simple car ride to their own doctor, the urgent care or ER would suffice. In a world where things are built safer and our county population has declined by 3,000 people, the number of requests for an ambulance should not have nearly doubled in 20 years’ time. People think that taking the ambulance is going to get them seen faster in the ER, but that doesn’t in fact work. The patient is transported in, triaged and then seen in the same order they would have been had they walked in the door on their own.

In regard to money, those who have it want to keep it, and those who need it are left begging for it. The money aspect is simple…insurance companies, Medicaid, and Medicare pay peanuts, and leave the ambulance services trying to figure out how to make their budgets whole. This then comes back to people, both elected officials and EMS agency leadership, to try and figure out where to get the funding and what levels of service are acceptable for the protection of a community.

What is the right balance to cover the call volume? How do you account for the surge? The other day there were 12 EMS calls in just over 3 hours. It’s not cost effective for the ambulance services, the municipalities or the taxpayers to staff at that level, especially when there are days where there are only 1-2 calls the whole day. The mutual aid system is there to assist with these times of surge, but there is such a demand on the system some days that even the mutual aid isn’t available.

The elected officials’ contract for a level of service they feel will adequately cover the community.  When we hear ambulances coming from another agency to cover a call, or from out of the county, the call volume at that moment is beyond what the contracted services were able to cover. This is not the fault of the provider or the elected officials.

This is a metric that needs to be monitored, and if this is beyond the acceptable level of risk to the elected officials and the public, the number of ambulances that are contracted for need to be adjusted. The money/public safety balance can become a real challenge for elected officials and ambulance service leadership, and these are responsibilities that I am not envious of.

The EMTs and Paramedics are also severely behind in both pay and benefits when compared to other first responders. The wages have come a long way since where they were pre-covid, but still fail in comparison to firefighters and law enforcement officers.  Law enforcement and fire retirements systems enable the employee to retire after 20-25 years of service. Some EMS agencies don’t even offer retirement, let alone pay wages where a provider could start saving on their own. Several providers work for 2-3 different agencies just to make ends meet for their family. Yet we wonder why we have issues with burnout, recruitment and retention.

There is a plethora of legislative issues in NY that aren’t helping the money or people problem. Slowly there have been a few changes, but not the sweeping changes that are needed to overhaul the EMS system.

Did you know that EMS is not an essential service required by law? Neither the town nor county are required by any statute to provide ambulance service. That’s just one of the many issues that we face, and that could be a whole other topic of conversation, but a quick Google search for NY EMS legislation will bring up a variety of the legislative battles that are currently ongoing.

We never hear the good news stories! For every 100 complaints that I hear about an EMS agency, I might hear one positive thing. This is a different world we live in now, people don’t always have the same morals, ethics, motivations, or drive, that they used to.

I have worked with some really good providers and some really bad ones. No matter where you go or what the name is on the side of the ambulance that pulls up, there will be good and there will be bad.

Unfortunately, with the challenges that EMS agencies face trying to hire staff some slip through the cracks for longer than they should. If you had a bad experience, I would encourage you to reach out to the ambulance service’s leadership. Complaining on social media isn’t going to resolve anything. However, I would also encourage you to share your positive experiences too. This is often times a thankless job. No one is doing it to get rich; they’re doing it to give back, to help others, and sometimes a little positive recognition goes a long way.

It’s a challenging time we live in on a variety of levels. The dollar we earn doesn’t go near the distance it used to at home, and it certainly doesn’t in the EMS services. These services we once took for granted have dwindled to a fraction of what they once were.

It’s going to take an understanding of what the EMS service once was, what it currently is, and where it needs to be to right the ship and finding sustainable financial solutions to make it all happen.

There is a lot of bashing of providers and agencies, but at the end of the day, the name or color of the ambulance doesn’t matter, the uniform of the provider that gets out doesn’t matter…the safety of the public is all that matter and needs to be the number one priority.

Justin Niederhofer

Orleans County Emergency Management Director

Harris has pattern of deflecting, not answering questions

Posted 9 October 2024 at 9:17 am


“When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.”— Maya Angelou

Kamala Harris certainly confirmed the truth of this quote during her 60 Minutes interview with CBS correspondent, Bill Whitaker. As always, she struggled to offer any clarity on the key issues such as immigration and border security.

