letters to the editor/opinion

Our Letters Policy

Posted 24 October 2023 at 3:00 pm

We appreciate input from our readers, and we publish letters to the editor without charge. The letters should be written by the person who submits the letter and not be “ghost written” by someone else. While open speech and responsibility are encouraged, comments may be rejected if they are purely a personal attack, offensive or repetitive. Comments are the opinions of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Orleans Hub. Although care is taken to moderate comments, we have no control over how they are interpreted and we are unable to guarantee the accuracy of comments and the rationality of the opinions expressed. We reserve the right to edit letters for content and brevity. Please limit the length of your letter (we suggest no more than 500 words) and provide your name, telephone number, mailing address and a verifiable email address for verification purposes. Letters should be emailed to news@orleanshub.com.

Deputy Sheriff’s Association opposes Albion PD expanding outside village into town

Posted 19 November 2024 at 11:55 am


I am writing on behalf of the Orleans County Deputy Sheriff’s Association, representing the dedicated men and women of the Orleans County Sheriff’s Office Road Patrol and Criminal Investigations Division.

First, I want to acknowledge the excellent work of the Village of Albion Police Department (APD) in serving the Village of Albion. Our agencies share a strong working relationship that benefits both the Village and Town of Albion.

However, we have learned that APD is seeking to expand its patrols into the Town of Albion, primarily to focus on violations of the Vehicle and Traffic violations and “low level” offenses. The Orleans County Deputy Sheriff’s Association formally opposes this proposal.

We understand that APD’s justification includes frequent assistance with calls outside the Village. However, the data between January 1, 2024, and November 14, 2024, shows that OCSO assisted APD in the Village 117 times, while APD assisted OCSO or NYSP in the Town of Albion 39 times. During this period, OCSO handled 1,767 calls in the Town of Albion as the primary agency.

We believe that an excessive number of patrols focused primarily on traffic violations could frustrate town and village residents, harming the public relations we have worked hard to build. Additionally, APD has indicated that this would be a trial program. Therefore, it is reasonable to conclude that it could lead to additional costs for our residents if it becomes a permanent measure. The APD would need to issue an unreasonably high number of tickets to sustain this initiative.

Given the central location of the Public Safety Building, the Town of Albion benefits from the fastest response times from our deputies, compared to other towns. Based on the data, and totality of the circumstances, we believe OCSO should remain the primary agency for all calls in the Town of Albion.

We are proud to serve all residents of Orleans County and see no reason to change the current arrangement.

The goal of law enforcement is to maintain a safe community, which the Sheriff’s Office has successfully achieved and continues to uphold.

Thank you for your time.


Torry N. Tooley

President, Orleans County Deputy Sheriff’s Association

MAGA followers ignore harsh truths about Trump

Posted 18 November 2024 at 5:51 pm


In a letter to the editor on November 11, a gentleman from Knowlesville stated  the legal charges against Trump were completely fabricated stories including their favorite lies about Trump.

Perhaps he has forgotten the: (1) rape conviction in NY City, (2) the allegations of rape by 23 women, (3) his conviction in NY City on 32 counts of fraud, (4) the trial in Washington DC on his effort to overthrow in the 2020 election, (5) the state charges in Georgia on his effort to unlawfully influence the 2020 election results, and (6) the Federal charges in Florida on his illegally keeping Top Secret US documents.

MAGA people appear to wish the above facts would go away. They will not. Our legal system is not based on hopes and wishes, but facts and the truth.

Jack Capurso

Albion High School, Class of 1960

Ashburn, Va.

Trump’s victory shouldn’t be characterized as a landslide

Posted 14 November 2024 at 6:50 am


I read with interest the recent Letter to the Editor wherein The Author referenced the former President’s 2024 victory as being “elected (by a landslide).”

The term “landslide” has several connotations; one being a mass wasting, rockfall or mudflow which is a geologic event and can be tragically devastating to life and property.

However, in this case The Author was referencing a political victory which is one whereby the winning candidate achieves a decisive victory by a large margin. Some might say that this type of landslide could also be “tragically devastating to life and property.”

A classic example is when President James Monroe defeated John Quincy Adams, as he received 78% of the popular vote in the Presidential Election of 1820. Certainly, this was a “landslide” victory.

Remarkable as that was, American historians have identified 10 Presidential “landslide” elections; the most significantly noted was the election of George Washington in 1788-1789 and 1792. As we all know he was victorious in both cases and received 100% of the votes in both elections.

