letters to the editor/opinion

Our Letters Policy

Posted 24 October 2023 at 3:00 pm

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Election workers deserve appreciation for efforts to ensure fairness

Posted 2 November 2024 at 11:26 am


Gaffes do occur in public and private speaking.  Some come out so badly, or give people the wrong idea, you apologize or clarify but always make sure it never happens  again. The time to put things straight passes Tuesday.

Although Democrats worry about stalling certification in places MAGA has infiltrated, it’s now time to turn to our tireless election workers both Republican and Democrat in countless precincts across the land. They have ensured for 250 +/- years that our democracy endures.

All aspects of voting, an integrally designed system of checks and cross checks most people do not bother to learn, take place under their knowledgeable and watch full eyes.

Democracy is  a beautiful thing. Ours, a beacon lighting the path for the world, is in no small measure due to their selfless contribution.  Thank you to these Patriots.

Conrad F. Cropsey


Voters should make statement against Trump’s prejudice toward immigrants

Posted 2 November 2024 at 9:41 am


Being somewhat of a baseball purist, I was dismayed with the New York Yankees on Wednesday evening as their inability to perform defensively at a Major League level gifted the World Series to the Los Angeles Dodgers.

But far more alarming was former President Donald Trump’s disgusting “promotional piece” which was based upon his conjured “truths,” his outright prejudice, and was a perfect portrayal as to why he is absolutely the least capable presidential candidate in American History.

The portion of it which showed Vice President Harris was so poorly produced that it appeared to have been edited by a 3rd grader. And to think, we were supposed to be impacted by this conglomeration of her computer altered words, that were obviously not contiguous, and actually made no sense in the first place. That was certainly not a true representation of her, but more so likely his vision of what he believes of her, and he wants you to think the same!

Worse yet is his continuous premeditated ignorance regarding migrants and/or immigrants, as he uses these words interchangeably and really has no idea that they are not the same. He insults their culture, race and ethnicity with absolutely vile characterizations that does nothing more than promote his evil and unfounded stereotypes and prejudice. Why, because unfortunately some see that as a strength he possesses, as opposed to further proof of his ignorance. And with that realization alone – he believes that you will vote for him!

In this case my primary concern is for the younger and possibly newer voters, and how they may be processing this newly generated mess of an electoral process. Some of you may know that I am a retired teacher who taught in your community for 15 years and during some election seasons I conducted a very unscientific study that was intended to prove or disprove that most younger voters are more effected by the political position and priorities of their parents than not.

Now, as I said it was a perfectly unscientific study and it was many years ago. But in almost all cases most student’s political views were fairly well matched to their parents or the primary caregivers of their household. Of course there were always students who were perfectly opposite of their parents (like I was in my youth), but for the most part my premise was found to be the case; most of the young people that I was teaching held political beliefs that mirrored the adults at home.

And thus I believe the challenge specific to our community today is for everyone, especially the newest voters, to be strong enough to deny his prejudice, which is presumed, unfounded, and strategic. Look at him and the way that he conducts himself; he’s constantly bombastic for no reason other than to encroach upon your conscience and good will in an effort to make you believe his lies. For he knows that if he lies often enough, and loud enough, you may believe that he must be right.

No, it actually means he is loud simply because he is disguising his own inadequacies, and at the same time promoting his belief that he has some sort of near divine authority. It has absolutely nothing to do with his capabilities to be the leader of the most powerful and influential nation in the world. But for him, and unfortunately for the sake of our community and our nation on the whole, his approach and political strategy to date has been to a degree successful. If you may be a student of history, you might recall how this had worked previously; then known as Hitler’s Generalplan Ost. Lie and divide, lie and divide, lie and divide until your followers are unquestionably in lockstep.

And so I write this with the sincere hope that our newest electorate will vote based upon their emerging intellect, and their personal growth and maturity as the newest and proudest cornerstone of our great democracy.  By your vote please tell our community, our nation and the entire world that former President Trump does not speak for me, or my hopes and dreams for this great nation; for he is not who I am, and he is certainly not who we are.

Doug Miller


Pick a president who is a positive role model and champion for American values

Posted 1 November 2024 at 8:28 am


All politicians are not alike any more than all nurses, teachers and cops are.

Some people seeking office prioritize country and their constitution over political party. Some even respect the law and know the Constitution. Some can tell you what Articles One, Two and Three are about.

Kamala Harris, as a former prosecutor, knows what is contained in amendments nine and ten. She may even have an idea what the introductory clause in amendment two says and may even know what the Founders intended when they included it.

One candidate in 2024 couldn’t tell you what the above referenced articles and amendments say regardless of the consequences of not knowing.

Vladimir Putin and Elon Musk have a favorite this year for good reason. They know which candidate would be far easier to manipulate.

What message are we sending kids if we get it wrong this time? Do we really want number 45 as a role model?