When Whitaker pressed her on whether the Biden/Harris administration should have responded sooner to the horrific migration crisis, she declined to give her opinion. One of her signature tactics is to sidestep into a different issue, which she did by redirecting the topic at hand.

I’m sure she found Whitaker’s questions hard to tackle such as “Why did your administration loosen restrictions on immigration that led to a quadrupling of illegal migration into America?” It was obvious she didn’t know what to say. This too is a pattern. When she becomes overwhelmed or dumbfounded by a question she finds distasteful, she either talks in circles like a dog chasing its tail, or she tries to pump up her credibility by citing dissociated events.

Over time it has become apparent she is more comfortable in superficial settings such as “Call Her Daddy.” This type of arena gives her freedom to talk about herself and her campaign and steers clear of important topics such as immigration and the Biden administration’s response to Hurricane Helene. I’d like to know how she is going to fix immigration, address the Middle East conflict and reset the economy. Her colorless and disconnected counters on these vital issues leave her audience in a stupor of confusion.

On the flip side of the coin, Trump does not shy away from difficult issues. He made peace between Kim Jong Un and Moon, becoming the first sitting US President to not only meet a North Korean leader but also enter that land. He calmed the ever brewing Middle East storm between Israel and the UAE, Bahrain, Morocco and Sudan.

He has made his vision very transparent:

  • Purging the USA of foreign gangs
  • Stopping the gateway for fentanyl and other drugs
  • Creating citizen/work release for qualified immigrants
  • Strengthening our military
  • Supporting our veterans
  • Developing energy independence
  • Promoting world peace
  • Controlling inflation

Trump supports the police and prioritizes law and order and citizen safety. This means peaceful demonstrations, not riots.

Many people are looking ahead to what the next four years will be like, but I encourage everyone to look at the last four years.

There is a lot of work ahead. Work to improve social security, work to reduce our country’s debt and taxes and work for voting for citizens only.

During Trump’s time as President, he accomplished a great deal and proved his diligence, unlike Harris, whose time as VP has been riddled with incoherent, muddled verbiage, chaos and unfinished assignments. To expect the latter to now morph into someone who is suddenly going to handle an even more challenging job, is fodder for a fantasy novel.

Mary Mager

Fairport, formerly of Albion

Trump and Vance dodge truth, make big promises in trying to drum up support

Posted 6 October 2024 at 11:30 am


To undecided voters, be sure to not confuse what do you know and what do you think you know. Trust history, not imagination. That requires looking for real facts, logical explanations, and not mere conclusions. Bragging does not count.

Ignore partisan TV and personalities.  And read the link below to an interview that makes clear that freedom as we know it is at stake.

For 9 years everyday has brought new turns and twists. More accusations, more promises, more threats, and more bragging. So much I only write about a few things since the VP debate.

Recently Trump, Vance and Fox have been claiming criminal immigrants/illegals “walk free” based on ICE reports. In fact ICE reports use the words  “in detention” and “not in detention.” That basically means “in prison” but not held by ICE itself.

The reality is Biden decided to clean up decades of mess by locating and arresting these criminals.

The recent accusation Biden is taking FEMA money for ICE is false! Look it up. Actually it was Trump who did that.

Look it up. Remember Maria and the Puerto Rico aid disaster. Remember delaying disaster aid to Blue States. All Trump.

At the debate Vance claimed a Federal Reserve “study” shows immigrants are driving up the price of houses. That is playing the blame game. Vance’s  follow up “proof” was a quote from one member of the regional Houston Branch who simply said: “Given.. current low inventory of affordable housing ….(In some areas)… new immigrants could result in upwards pressure…”

Trump’s so-called plan for housing is to stop immigration but that does not level the playing field with Trump’s big property developer donors. (Vance used to do that and still gets money from his big money mentor.)

Harris’ proposal appears to use USDA-type grants and incentives to spur private housing.  The fundamental idea is proven. Whether or not there will be similar repayment terms or recapture for early sales appears to be an open question. But it’s doable.

Vance was so intent on claiming immigrants are eating pets he tried to talk over Walz and denied the existence of long standing (Reagan Era) Visa law. Both mics got cut. (Walz, not the attorney, knew the law.)

Walz did call one Vance answer “damning.” It deserves attention as Trump has left so many people who have anything to do with him fallen in his wake.