You may not want to be too impressed by this as he ran unopposed. In the research notes it states that he received 43,782 popular votes out of the 43,782 which were cast by the voters. Given today’s political climate, a very envious political achievement! And, to the best of my knowledge, not a single person challenged that outcome.

In more modern times, modern being a relative term of course, Richard Nixon defeated George McGovern in 1972 and received 61% of the popular vote. And in 1984 Ronald Reagan opposed Walter Mondale and received 59% of the popular vote. Both elections are included in the historian’s election analysis which I referenced earlier; President Nixon’s was the sixth largest landslide victory and President Reagan’s was fifth.

As of Thursday morning, the popular vote for the 2024 Presidential Election stands at 50.2% for the former President and 48.1% for Vice President Harris; that margin is 2.1%. Given the precedents previously discussed regarding historically verified “landslide” victories, I truly doubt that history will ever record this election as a landslide.

Thank God, facts and the truth still matter to some!

Doug Miller


This time no talk of rigged election

Posted 11 November 2024 at 6:55 pm


In the aftermath of any election before a new Administration starts, all that can be said is some of the new President’s  supporters will be pleased with some things and displeased or surprised by others. We will have to see what positions he was serious about and which versions he proposes.

Historically adherence to the Rule of Law and Constitutional Order leaves open honest discussion on grave matters.

These elections proved that elections were, and always have been, well conducted and accurately counted. On this, this time, all have agreed and accepted the Rule of Law and  Constitutional Order. So will discussion be permitted or will we find ourselves in a maze of one-way streets?

Should we be encouraged that we no longer have a big Bull elephant in the room which distracted and divided us? That elections were rigged.

The baseless election integrity ploy (which was resulted in so many convictions, disbarments, and several more still pending state fake electors cases) was there, in part, to keep us from trusting and listening to one another. Will we talk like adults now?

At least the vote and soon the certification process have started out well as they should in any real democracy.

Conrad F. Cropsey


Trump won a landslide victory with message of patriotism

Posted 11 November 2024 at 2:59 pm


Thank God for saving us from the campaign of evil hatred led by Kamala Harris. She and her evil friends were sent packing by Common Sense Americans who believe in Jesus and his teachings.

Her campaign was based on the Democrats’ pure and undeniable hatred of Donald Trump, while his campaign was based on patriotism and love of our country.

The entire campaign of lies began in 2016 with Hillary Clinton’s infamous Russian Collusion lie followed by completely fabricated stories including their favorite lies about the President of the United State on Jan 6. And they are already writing stories for 2028.

Kamala was counting on the gullible voters who will believe any lie about our duly elected (by a landslide) President.

Thank goodness for Trump and the Republicans, the party of common sense.

God Bless Donald Trump and the newly defined USA!

James Anderson


Trump will push back transgender rights and acceptance

Posted 10 November 2024 at 7:22 pm


On Saturday morning I watched President-elect Trump inform us about his gender reassignment legislation.

In my opinion, Trump will send millions back into the closet. The debate surrounding gender reassignment surgery for minors, particularly in Republican-led states, highlights the tension between parental rights and the autonomy of young individuals.

Under current laws in many areas, children under the age of 18 cannot undergo gender reassignment surgery without the explicit permission of their parents or guardians. As a health professional, children can’t get aspirin without permission from a parent.  This requirement reflects a broader conservative perspective that emphasizes parental control over healthcare decisions for minors, especially when it involves significant medical interventions like surgery or hormone treatments.

Moreover, this regulation echoes a general principle observed in pediatric medicine: minors are typically unable to give informed consent for medical procedures, including the administration of medications. Just as parents have the authority to make decisions about vaccines or other medical treatments, they are similarly positioned to make choices regarding gender transition therapies.

This framework is often justified by the belief that children may not possess the emotional or cognitive maturity to fully understand the lifelong changes of such a decision. Proponents of these laws argue that they protect children from making irreversible choices before they are fully prepared to comprehend the long-term consequences. So, my fellow Republicans, what are you going to tell your children? Because now how you sexually identify is a crime.

So, how many teachers will be left after this starts going into effect? I’ll wait.