Don’t ever try to say you weren’t warned if we voters screw it up in 2024.

Thank you,

Jeff Lewis – Carlton

Jim Renfrew – Clarendon

Jess Marciano – Ridgeway

Beth Wood – Barre

Kriss Sniffen – Barre

Gary Kent – Albion

Sandra Walter – Albion

Margaret Golden – Waterport

Robert Golden – Waterport

Data center would be bad fit at STAMP site, consuming vast resources for minimal gain

Posted 31 October 2024 at 5:07 pm


I recently learned that the Genesee County Economic Development Center (GCEDC) has approved a proposal from a data center that wants to locate at the WNY Science and Technology Advanced Manufacturing Park (STAMP) mega industrial site.

This plan is environmentally unjust and destructive. It is also fiscally irresponsible and will undermine sustainable economic development of the region.

The 1250-acre STAMP campus is being constructed in a rural agricultural area and is surrounded by a network of public protected lands such as the Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge. The local area is home to several endangered species including the short eared owl and the northern harrier hawk and is a popular stopover point for migrating bird species, who seek out the area’s pristine waters and relative quietude.

Moreover, STAMP is being constructed on the border of the federally recognized Tonawanda Seneca Nation, whose citizens continue to hunt, fish and collect medicines on their homelands. A data center at STAMP would profoundly harm all of the beings who visit and make their homes in this area.

Data centers do not make good neighbors. The noise emitted by data centers is equal to a rock concert, with constant decibel levels between 80 dB and 120 dB. Data centers are also sources of light at night. This noise and light pollution would disrupt migration patterns of birds and drive away local wildlife, impacting subsistence practices of Tonawanda Seneca citizens and also affecting recreational hunting and fishing in the area.

Moreover, data centers are tremendous consumers of water and energy resources. They deplete and contaminate water resources, pollute the air, and strain the power grid. The proposed data center at STAMP, Project Hydroscale, would use 195 mW of electricity daily. It would also use a large quantity of water, which GCEDC proposes to siphon from the Niagara River and transport to the site in a pipeline built to carry up to 6 million gallons daily.

As GCEDC has itself admitted publicly, data centers do not fit the profile of tenants they claim to want to attract to STAMP. Importantly, because they employ a minimal, specialized workforce, they do not contribute in a significant way to local economic development. Rather, they undermine sustainable economic development by sucking up precious resources. Data centers require large plots of land and infrastructure. They are major contributors to global emissions and environmental waste that ends up in landfills due to ever-changing technology.

The lifespan of a data center is approximately 15-20 years. Their intensive resource use is not justified by their economic impact or job creation potential. Data centers represent exactly the kind of development that Western New York cannot afford.

There are already approximately 130 data centers in New York state. Many of them are located near disadvantaged communities, a designation shared by the area around STAMP. A data center at STAMP would represent a grave environmental injustice, unnecessarily waste precious energy and water resources of our Great Lakes bioregion, and negatively impact quality of life for all residents of the area.

The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, whose mandate is to protect our shared natural resources and shared environment, is currently considering GCEDC’s application to serve as lead agency in the SEQRA environmental review process for Project Hydroscale. This must not be allowed. The developer, GCEDC, is not capable of carrying out a rigorous and meaningful environmental review process for their own prospective tenant.

Evelyn Wackett

Wildlife Rehabilitation Specialist


Trump has shown himself to be dangerous to country and Constitution

Posted 31 October 2024 at 8:47 am


There has been a great deal of discussion in this forum regarding the “facts” behind making one’s decision in this year’s presidential election. As someone who misplaced his vote on Donald Trump in 2016, for me personally, it really only comes down to just a few.

FACT #1: Noon, Friday, January 20, 2017

“I, Donald John Trump, do solemnly swear, that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

FACT #2: Saturday, December 3, 2022 – “Truth Social”

@realDonaldTrump: “A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude ALLOWS FOR THE TERMINATION of all rules, regulations, and articles … EVEN THOSE FOUND IN THE CONSTITUTION.”

FACT #3: It is neither the Democrats nor Joe Biden’s “weaponized Department of Justice” that will ultimately bring about Donald Trump’s criminal undoing. It has been thus far, and will continue to be, the Republican witnesses, the Republican evidence, Donald Trump’s own Republican words and a jury of his peers that will take care of that for America. As my dad used to say, “If you have nothing to hide you have nothing to worry about.”

I am by no means a fan of conservative Liz Cheney or her father, but she nailed it on this one: “Republicans cannot be both loyal to Donald Trump and loyal to the Constitution.”

The Constitution of the United States IS America. If, as Donald Trump has personally expressed, that The Constitution “is allowed to be terminated” in part or whole, make no mistake – none of your concerns, none of your opinions, neither the facts, or least of which your right to banter back and forth here publicly in a free press – will ever matter again.  We’ll be fighting alright, but not in a divided, burning house – instead, to the smell of burning parchment with the words “We the People …” blackening into obscurity.