Presidents, vice presidents, congressmen and lawyers all take an oath to support the Constitution. Vance refuses to pledge he will support the final vote count after each governor certifies their state’s vote.

Pence honored his oath. Not on the ticket. Vance however is a proven charlatan. A never Trumper who is willing to break the same fundamental oath all our soldiers take and many have died for.

That is critical stuff!

Similarly Trump’s lawyers – those who joined him in his dishonorable ways – learned  the hard way. Falsify papers and claims and you get disbarred.

Giuliani testified he had “hoped” he could find proof of what he said in his speeches around the country and under oath to the courts. All he ever actually had, all any of them had, was exactly on tape from which 8 hours was deleted. Those hours showed continuous surveillance of ballots Giuliani and others said were tampered with.

The various court cases and disbarments trials laid out the bogus claims in detail but Trump people avoid reading anything different than what he tells them. Evidence is what you see, hear, and facts you read. Trust evidence and not Trump or those who repeat what he says as fact.

At the debate Vance was such a Trump puppy his math was bad! Harris spending 1.5 trillion to help people is covered by letting Trump’s tax cuts expire. Trump adding another 5.8 trillion of tax cuts adds 5.8 trillion to the debt. On follow up he dodged explaining the difference.

Actually, as we all recently lived through, big tax cuts result in a spurt and then lead to inflation which peaks in about two to three years. And that’s assuming tariffs do not collapse middle class buying power before then. Tariffs result in price rises as the supply chain is restocked. Economists are united on this fairly obvious fact as companies pay tariffs, not nations as Trump repeatedly claims.

The entire goal of moving production back here requires building and getting plants on line first. Biden started that job two years ago. It’s solid stuff Harris will continue and finish. It’s a matter of putting first things first. Trump’s lines from the teleprompter leave that out.

After the debate, the DC Court complied with the new SCOTUS requirements and the  released materials showing Trump was not innocent Jan 6th. There were documented months his convicted or still charged accomplices laid illegal and multiple contingency plans. And only a crook  would say “so what” when warned about, and asked to intervene, when his VP was close to getting killed. That’s from multiple witnesses.

Believe this if nothing else! When it comes to Pence’s danger and possible death there is no reason Trump can not step up and deny saying something which is false. His silence signifies guilt!

See if this fits Trump and Vance. Everything is wrong or someone else’s fault. That they leave out that Republicans were the big force pushing for trade deals and behind tax cut deficits for several decades. Their policies are tailored to give specific groups what they want – the top few percent, large  corporations, fringe groups, with some bones to people who are impressed when they get quick and easy answers.

In the debate Vance, the Yale Law School grad who said Trump uses Hitler’s tactics, got a A on slick-talking in the debate but got a F for honesty. He believes democracy is outmoded. For more read “What JD Vance Really Believes.” The interview and review starts down the page (Click here).

It seems with Harris and Walz they always acknowledge we are privileged to live in a great country with decent hard-working people. They talk about time-proven type solutions. They know since the Declaration of Independence that freedom, happiness for all, and prosperity for everyone without bias take priority.

Walz’ debate showed he could bring his gun and fit right here in living in Orleans County. He is a good man with good ideas and plans whose state ranks first in so many areas it’s hard to count.

Ben Franklin said that Democracy is fragile. Do your homework.

Conrad F. Cropsey


Tenney hasn’t been good advocate for veterans, families in WNY

Posted 6 October 2024 at 8:46 am


I am asking you to vote for David Wagenhauser for Congress this Nov. 5th. Congresswoman Claudia Tenney does not represent veterans.

She voted against H.R. 1836 The Guard and Reserve GI Bill Parity Act which would ensure that Guard and Reservists receive credit for every day they spend in uniform counts towards GI Bill benefits. Prior to this legislation they only earned credit towards GI benefits when they were federally mobilized.

Ms. Tenney voted against Ensuring Veterans’ Smooth Transition Act, H.R. 4673. This legislation enrolled servicemembers in VA healthcare during their transition out of the military, simplifying the process and taking critical steps to prevent veteran suicides.

Most disturbing, Ms. Tenney voted against the PACT Act, H.R. 3967. Since the passage of the PACT Act over one million claims have been approved for health benefits. Members of the military are asked to sacrifice for this country defending the Constitution and this country should provide for its servicemembers. Ms. Tenney voted against providing healthcare for those who defend our freedoms.