Sincerely yours,

Patricia Dunbar


Allies of Tonawanda Seneca Nation want STAMP stopped, treaty rights upheld

Posted 10 November 2024 at 6:52 pm


Allies of the Tonawanda Seneca Nation, staunch defenders against the STAMP project currently being built in Genesee County near Orleans on indigenous land, are asking community members to attend the 230th Anniversary Parade and Commemoration Ceremony of the Canandaigua Treaty being held Monday, Nov. 11 in Canandaigua.

This treaty, as detailed on their Instagram page @alliesoftsn, “upholds Haudenosaunee sovereignty by establishing a ‘firm and permanent friendship’ between the Haudenosaunee and the United States, and enshrines the right of the Haudenosaunee to the ‘free use and enjoyment’ of their lands.”

The back half of this quote is of most importance to this organization, as currently, the STAMP project is the antithesis of the sentiment.

The STAMP project is an ecological nightmare masquerading as an environmental and economic improvement to the area, as the construction, lacking many permits needed to complete the project, is still underway.

The lineup for the parade begins at 12:45 p.m. at the Canandaigua Elementary School Parking Lot. The address is 90 West Gibson Street, Canandaigua, NY.

The Commemoration Ceremony will be held at 2 p.m. in front of the Ontario County Courthouse, which is located at 27 N. Main Street, Canandaigua, NY.

The event is free and open to the public. Signs are encouraged.

If you are unable to attend, or otherwise want to get more involved with this initiative, information can be found on the Allies of the Tonawanda Seneca Nation website.

Devin Hogan

Buffalo, formerly of Medina

Many helped GLOW With Your Hands to connect students with in-demand careers

Posted 8 November 2024 at 7:13 pm


Thanks to the dedicated volunteers, vendors, and students from across Genesee, Livingston, Orleans, and Wyoming counties, the 6th annual GLOW With Your Hands: Manufacturing was once again another successful demonstration of hands-on career exploration for local students.

This workforce development program is designed to educate the next generation of employees in the skilled trades, advanced manufacturing, agriculture, and food production workforces.

The 6th annual event on September 24th welcomed 1,100 students and chaperones from 30 school districts across the GLOW region who connected with 200 representatives from more than 70 agencies, trades groups and businesses in hands-on activities and demonstrations that provided an exploration into careers and pathways into them.

Launched in 2019 with 800 students, GLOW With Your Hands Manufacturing has grown into the premier workforce development program in the region and continues to grow. With the addition of GLOW With Your Hands: Healthcare, a hands-on medical careers program held annually in March, more than 5,000 students have participated in GLOW With Your Hands events since 2019.

With the mounting student debt, it is essential that we educate students on cost-effective pathways into careers.

GLOW With Your Hands introduces students to careers that can be entered immediately after high school, as well as economical ways to pursue careers that require post-secondary training and education.

We continue to witness a significant influx of private sector investment across the region, fostering growth and innovation that is bringing in-demand, economically rewarding careers right to our backyards. This surge not only creates jobs but also enhances local economies, encourages workforce development, and attracts talent, ensuring that our communities thrive in an increasingly competitive workforce landscape.

We have built a workforce development ecosystem that equips students with the necessary skills that connect them to desirable careers resulting from company relocation and expansion projects. That ecosystem is on display annually at GLOW With Your Hands Manufacturing and Healthcare events.

Thanks to the hard work and dedication of our committee members, volunteers, and vendors, students interacted with local company representatives learning about careers and industries they may have never been aware of previously.

Our vendors are subject matter experts with on-the-job experience, and they were well-equipped and excited to answer students’ questions. One of our participants highlighted the passion displayed by our company representatives: “It is inspiring to see the number of businesses and representatives who are passionate about sharing their professional experience with us, a lot of students do not know what career they want to pursue, and this helped me get an idea of what companies are a part of the community.”

This is what GLOW With Your Hands is all about; there are so many great careers and companies available, and students deserve to learn what is possible right here in their own backyards as they move onto the next chapter of their lives.

The awareness and education that results from GLOW With Your Hands, has spurred an influx of increased enrollment in local apprenticeship and BOCES programs, where students can take their skillset to the next level, participating in earn-as-you-learn type programming.

We take pride in being the premier workforce development event in the region. Thank you to our platinum sponsors, National Grid, LandPro Equipment, and Rochester Davis-Fetch, and the dozens of other companies, unions, and agencies whose significant investment generated a successful event.