Without The Constitution, there is no America that can ever be “made great” again, by anyone, at any time – including you, your children or your children’s children. In short, it’s over.

Fool yourselves all you want. By his own words and no one else, Donald Trump is that dangerous.

Matthew 7:16 “You shall know them by their fruit.”

Tom Graham


Graham is a member of Albion High School’s Class of 1978.

Trump’s appeal to some veterans is particularly puzzling

Posted 30 October 2024 at 1:42 pm


As I was driving along the other day, I was passed by a car with a “Veteran for Trump” sticker displayed on the bumper.  Even casual observers of both past and present political campaigns are (or should be) well aware of the ex-president’s overwhelmingly negative opinions of women, people of color, the disabled, LGBTQ+ members, and the military.

By word and action, he continues to disparage our armed services members, both past and present.  He reportedly called war dead veterans “losers” and “suckers.”

He said of the late Republican Senator John McCain, who was a prisoner of war during the Vietnam War: “He’s not a war hero, he was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”

Trump asked that wounded veterans be kept out of military parades because “it doesn’t look good for me,” and while visiting Arlington National Cemetery with retired Marine Corps General (and future White House chief of staff) John Kelly on Memorial Day in 2017, Trump said “I don’t get it. What was in it for them?”

Gen. Kelly’s son perished in Afghanistan in 2010 and is buried there! Knowing all this (additional examples abound), I can’t imagine anything a military person (or any person, for that matter) could say to justify his/her continued support of this candidate. Have we not learned anything?

For years now, I have tried, and tried, and tried to understand the appeal of this guy, and, failing that, have yet to hear even one person logically explain their fascination with him.  In the end, I do agree with Trump when he said “I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters.”

How sad, America . . . how sad.

Robert C. Frost

Barker (formerly of Lyndonville)

‘No’ to Proposition 1 and ‘Yes’ to Trump in election

Posted 29 October 2024 at 3:52 pm


Greetings, first I encourage all to take advantage of early voting here in Orleans County. It goes until Nov. 3 at the DMV building in Albion.

Next I see there will be two sides to the ballots. Since Orleans County likes Sharpies please look for bleed through that may spoil your vote.

As for Proposal 1, I will be voting “No,” based on my beliefs on slavery, murder and God. Dr. Alveda King makes sense. Here is some of her words to think about: “Every aborted baby is like a slave in the womb of his or her mother. The mother decides his or her fate…”

I come to the conclusion that babies are indeed slaves. Babies have a body of their own and a woman has her own body, however the unborn’s life depends 100% on the choices of their mothers. Whereas, the definition of slavery is “the status or condition of a person over whom any or all of the powers attaching to the right of ownership are exercised.” – Taken from Article 1(1) of the 1926 Slavery Convention writings.

Whereas Blacks Law Legal Dictionary reads: The legal definition of murder is the killing of a human being by a sane person with the intent to kill the victim or anyone who gets in the way, and with no legal excuse or authority.

This intent is known as malice aforethought. The Word Salad “legal excuse or authority” this is what I believe NY Proposal 1 is about and my God, Elohim, will see that I cast my vote against murder, especially the murdering of defenseless slaves of women.

We as beneficiaries of the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of NY already are equal by law. The unequalness that beneficiaries of the Constitution and the State of NY Constitution are an imaginary, a taught state of mind. Cured by repeating to one self, “Stop it,” I am created in the image of God and no man or woman is my better without my consent.

Moving on to January 6th 2021, I rest my case in the understanding of the US Congressional Record of January 6th 2021, the Constitution of the United States and US Supreme Court cases of Bush vs Gore & McPherson vs Blacker.

Then it is on to Trump. He already was in office for four years and secured peace in the Middle East, North Korea and Russia. I had more money to buy what I wanted and to do what I wanted under Trump. I laugh when the Harris & Biden crowd says Trump is a danger to democracy. Harris didn’t win a primary. I don’t think she got 1 vote.

Biden will most likely pardon his son, other family members and himself before he leaves office and that will be a mockery to justice. However the Democrats will clap and say wonderful. I will be writing saying his administration lacks the authority because the US Constitution was not followed to put him in office in the first place, and everyone knows that an unlawful act can never result in a lawful act.

Nathan Wade gave on-record supporting statements that help Trump. Look them up. When you are at it, look at the NY Court of Appeals Trump case which gives the appearance that the court may be to ruling in Trump’s favor. Read the transcripts.

How can local lawyers overlook that there was no victim in Trump’s fraud case. Statute of Limitations also ran out so laws were twisted to get Trump. Shame on the NY Government which chose to foolishly spend tax dollars railroading Trump because “Orange Man bad.”

My closing Points: NY Proposal 1 gives government more power to wield over the People and justifies murder.