Ms. Tenney voted against jobs in her district voting against domestic production of semiconductors, (H.R.4346). That legislation led to Edwards Vacuum, a British company involved in technology to create flat-screen displays and solar cell photovoltaics, building a plant in Genesee County.

She opposed the infrastructure legislation (H.R. 3684), which will repair and improve roads, bridges, airports, and railroads. This legislation will create good-paying jobs and economic growth throughout her district and in which she is already taking credit. Instead Ms. Tenney supported H.R. 2811 which Moody’s Analytics stated would have result in 780,000 fewer jobs.

Ms. Tenney opposes family values. She voted against the Respect for Marriage Act (H.R. 8404), which recognizes that a marriage in one state is valid in all states. She voted against the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act, (H.R. 1065). This law requires covered employers to provide “reasonable accommodation” to employee’s limitations related to pregnancy unless the accommodations will cause the employer an undue hardship.

Ms. Tenney voted against re-issuing the Violence Against Woman’s Act, (H.R. 1620). She voted against H.R. 8373, the Right to Contraception Act. That name says it all; Do you want the government to control what contraception you can use if any as Ms. Tenney believes or do you want to have control over your choices.

From veterans to jobs to family values Ms. Tenney does not represent the citizens of Western New York. We need a representative not ideologue. Please vote for David Wagenhauser.

William Fine


Writer misrepresents proposition on the ballot

Posted 3 October 2024 at 10:22 am


I knew nothing of Proposition #1 on this year’s ballot until I read the letter from Mr. Lauricella. I did some digging and here is the text with changes to our current constitution as stated below:

“Concurrent Resolution of the Senate and Assembly proposing an amendment to section 11 of article 1 of the constitution, in relation to equal protection: Section 1. Resolved (if the Assembly concur), That section 11 of article 1 of the constitution be amended to read as follows:

Ҥ 11. a. No person shall be denied the equal protection of the laws of this state or any subdivision thereof. No person shall, because of race, color, ethnicity, national origin, age, disability, creed [or], religion, or sex, including sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy, pregnancy outcomes, and reproductive healthcare and autonomy, be subjected to any discrimination in [his or her] their civil rights by any other person or by any firm, corporation, or institution, or by the state or any agency or subdivision of the state, pursuant to law.

“b. Nothing in this section shall invalidate or prevent the adoption of any law, regulation, program, or practice that is designed to prevent or dismantle discrimination on the basis of a characteristic listed in this section, nor shall any characteristic listed in this section be interpreted to interfere with, limit, or deny the civil rights of any person based upon any other characteristic identified in this section.

“§  2. Resolved (if the Assembly concur), That the foregoing amendment be submitted to the people for approval at the general election to be held in the year 2024 in accordance with the provisions of the election law.”

In my reading I fail to see the conclusions drawn by the letter’s author. I will also add that I am not endorsing this amendment merely giving your readers the opportunity to make an informed decision based on their personal interpretation of the material.

Thank you.

Dayton Hausman


Voters urged to consider Wagenhauser as local Congressional representative

Posted 2 October 2024 at 4:39 pm


Neighbors, regardless of where you identify along the political spectrum, even if you don’t identify with a particular political party, you are not alone.

Of the approximately 25,000 registered voters in Orleans County, about 48% identify as Republican. But, 24% are registered without affiliating with any political party, 21% identify as Democrat, 3% identify as Conservative, and others identify with smaller political parties such as Working Families.

The U.S. House of Representatives election is every bit as important as the presidential election. All of Orleans County will be voting for the 24th congressional seat this fall. It takes balance among the Congressional, Executive, and Judicial branches of government to create checks and balances to ensure the most can be served in the best manner possible while also caring for the most vulnerable among us.

David Wagenhauser (DaveForUpstate.com) is seeking election as our Congressperson because he has ties to our area and knows how important Social Security and Medicare are to us as pillars of our retirement plans. He knows women need health care appropriate to their very individual situations. He recognizes that to actually create policy, all parties need to work together, gathering benevolent coalitions that actually move policy forward into practice. Dave promotes term limits to prevent entrenched career politicians from obstructing progress.

Meanwhile, our incumbent Congressperson, Claudia Tenney (ClaudiaForCongress.com), has tied herself tightly to a former president who seems incapable of rallying, debating, or interviewing without spreading lies to a degree that whole communities are disrupted and dragged through the mud. Of the 10 U.S. House Republicans from NY, last week Tenney was alone in voting against continuing funding of the government while even better solutions are reached.