The third annual GLOW With Your Hands: Healthcare is just 5 months away from coming back to Genesee Community College where we welcome hundreds of GLOW region students to explore the opportunities available in the local healthcare industry.

Stay tuned for more details to come!

Karyn Winters – Director of the Genesee County Business Education Alliance

Angela Grouse – Director of Education to Employment with the Livingston County Area Chamber of Commerce.

Both Winters and Grouse served as co-chairs of this year’s event.

Trump tapped into dark side to win over a more hopeful message for country

Posted 8 November 2024 at 7:49 am


Hate won. Donald Trump ran a campaign on hate, vengeance, bigotry and racism. He spread conspiracy theories that legal immigrants were eating neighbors’ pets, and he called migrants criminals.

He supports and endorses anti-LGBTQ+ groups. He only talks to friendly media because he cannot discuss policies. When the press does try to hold him to account he calls them “the fake news.”

Mr. Trump cannot discuss any policy or give a logical coherent answer when asked, instead he berates the questioner. Mr. Trump rejects bipartisan decency and compromise that makes democracy work. (Apparently all those illegal migrants eating the neighbor’s cats and dogs voted for Mr. Trump).

Mr. Trump connected with the disaffected and the dissatisfied and promised to change the status quo. That status quo is the institutions that make our democracy function. Anyone who challenges Mr. Trump’s positions with facts or a different solution are called “the enemy within,” and threatened with investigations by the Justice Department or the I.R.S. Silencing your critics is how dictators rule, not democratic government.

So hate won. Mr. Trump is promising to round up all illegal migrants and deport them. Cornell University reports that over half of farm workers are undocumented migrants. As the saying goes “no farms, no food.” If Mr. Trump carries out this campaign promise, grocery shelves will be bare.

According to National Association of Home Builders roughly 25% of construction workers and 31% in the trades are migrants. Beyond damaging our economy Mr. Trump proposal is cruel, inhumane and unjust; perhaps even illegal. Just like the child separation program in his first administration it is hateful.

Hate won over a positive hopeful message. The economy is good. The Wall Street Journal reported that the U.S. has the strongest economy in the world. Inflation is down, unemployment is low and wages are rising faster than inflation. Despite all this good news hate won.

Hate won.

William Fine


Praying that damage of next presidential term can be minimized

Posted 7 November 2024 at 7:12 am


I’m not overly religious but after our election debacle – I pray to God.

I pray to  God will buffer the damage the president-elect plans to wreak on our invaluable democracy.

I pray to God that at least some of the people now in and soon to be in power will help to temper the president-elect’s narcissism and vitriol.

I pray to God that those who truly have our best interests at heart will have the courage and dedication to stand up against the tyrant.

And mostly pray to God that those who chose bombast and empty promises over truth and honest effort will open their eyes, open their ears, open their hearts and especially open their minds to observe, absorb, assimilate and correlate the reality of what happens over the next two years.

We then may have the collected strength to wrest Congress out of his clutches in 2026 and limit the damage he can do in the last two years.

I deeply pray to God.

Bruce Kirby


Trump’s victory despite his many wrongdoings will be test for nation and world

Posted 6 November 2024 at 2:16 pm


So former President Trump will occupy the Oval Office again. What could possibly be wrong with that? Here is a pathological lying narcissistic who has openly said he will go after his political opponents and anyone who has openly criticized him.

Plans to pardon insurrectionists and will surely seek to have all lawsuits against him dropped at the same time pardoning himself from any convictions. His advisors and cabinet will be boot-licking lackeys who will refuse to stand up to his craziness.

During his first term at least some of his cabinet and advisors tried to rein him in only to be fired or quit out of frustration. He has indicated he would put Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in charge of health and human services. A man who is a vaccination denier and said a worm ate part of his brain, sounds like a real good candidate or a real nut job you decide.

In a way to repay the millions of dollars in support he plans make Elon Musk some sort of enterprise guru in the administration. Sounds like another “concept of a plan.”

He and his turncoat  VP will likely leave Ukraine out to dry while sucking up to his buddy Putin. He will give Israel a free pass for ongoing conflict and destruction in its efforts to defeat an enemy that can’t be defeated militarily all the while creating a new generation of enemies to Israel.

Wants to have a mass deportation which virtually every economist said would be bad for the economy.

What could be worse that all that? How about having control of all three levels of government? He has the executive branch by election. He has the right wing Supreme Court by his three appointees and other far-right judges who already gave him broad immunity for his actions while in office.