Look how well New York Civil Rights Law art. II, § 4 provides protection that “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms cannot be infringed.” This law is protecting us just great, stopping government overreach at every turn.

Then in DC, Hunter pled guilty and according to committee that had investigations, the entire Biden family made millions off US Government positions, all most likely will get a pardon.

My main issue though is with Illegals. Illegals broke US law. They can never have legal representation or a legal vote because an unlawful act can never ever result in a lawful act. I realize that government and every other human can have a different point of view than me, that’s the American way. However it’s my God given right not to give my consent.

Steve Colòn


Trump is the candidate who values lives of unborn

Posted 28 October 2024 at 10:39 am


We have read many arguments in the Orleans Hub and elsewhere about who should get our vote to be our next president, and whether or not we should support NY’s Proposition 1.  Here’s our take.

We form our position about voting in elections or making changes to our state constitution based on the truth that all of us are created equal by God.  We vote based on the premise that our human dignity is inherent and irrevocable – given to us by our Creator.

We are made in God’s image and likeness. We believe the Lord of the universe gave these words to the Prophet Jeremiah, “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you.” (Jer 1:5)

Therefore, our pro-life Judeo-Christian position informs our vote.

Which presidential candidate was the first president to attend the Washington D.C. March for Life in-person and speak about the sanctity of life from the womb to the tomb? Donald Trump.

Which presidential candidate has a track record of appointing U.S. Supreme Court justices who saw the complete injustice of Roe v Wade and overturned it? Donald Trump.

Which presidential candidate nominated outstanding pro-life warriors to his cabinet when he was president (e.g., Ben Carson – HHS, Bill Barr – DOJ)? Donald Trump.

Which presidential candidate believes that a woman should have the right to abort the baby in her womb throughout all nine months of pregnancy? Kamala Harris.

Which presidential candidate, as a U.S. senator, voted twice against the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act which would ban late-term abortions after five months of pregnancy (in 2018 & 2020)? Kamala Harris.

Which presidential candidate, as a U.S. senator, voted twice against the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act which would protect babies who survive failed abortions (in 2019 & 2020)? Kamala Harris.

In our book, if you can’t protect life in its most innocent and fragile state, then how can you be trusted with our lives or those of our loved ones? The Democratic Party of 2024 and its presidential and vice presidential candidates have abandoned all of their own pro-life Democrats, some of whom are our family and friends.

And what should New Yorkers do about Proposition 1? Vote No. In addition to taking away parental rights when their children are struggling with gender dysphoria, Proposition 1 also attempts to enshrine the Roe v Wade abortion protocols in the NY constitution.

In closing, we will allow Kevin Sorbo, Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta, and a pro-life protester at a recent Kamala Harris rally to have the last words:

“Referring to abortion as ‘Healthcare’ is like referring to slavery as ‘Human Resources.’” (Kevin Sorbo)

“How can there be too many children? That is like saying there are too many flowers.” (Mother Teresa)

“Jesus is Lord!” (yelled by a pro-life protester at a recent Kamala Harris rally, to whom Harris replied, “Oh, you guys are at the wrong rally.”)

Jim and Paula Simon


Trump’s agenda includes going on attack against core American institutions, principles

Posted 24 October 2024 at 11:10 am


 Thank you to all – including Republicans taking leave of absence –  who have let me know we speak as one. Chief of Staff Gen. John Kelly has now gone public and joined us also confirming Trump is a fascist.

This letter is not a false narrative. You will read here things the Fifth Estate like Fox will not report.

Trump increasingly seems so sure he will win he is every day revealing more about his heretofore secret agenda. Ie: Dumping Ukraine. Jailing his opponents. Closing down press he does not like. Harming people. Ignoring the law. He is saying these things so he can claim a mandate to purge what he does not like.

That’s not our heritage and why so many, including Republican leaders and generals, are united in opposition.

Harris is for change but she honors our traditions, our heritage. She is not off the rails.

One will be sure we remain leader of the free world.  One is friends with dictators.

General Kelly confirms many of times Trump spoke with him and praised Hitler and Hitler’s generals who were loyal to him without regard to their oath. He wants Hitler’s authority and to use the military on Americans.

Also the NY Times did deep background showing Trump ties to Project 2025 and found of the 307 contributors, over half, are tied to Trump currently. Believe it or not but the Fifth Estate ignored that the BBC laid a trap and the head of 2025 admitted on film that Trump’s denial was a ruse.

Trump derangement syndrome is reasonable. We were used to leaders and announcers telling the truth. Now our heritage is on the line and Trump is the catalyst for a Fifth Estate of power brokers and associated news organizations which has no interest in the common good. Who in the middle class was better off due to him? It was a 1 to 2 % tax cut with more fees. Tariffs additionally  increased your costs $628.00.

Our Heritage:

Washington’s biggest fear was a vengeful, greedy and authoritarian president. Telling the truth, trying to do a good job, working in good faith with Congress, ensuring the most freedom possible for all, not using office for yourself or your friends or to harm others, and leaving gracefully are all part of our heritage.