Early voting begins Saturday, Oct. 26. Please make sure you are registered at your current legal address and do some research to make informed decisions.

This year’s election is too important to sit out. Let’s come out of Nov. 5 proud that Orleans County has an amazing voter turn-out.

Beth Wood


Shelby’s town financial records should be available to all board members and the public

Posted 2 October 2024 at 9:21 am


This is written in response to Mr. Rogenmoser’s letter. According to New York law, the Town Board has legal authority and oversight over the financial and legal records of the town. Under Town Law § 64, the Town Board is responsible for the general management and control of the town’s finances, and this includes overseeing financial records and decisions. The board as a whole, not just individual officials such as the town supervisor, must have access to financial records to carry out its oversight duties effectively.

Additionally, under Town Law §30, the town clerk has custody of al town records, books, and papers, and must maintain accurate records of all town proceedings, ensuring they are accessible to the Town Board and, through the Freedom of Information Law (FOIL), to the public as well.

While the supervisor, as treasurer, handles the day-to-day custody of town funds, financial

records must be available to the entire board for transparency and proper governance. Any claim that the town bookkeeper, supervisor, or auditors are the only ones with access to legal or financial records is blatantly false and inaccurate.

I took state-sponsored training in person. Councilperson Limina took state-sponsored training in person. To my knowledge, Shelby’s other board members, including the supervisor, have not completed this same training.

During the state’s recent audit, it was implied by the supervisor and bookkeeper that they had taken training, but neither the state nor the board has been shown any proof. Whatever training they referenced has not been made clear. Had anyone, other than myself and Councilperson Limina, participated in state-sponsored training, they might be more aware of the laws and policies essential to running the town, rather than spreading misinformation and confusion among residents.

Ed Zelazny

Councilperson Shelby

Voters urged to oppose Proposition 1 on the ballot in upcoming election

Posted 30 September 2024 at 8:54 am


Early voting will start on Oct. 26. On the ballot will be a proposition that will amend the state constitution. Prop 1, which is called the equal rights amendment. Now who could be against a nice friendly sounding name like that. You should be.

Prop 1 would create new constitutional rights allowing minors to undergo medical transgender procedures without parental consent. Schools would be prohibited from informing parents if their child is transitioning unless the child gives consent. This undermines parents’ rights and puts our children at risk.

This will also destroy fairness in sports. Biological males will have a constitutional right to compete on female sports teams. Jeopardizing fairness in athletic competitions and potentially taking away scholarships from deserving real female athletes.

 Taxpayer-funded benefits for illegal Immigrants. Prop 1 could open the door to illegal immigrants to claim new taxpayer-funded benefits under the guise of “equality.” This is a blatant attempt to put the needs and interests of illegal immigrants ahead of hard-working New Yorkers.

Silencing free speech. Under the broad and vague language of this amendment religious organizations and charitable groups could be punished for their beliefs, threatening their ability to serve our communities and uphold our values.

The groomers are coming after our children and our daughters, while moving ahead to further destroy free speech and put illegal immigrants first ahead of the hard-working, over-taxed citizens of our state and country.

This information is brought to you by the Conservative Party. We are involved. We are here to inform you and we care about your family, our state and country. Vote “No” on Prop 1 early or on Nov. 5.

Paul Lauricella


Orleans County Conservative Party Chairman

Veteran appreciates Hawley for leading Patriot Trip

Posted 25 September 2024 at 5:40 pm


A huge thank you goes out to Assemblyman Steve Hawley, his staff Eileen Banker and Jayleen Carney, and all the other volunteers who made last week’s Patriot Trip for veterans traveling to our nation’s capital a resounding success. This was the 16th yearly September trip that was organized, with more promised for the future.

This wonderful 4-day adventure had over 100 veterans, family members and friends traveling to Washington, DC and the surrounding area. The military theme that was choreographed for us was very well established for this first-time participant. The logistics included numerous service-related museums, memorials, Arlington National Cemetery: the list goes on and on.

My thoughts are that if you are a veteran and ever have a chance to climb aboard and travel on this bus of future adventure, it will be well worth your time and effort. New friends and history lessons will await you.

Thank you again!