Now it looks like the House and Senate will be in the Republican majority. He just won the Trifecta! Looks like he really can be a dictator on day one. It’s been said “be careful for what you ask as you may get it.”

James Fraser, Colonel, USAF retired


Trump gloated after sinking border security bill

Posted 5 November 2024 at 6:48 am


Fact – February, 2024: Within just 48 hours after the release of a long-awaited bi-partisan immigration bill (written in part by Oklahoma Conservative and Republican Senator, James Lankford) – Senate Republican Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (who had previously endorsed and heavily promoted the bill), knifed the deal at the bequest of Donald Trump and left it for dead.

Trump even bragged about killing the border security package, saying, “I think we killed it. I think it’s dead!”

The truth is that the “bad” border bill (according to Trump) was actually quite good. Although not perfect, the bill posed a substantial improvement for border security almost immediately. It was not bad for those looking to stop the flow of illegal drugs. It was not bad for those working to solve the asylum problem. It was not bad for the border patrol, since it included many more officers and enhanced security.

In my opinion, it’s reassuring to believe that had the immigration bill not been personally sabotaged strictly for political gain by Donald Trump, Congresswoman Tenney (like many Republicans who actually do care about border security) might have supported it. I find it incredibly sad that solely because of Donald Trump, she was denied the opportunity to fully demonstrate her obvious commitment in this area.

Even so, thanks to her letter, I can sleep better knowing she’s truly sincere and has NY’s back when it comes to protecting our borders and is not just another opportunistic, hypocritical GOP hack.

Tom Graham


Voters urged to back Trump, other candidates in line with Conservative philosophy

Posted 4 November 2024 at 9:44 pm


We would like to remind the voters that Susan Howard did not just win the Republican Primary and take it easy and skate to victory in November. She has been out at all the events since June, talking to people and working hard for your vote on election day.

She will work hard on day one as the new district attorney. That work ethic we believe will no doubt carry into her new administration performing the many duties required as she forms a fair but tough on criminals’ era in Orleans County. Law and order and the safety of the citizens are of first importance.

The Conservative Party Committee was with her from the beginning with their endorsement when the Republican Party went in a different direction. We would be honored if you cast your vote for Susan on Row C the Conservative Party line.

New York State is a beautiful state but run by the most sinister corrupt Democrat Party machine in human history. We are dead last at everything and people are fleeing this state in record numbers for Red States that welcome and respect them.

US Democrat Senator Kristin Gillibrand’s voting record has been 100% with Biden-Harris and has voted to not only destroy New York but the entire country suffers when she votes. We have a chance this election to change that. Please vote for Republican and Conservative Party-endorsed Michael Sapraicone for US Senate. President Trump endorsed, Mike will bring common sense policy to our failed state and upside down federal Senate Chamber.

Number one question: Are you better of than you were four years ago? My guess is the answer for way to many is no. Biden-Harris have destroyed hopes and dreams and put the majority in poverty and ruin.

Instead of uniting and governing for the people they have ruled over us like tyrants. Never forget what they did to us during the pandemic and never forget the rivers of blood that have on their hands with this illegal migrant invasion, the deaths it has caused on purpose by violence and drug overdoses of loved ones.

The puppet Harris-Walz administration if given another four years will take everything you have from you. Everything. By 2030 you will own nothing. No farms, no home, no property. Everything will be owned by Black Rock, Vanguard and the Central Banks. You will rent from them. You will own nothing. The plans are real. The implementation will be done by the United Nations.

Donald J. Trump with his team of America first businessmen have promised to end the inflation and end this globalist takeover of our sovereign country the United States of America. His promise to usher in, in the next four years the most prosperous and the most productive country in our history for all.

A “Golden Age” Trumps history from his past presidency is one of promises made promises kept. Please choose freedom over tyranny. Save America and vote for Trump-Vance on the Conservative Party line.

You gun owners need to get off you rear ends and vote. Do you like having to go through a background check to buy ammunition? The Democrats will eventually take away your guns and your bows and arrows. They will take the game out of your freezers and let it die from disease to have total control over you and all of us. Oh it will never happen you say? Did you think you would have to renew a pistol permit when it was promised for life? Did you think you would have to go through a background check to buy or sell your privately owned gun to a friend or family member?