After the Tilden-Hayes election of 1876 was marred by bad faith, ambiguities in the law were resolved. Pence followed the Constitution and those laws Jan. 6th, 2021. He honored our laws and Trump deemed that unacceptable.

This month a complete fabrication increase the danger to people in the parts of Hurricanes areas. Also Elon Musk set up a  scheme to pay people $47 dollars for registering new Trump voters.

Trump is the catalyst.

Trump The Man:

In 1976 I started following Donald Trump’s career whenever he bought the Commodore Hotel – a third-rate hotel I used to stay in as a kid.  So much was messed up I started to follow his frequent missteps and by 2015 when he announced his candidacy I knew that he was a greedy pretender.

The Trump Type:

A friend suggested I score Trump on the Hare PCL-R test which is used in criminal law and domestic violence situations. You can easily find and score it.

As predicted by the PCL-R Trump dissembles under questioning – why he historically avoids debates and serious questions. He lies frequently and is unafraid of telling whoppers.  He gets easily bated, always paints his problems as someone else’s fault, and contradicts himself. He lies about the law and he and his pocket book always comes first.

His recent long stretches spent rambling about Arnold Palmer’s genitals or just standing there swaying to music are a different and serious issue.  Do you trust Vance?

The Fifth Estate:

Fox, the Post, the whole crew, frequently take bits and pieces of things to wave together fake story lines. Many times they lie or ignore actual news.

Did you know in Oakes Pa. Last week he talked about attacking our 12% interest rates.  They ignore the continuing pet rant, rant after saying he would pay funeral costs of some d*** Mexican (serving in our Army), Musk saying women are not capable of critical thinking. Ignoring that wages are growing fast faster than inflation. Trump and his Fifth Estate shape news to shape your mind.

In Fox’s Brett Baier interview with the VP, Baier continually put his hand out towards the Vice President to shush her mid-answer.  Then he tried interrupting. He could not put her in her place.

Indeed, Harris firmly pointed out Baier stooped to deceit by showing an incorrect and doctored tape. It left out that Trump a few seconds later again repeated  some names of Congressmen he is going to jail. He did not deny he wants that as Baier inferred.

The newest false narrative is that DOJ is trying to help illegals vote. Actually it’s illegal to purge voter rolls within 90 days of an election. Republicans are illegally purging now though they have already been checked for accuracy. DOJ is responding by enforcing those laws and refusing to cooperating by breaking the law itself. The claimed scandal is that DOJ is out to allow illegals to vote; not  that Republicans are again off the rails trying to break the Law.

(As if illegals do not stay close to the ground; DOJ prosecutes the few idiot enough to try).

Trump’s Fifth Estate leaves out real news and makes stories out of bits and pieces often very badly sourced or misconstrued.

Lincoln’s Party vs. Maga Now:

Changed since 2015:  * Lincoln’s race free heritage, * it’s position against dictators, * our proudly leading NATO, * it’s respect for Law Enforcement at all levels,  * free trade, *balanced budgets (though that has not been true for decades), * since Hoover’s debacle it ran from Tariffs, * it had respected the peaceful transfer part of power. Further both parties cooperated on ensuring accurate rolls and conducting accurate election.

A Republican label is now stamped on a fragmented and ideologically inconsistent coalition. Ideas are borrowed from fringe groups, zealots, our traditional enemies, and always mixed in is self interest. It’s off the rails.

Trump’s Carnival.  Nasty, Degrading Entertainment

Our country has been blessed by real leaders giving real speeches like: *Washington’s Farewell, * Lincoln’s Gettysburg, *Roosevelt (several), *Eisenhower’s Atoms for Peace, *Kennedy’s Inaugural; *Regan’s D-Day and Berlin Wall; *Bush’s Post 9/11.

Trump rallies dependson lies and thuggish material – “lock them up”, “beat them up” “I am self made” stuff .  Importantly he is always on both sides. “Violence is bad but there were ‘nice”’ white-hooded racists marching with torches in Charlotte.’  (Trump’s father marched with the KKK in his day.)

I recommend looking up the secret speech of February 10, 1939.  As noted Trump is revealing his hidden agenda in the home stretch.

Trump ceded Syria to Russian domination, the Kurds to Turkey, and will do the same with Ukraine.

He brags  he can settle international problems because his “friends” – who give him gifts and to whom he gives gifts – fear him?! This is monumentally illogical and coded justification for claiming victory when you surrender. Remember Neville Chamberlain and how World War II started with capitulation to ensure peace.

(As expected it did not make Fox etc. that the Kremlin confirmed the inscrutable Bob Woodward. Trump indeed shipped Putin our Abbott COVID PCR  machines before our hospitals and test centers had them.)