Jim Pratt

USN – USNR “Retired”


Some Shelby board members look for ‘gotcha’ moments to embarrass town officials

Posted 25 September 2024 at 7:56 am


Recently the Town Board received a letter accusing Councilman Schiffer of property tax fraud. The signee and the other people involved in the writing of this letter did a lot of research. They Google Earthed the property to look for improvements, they drove by to scrutinize and saw a power pole supplying electricity, they researched the town tax records and had the exact amount paid on said lot.

In the letter they demanded that Councilman Schiffer apologize in public, step down as Councilman and pay restitutions. However, the only thing that they did not research was the lot number and address!

The lot that they referred to is not the lot that they researched. The lot that coincides with the tax paid that they were referring to is an undeveloped lot he owns which is an old pig farm pasture which floods every year when the Feeder Creek overflows.

I’m am sure that there were others involved in this investigation. I know who went to the town and inquired about his personal property tax payments. It wasn’t the signee. They simply used him as their cover as they did not have the moral character or the integrity to sign themselves. He has gotten permits for every improvement on the lot that they researched. This reminds me of what the Federal DOJ is doing to try and eliminate a political opponent  only it’s right here in Shelby!

I demand that the signee and the others involved stand up at the next Town Board meeting and publicly apologize to Councilman Schiffer. (I know that the persons that helped but wouldn’t sign won’t  as they have already shown their colors). Some members of the board are genuinely trying to do what is best for the residents of Shelby. Others are using every meeting to grandstand and are looking for gotcha moments.

Our department heads are elected by us because we believe in their integrity and ability to do the job and make the best decisions for Shelby. I watch month after month these people get berated.

I watched our Highway Superintendent’s request to purchase a needed trailer (which the money was in his budget) get postponed for months as certain council members wanted to do more research. A member whom I am sure never bought a wagon to pull behind their lawnmower demand the specifications from a man who grew up on  one of the largest farms in Orleans County and owns a trucking company. If I needed a trailer for a specific purpose, he is the one person that I would ask what to get! This was demeaning and grandstanding at its worst.

I watched our bookkeeper get berated month after month until she quit. Yes we have had some fiscal problems but none of them are due to corruption. Some funds were misappropriated to the wrong accounts and there were severe software problems. No money is missing from Shelby!

The auditors have all agreed on this and most of the board is working diligently to rectify the problem.

Certain board members have been privately telling that they are being denied access to the books. They do not have the legal right to look at the books. The bookkeeper, Town Supervisor and auditors are the only ones with legal access. The councilman’s responsibility is to approve major purchases, period. Overstepping your bounds is again just grandstanding. This is not the Shelby way.

Most of us care deeply about our neighbors. If we have a question about a decision, an assumed impropriety, a rumor, an upcoming issue, etc. we go to that person man to man, woman to man or woman to woman, whatever the case may be and we ask them straight out. We don’t wait to bring it up in public hoping for a gotcha.


James C. Rogenmoser


Trump and his supporters happily embrace ‘big lies’ about Harris, immigration

Posted 24 September 2024 at 8:06 am


The Russians do not respect freedom. In the ’50s they researched Hitler’s “Big Lie.” Hitler and his propaganda machine persuaded people to go to war and commit atrocities. The Russians  determined it takes two months of repetition to convince people lies are true.

The many faces and uses of the Big Lie are partially enumerated by the conservative Hoover Institute. (Click here for more information.)

Trump apparently learned about the Big Lie from Mein Kampf. He kept the book by his bed, according to ex-wife Ivana. (Click here for more information.)

At the very least he knew enough to instruct aides to keep repeating known lies. (Click here for more information.)  Link.

(For those interested, check the testimony of his Jan. 6th Chief of  Staff Mark Meadows and see what Trump really knows. It tracks others’ testimony. Meadows came clean about what Trump knows about his lies when he, Meadows, was under oath in front of a grand jury. (Click here for more information.)

Two recent letters reminded me of the Big Lie. Both letters had points worthy of discussion but either had bad facts or conclusions which do not square with reality as I will document. They also help make a bigger point.

One said Harris did not have a distinguished career. I am familiar with her work as Attorney General and frequently saw her in  the wee hours of the morning when I squeezed in C-SPAN while she was in the Senate. She was just as impressive as commentators say. I thought the fact that Harris decimated Trump in the debate would make the point.