Trump is indifferent to life.  D. Brix, head of his COVID  task force, says 30 to 40 percent of COVID deaths could have been avoided with prompt action and dissemination of information.

Trump is so arrogant he recently told a major meeting of economists and business leaders in Chicago that they did not know their math or what their own businesses needed. As so often the case Fox and the rest of the Fifth Estate ignored that.

Sadly, current polls show people now recall Trump’s Presidency more favorably than they did at the time. Memory and repetition make the memory fonder. The Fifth Estate banks on that like Hitler. Trump and the Fifth Estate  are not satisfied with controlling 50% of the news. Trump wants all news outlet praising him.

Harris’s Alleged Word Salad:

Republican House Speaker Gingrich proposed expansion of the Child Care Credit in 1994. This year when Harris proposed the same thing we hear she has no plan and is a Marxist.  Zealots will always believe she is whatever Trump says she is.

Harris’s  ”word salad” is actually explaining to voters she grew up and understands ordinary people. They can trust her.  She says she is serious about mixing proven and new ideas to benefit all. Believe her or not but at least she makes a firm commitment.

Clearly Putin will not best her, nor Iran, nor China, nor North Korea. She took down crime gangs as a prosecutor which takes brains and guts.

Harris will veto extending Trump Tax Cuts.  She supports the conservative bi-partisan  immigration plan. Bodily freedom. Price-gouging data will get looked at; long standing laws on unfair trade practices do not have to be invented.

You have heard her. Not quick answers;  good bi-partisan solutions for change. Simple but effective.

We Stand United With Patriotic Conservatives Too:

 Again, folks, thanks for the wonderful feedback. We know there is tough crowd to convince which does not understand why so many hundreds of bonafide conservative leaders and generals are taking a leave of absence from the Republican Party in 2024, 2025.

Those Republicans and generals actually know Trump. They all took the oath to our Constitution and are brave enough to put that first.

They are secure in the knowledge that there will continue to be a place for conservative Republican principles in the free, prosperous, safe, dignified society which a Harris election will ensure.

Our choice Harris: a strong optimistic woman who thrives on fixing problems once she is President.  She believes in bipartisanship, freedom and has plans to help people.   Traditional but agent for change.

Trump: A grim man who thrives on turmoil including promising a repeat of 1920s economic suicide. Off the rails he makes clear he despises lots of people, wants unrestricted power, and campaigns on who he will hurt.

Conrad F. Cropsey


Judge candidates on multiple party lines limits options for voters

Posted 24 October 2024 at 8:26 am


Early voting is coming up this Saturday until November 3rd. If you can, get your vote banked.

Anything can happen between now and November 5th. My reason for writing is most folks know who they are supporting for President,  Senate and Congress but many don’t know who the Judge candidates are that will be on the ballot in our 8th Judicial district for Supreme Court Justice.

I will speak for the Conservative Party in Orleans County. I believe that all the mayor parties have a roll in this. Every year the Conservative Party circulates a petition to participate in the 8th judicial convention.

As chairman of my county I make it clear to the people signing the petitions as well as my committee that gets the signatures that we will be picking and voting for the most conservative judges as humanly possible that fit within the values of the Conservative Party.

I and my vice chairman attend these as I am the delegate and he is the alternate delegate. Only the delegate can vote but my vice chairman is 100% on the same page as I am and should I not be able to attend he would have the vote.

I am very unhappy with how the voting goes down. It seems to be predetermined, rigged to me. It seems the Republicans and the Democrats get together in a room and cross endorse the candidates. Then they come over to the Conservative Party and they do the same, except for but one county that is Orleans County.

I will never endorse a Democrat after what they have done to this state and country. Especially when the term is for 14 years. A rattlesnake no matter how nice you are to it will eventually bite you. Their allegiance will only be to other rattlesnakes. Especially Democrats that also take the endorsement from the Working Family’s Party.

The Working Family’s Party is the Communist Party. It is in our platform to never endorse a candidate that takes that endorsement. I have been called foul names. I have been called unreasonable by supposed fellow conservatives at these conventions for not falling in line. Once you sell out your principles just that one time it’s over. I am very proud the tell the conservatives in Orleans County that I voted “No” to these Democrats that take in the United States of America an endorsement from the Communist Party. I have always voted “No” to Democrats any year. All the other county chairman fall in line but not me and not our committee. I could not look myself in the mirror if I did otherwise and broke my promise.

I’m thinking it’s either the checks that are written or the fact that the chairman of the 8th Judicial convention is a lawyer and they are all lawyers and maybe they will have cases that will come in front of these judges and having endorsed them may carry favor. Either way if that’s the case I’m glad I am a thorn in their back side and shame on them. Glad to do it.

So who are the candidates? I don’t know these two people only that that belong to a very destructive party. The Democrats are fielding Henry Nowak and Kathrine Nugent-Panepinto. They have the Democrat, Republican, Conservative and Working Family’s party lines. Meaning they will be on every line so if you don’t want to vote for a Communist Party-endorsed candidate for such an important position write the names down and skip checking them.

The Republicans are fielding Michael Norris and Deborah Chimes. They also will have the Democrat, Republican and Conservative lines. I am not happy they took the Democrat endorsement but I know that their values are way more in line with the Conservative Party than the Democrat candidates. Please vote for them on the Conservative line.

I am partisan and I am sick and tired of how the Democrats have ruined the justice system and every system in this state and the whole country. I hope every Democrat is defeated this election cycle. I know that is wishful thinking as there are way too many poorly educated voters in this country.

Paul Lauricella Jr.

Orleans County Conservative Party Chairman

Discussion on economics promises to be enlightening at Hoag

Posted 21 October 2024 at 7:52 am


Patrick A. Golden, principal analyst on Consumer Affairs and Protection for NYS Assembly, will address campaign issue: “Economy” at the Hoag Library, Tuesday, Oct. 22, at 6:30 p.m.

One of the host committee, Bob Golden, Pat’s father, may disagree.

In 1980, Bob reviewed* Milton Friedman’s book on “supply-side economics,” also known as “Reaganomics.” Bob predicted that Friedman/Reagan’s policies would create a Central/South American economy with mainly only rich and poor.

Pat felt his Dad was exaggerating. Reaganomics did not destroy the middle-class, only about half of it. Big business used the Reagan tax breaks to move the auto, steel and other industries that paid good wages, to the South and Mexico, where they could pay less. They bought cheaper steel from Japan. That, combined with Reagan’s union-busting efforts, “hollowed out” the working (as opposed to professional) middle.

Bob also reviewed, Nobel Prize-winning economist, Columbia Univ. Prof and formerly of the World Bank, Joseph A. Stiglitz and his 2011 book, “The Price of Inequality.” Stiglitz contends that paying good wages and restoring the middle class is best for the economy: the middle class spend and save their money in the US, where the rich put their money in foreign banks, buy in foreign countries taking their money out of the US. economy and succeed in avoiding taxes.

Like the six Popes, starting with Leo XIII in 1891 through Benedict XVI, including St. Pope John Paul II, Stiglitz says: “Pay just wages.” St. John Paul, considered conservative, also said that big business “has ceased to value labor or laborers.”

Stiglitz in his book, The Great Divide, and subsequent articles, tells that now, upward mobility is virtually a myth. The lack of regulation of business, bailouts on their excesses, and exploitation have resulted in a percentage loss of income for the majority, but a dramatic increase for the upper 1% or even upper 10%.

Stiglitz and 15 other Nobel Prize economists today say that raising tariffs and other proposals from that same candidate, will result in more inflation and cost us respect in the rest of the world. Laffer, one of the architects of Reaganomics, sides with tariffs and that candidate.

However, although Reaganomics stimulated the economy, Reagan and Laffer insisted that they’d balance the budget. Instead the national debt increased from $800 billion to $2.5 trillion. Thus, we simply borrowed hugely from future generations: not “Tax and Spend,” but “Borrow and Spend.”

From 2016 to 2020, we did much the same thing. We’ll likely do it again, if the “tariffer” gets into office. He doesn’t pay most of his personal and business debts. What makes us think he’d behave differently with our taxpayer money.

Pat and I and his Mom talk about once every two weeks. But we almost never talk economics, mainly grandchildren, family news, sports and plans to get together.  So I’m anxious to see what Pat has to say.  I hope you are too and will join us.

My credentials are a Master in Counseling Minorities and 43 years in criminal justice.

Pat’s are a Master in Economics and nearly 40 years in the NYS Legislature, working on economic issues. So you see why I’m anxious to hear from Pat.  My guess you will be, too.

See you Tuesday at the Hoag.

Bob Golden


Proposition 1 provides needed protections for equal rights in NY

Posted 20 October 2024 at 3:43 pm


Thank you to the writer who responded to negativity with the actual language of “Prop 1/back of the ballot initiative/NY ERA.”

It has had many names. We are fortunate in NY that our laws protect women’s rights and healthcare. Our laws respect and protect those who may be less able to make themselves heard.

It is time that our NY Constitution reflects these rights and this respect.  That is why I will be voting yes on the back of my ballot for Proposition 1 (elections.ny.gov/2024-statewide-ballot-proposal).

To view the sample ballot for your location (both sides), click here.

Beth Wood


Lyndonville district should seek financial sustainability by reducing health insurance costs

Posted 19 October 2024 at 7:56 am


I am writing again regarding the Lyndonville Board of Education. Some might wonder why the Lyndonville Teachers’ Association (LTA) worked so hard to get certain board members elected. The answer is simple— this year the LTA is negotiating their collective bargaining agreement.

The three incumbents who were defeated worked for the taxpayers of the community to provide the best education possible, while striving to be the best stewards of the taxpayers’ money, through fiscal responsibility. They drew a line in the sand with spending by following  the contract and seeking healthcare options in an attempt to keep costs down.