(At least I did not hear that writer claim Harris does not have an economic plan. I wrote about it. But for those willing to be bored by policy  and plans, minutia can be found on her web site.)

However,  Trump saying she is “dumb” and the writer, unexpectedly, claiming that Harris is not accomplished is part of Trump’s Big Lie.

In fact the national Republican Party has known she was on the horizon because Karl Rove, then in retirement, spotted her 15 years ago. He ran Bush’s campaigns and persuaded the national party to pour money into a State race to try to derail her AG run and inevitable rise. (Click here and here for more information.)

That letter also derided  Vice President Cheney with accurate research. But as I told a good friend who was horrified by VP Cheney’s inclusion, “Shut up and take the win.”

One person does not undo the impact of the hundreds of warnings issued about Trump from highly respected Republican officials and dignitaries. This wave of top conservative Republicans crossing ideological lines to support Harris due to the dangers of Trump’s delusions is historic and telling.

The other writer’s letter is trickier. For over 70 years we have haphazardly patched ever-changing and multiple immigration issues. They are not holding up well.

The entire world is now suffering from mass migration problems and our patches are blowing out.

The letter missed a few things. 1) Trump’s last year, 2020, was an all time low due to special Covid restrictions and not a typical year to look at. 2 ) In raw numbers, in 2024 Biden is indeed doing better than Trump’s worse years in ’18 and ’19.

But whatever the numbers – and for decades they are not great – the writer fell for lies about what the numbers on immigration mean!

One Big Lie is the claim there is now a flood of immigrant/illegal criminals. Not so! Cherry picking a few tragedies is not a flood or a trend. Immigrant crime is a disproportionately very small fraction of our total crime rate. (Click here for more information.)

I previously documented that for thirty years crime rates are sinking. With immigration each president sets priorities on how ICE allocates resources. Biden directed that ICE emphasize national security, border safety and public safety.

Here is a brief history by each recent president. Trump’s priorities you will recall resulted in tent cities and inability to process and admit or return detainees. Safety was not a high priority. Being Hispanic was.  (Click here for more information.)

There is a second Big Lie circulating that Hispanics are a drain on society.  In fact the US Latino population collectively has the 4th highest GDP in the world. The rate of increase in what they contribute to the US outpaces both India’s and China’s growth rates. (Click here for more information.)

They fill countless needed jobs and pay a ton of tax! (Click here for more information.)

We need immigration to fill jobs. Unemployment is near all-time lows and the investments in infrastructure and industry are finally ready after decades in the pipeline under the Biden-Harris Inflation Reduction Act.

On policy itself, Trump now says his immigration solution will be bloody. He is focused on the southern border – really on “brown” people.

Harris wants the fully written and very comprehensive bipartisan bill that was hours from passing last January. We need  to control our borders and immigration but it takes additional resources, as that Harris  Bill provides, to address all aspects.

Trump’s promise to use his Presidential immunity and shoot immigrants in the legs is an un-serious  solution. (Click here for more information.)

I pretty much ignore one repeat writer who strings lies together without pretense of research or analysis but buys into, inter alia, some whoppers which I call the Delusional Lies. Delusional lies – deep state, sovereign state, NATO as a dues paying club – must be addressed to.  See below for a prime example.

(Fortunately none of the writers fall into the recent and vile deflection which blames violence on the candidate who does not talk about violence, does not encourage violence, and does not pretend violence solves problems. That is use of a Big Lie to flip the script.)

In school, one axiom I learned is “Verbum sat sapienti est”. “A word to the wise is sufficient.” But as appears now in the face of Big Lies, a word of actual truth can no longer be expected to easily undo the damage.

That is sad. It’s not a sign of the intellectual and personal integrity true freedom is all about.

I keep wondering how to solve the dilemma. Maybe it’s impossible if people think they are in an exclusive club (cult) but for the rest of us one thought is to start out by applying common sense. Simply put, in the real world there is no way a hidden conspiracy, Deep State, with tens to hundreds of thousands to millions of participants could ever keep the conspiracy secret. That is a Delusional Lie!

I suggest if one sets aside conspiratorial delusions and checks all troubling claims (Big Lies) with actual facts (from sources which are not Trump captives)  the analysis if far different. Rethinking things, taking stock of what’s real, takes you back to days when government told the truth, advanced freedom and the common good. Things do fit logically and make sense.

Conrad F. Cropsey