Article 7.01.05 Subsection A of the current collective bargaining agreement clearly states “The Lyndonville Teachers’ Association will assist the Board of Education to reduce the health insurance costs by examining other health insurance programs.” (The complete collective bargaining agreement can be found by clicking here.) Meanwhile, the current school board president was quoted in the Orleans Hub stating “we should not be looking at healthcare again.” Healthcare costs for school employees are exorbitant— this is exactly where the Board of Education should be looking to reduce costs.

At one point, the LTA was requesting a 5 percent raise each year, between 2024 and 2027, resulting in a cumulative 15 percent over those three years. This would be a cumulative cost of $2,909,609.00 to taxpayers, over the course of the three years. Even a 3 percent annual increase over the three years would cost well over $2,000,000.

Some might find it ironic that I personally have no problem with the LTA asking for a 3 percent or 5 percent raise. Being a union employee, I understand (although, in my experience, a union typically “gives something up” in exchange for those kind of raises). However, as a taxpayer, I am seriously concerned.

Without a reduction in costs elsewhere (specifically health insurance), these rising costs are not sustainable, especially as the smallest school district in the county. The Board of Education has an obligation to be fiscally responsible to the taxpayers. In today’s economy, the average taxpayer cannot afford the ever increasing taxes to keep up with fiscally irresponsible spending.

I worked in a school district for three school years. I’ve seen first hand the challenges teachers face. It’s a challenging and often thankless job. Teachers deserve to be fairly compensated. That is not what this is about. The issue at hand is the Board of Education needs to be fiscally responsible to the taxpayers. Just as we would expect of the Village Board, Town Board and County Legislature.


James C. White


Harris was unfairly ‘anointed’ presidential candidate after hiding Biden decline

Posted 18 October 2024 at 2:33 pm


From the very beginning, when Biden stepped down as a contending candidate for President, I have felt something was not right.

I was actually hoping, as the campaign continued, I would be able to reap something good about Harris and shed this feeling, but the opposite has happened. I feel even stronger in my convictions, that she is not fit to be President.

Harris has made bold claims that Trump is unfit to lead this country, and yet she participated in one of the biggest ruses to conceal Biden’s cognitive decline and his deteriorating mental acuity. She continually dismissed claims about Biden and instead said he was “absolutely authoritative.” If Biden and Trump had not had their one and only debate, which revealed the truth, we would still be living with one of the biggest coverups in American history. She is a liar.

Then after that debacle, Harris is crowned as nominee of her party, despite never winning a single presidential primary. I should say she was anointed instead of appointed. This was a massive effort by the Democrats to redirect campaign funds from Biden to her. What a controlling effort for both the Democrats and Biden to pass the torch to her without any competition. Thus, her campaign was conveniently crafted.

No one will argue that at this moment in time we are facing much acrimony and hostility in our nation. We need a President who does not need to be spoon fed or trained on the job. Trump has proven his allegiance in that regard.

However, as VP Harris has failed to show us that she is capable of dealing with many issues that affect our world today. Now on the campaign trail her bountiful promises are void of how they will be executed or how they will be funded. She has continually evaded the questioning on the immigration crisis with both Bill Whitaker and Bret Baeir. It’s time for her to admit Biden and she did wrong.

Her latest slogan “It’s time to turn the page”  is reminiscent of Obama’s “change” slogan. Remember folks the page was turned in 2020 but so far there are a lot of blank pages deplete of plans, policies, platforms and noteworthy performance.

It is important to remember that this November we all need to look beyond our emotions  and take into account the future, security and welfare of our nation. Electing a person to the highest position in this land should be foremost based on the candidate’s record, credentials, experience and capacity.

In my letters to the editor, I have cited Trump’s record and although many have tried to discredit not only him but his accomplishments during his Presidency, he did a lot of good.

This will be my last letter to the editor on this topic. Some have accused me of misleading and misinforming my audience. Through all this  I hope my previous letters and insights have proven just the opposite and have been helpful and informative.

Please vote.

Mary Mager

Fairport, formerly of Albion

‘Trump-sized flaws’ don’t include all of us

Posted 18 October 2024 at 8:35 am


In a recent Letter to the Editor, a writer who lives in Fairport stated, “Yes, he (Trump) is a flawed character – like all of us.”

Trump’s “flaws” include his conviction on 34 criminal counts in NY, convicted of rape (also NY), and convicted of stealing 25 million from Trump University students. The list could go on to include his upcoming trials in Florida, Georgia and Washington, DC.

Perhaps she has forgotten he also tried to overturn the 2020 Presidential Election!

Yes, there are flaws, then there are “Trump-sized flaws.” I doubt any of us knows anyone with flaws his size.

Jack Capurso

Albion High School 1960

Ashburn, Va.