Did you think that Democrat politicians that take the oath of office to protect and defend the constitution would hate that very document so much especially the second amendment that they would stop at nothing to disarm us for the purpose of enslaving us? Maybe in a communist country but not in the USA. They are that evil and they are coming for your guns, your ammo and your ability to protect yourself and family. They fear you therefore they need to disarm you. Get out and vote the Democrats out like your life depends on it because it does.

Please don’t forget to vote No! on Proposition 1. It is a Wolf in Sheep’s clothing. Don’t be fooled.

One more thing: The Orleans County Conservative Party did not endorse for State Supreme Court Justice Henry J. Nowak and Catherine R. Nugent-Panepinto because they are Democrats and they took the endorsement from the Working Families Party which is the Communist Party. They were cross-endorsed by the uncaring Republican and Conservative parties at the 8th Judicial convention.

A vote for them in my opinion is a vote for Democrat and Communist ideology on the bench for 14 years. Use common sense  when casting your vote. Please vote on the Conservative Party line and Make America Great Again!

On behalf of the Orleans County Conservative Party Committee,

Paul Lauricella Jr.

Orleans County Conservative Party Chairman

Tenney says more northern border protection needed from influx of illegal immigrants

Posted 4 November 2024 at 12:49 pm


The ongoing catastrophe at the border is a direct result of the pro-criminal, anti-American policies of the Biden-Harris administration. Under its failed policy decisions, there has been an unprecedented spike in illegal crossings at our Northern Border, including an 846% increase in one sector alone, putting the safety of our families at risk.

Under the Biden-Harris administration, hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants, many with criminal records, have been released into the United States. As of July 2024, data shows that the Biden-Harris administration has released 425,431 convicted criminals and 222,141 individuals with pending criminal charges into the United States. Among them, 62,231 were convicted of assault; 56,533 of drug-related offenses; 14,301 of burglary; 15,811 of sexual assault; and 13,099 of homicide.

These criminal illegal immigrants are allowed to remain in our country under Kamala Harris’ border policies. The Biden-Harris administration has failed to remove 99.7% of the illegal immigrants released into the United States, contributing to the rising numbers of criminals in our neighborhoods. Many have committed heinous crimes against American citizens, such as the murders of mother-of-five Rachel Morin, college student Laken Riley, and 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray.

In Rochester, an illegal alien who had been apprehended by DHS in 2023 was released and then murdered Joselyn Jhoana Toaquiza on her birthday, later burying her in a public park. These vicious and heart wrenching acts could have been prevented with strong border policies and an end to pro-criminal bail reform practices that allow dangerous criminals to be released back into our communities. House Republicans passed the Laken Riley Act, of which I am an original co-sponsor, to ensure that illegal aliens charged with a crime remain in police custody until their cases are adjudicated. Our immigration laws must prioritize the safety of American citizens and ensure that criminals are deported.

The surge in illegal crossings at the Northern Border also poses a significant threat to our national security. Since the start of the Biden-Harris administration, 85% of individuals on the terror watchlist attempting to enter our country illegally have crossed over the Northern Border.

Needless to say, our Northern Border is under siege. More people crossed the Swanton Sector of our Northern Border in 2023 alone than in the entire period from 2012 through 2022. In fiscal year 2024, that record has already more than doubled, with 15,612 encounters reported from October to July.

To address this dangerous situation, I have introduced legislation to establish a Northern Border Coordination Center. This will enable the Department of Homeland Security to effectively implement the Northern Border Strategy, enhance training, and improve information-sharing among federal, state, local, and international partners. By doing so, we can secure the Northern Border and protect NY-24.

New Yorkers deserve a government that provides for secure borders and safe communities. I will continue to advocate for policies that protect our border, support law enforcement, and ensure the safety and prosperity of our families. We must stop the flow of dangerous criminals and terrorists into our country through the Northern Border.

Congresswoman Claudia Tenney, NY-24

Cleveland, Oswego County

Trump’s actions were bad for economy, public health and national security

Posted 3 November 2024 at 4:26 pm


The Economist has endorsed Kamala Harris. They warn that a “second Trump term comes with unacceptable risks.”

Moody’s Analytics, which evaluates risk, performance and financial modeling, compared the economic promises of the Presidential candidates and concluded that a Trump presidency would be an economic disaster.

The Wall Street Journal’s survey of economists shows that Mr. Trump’s economic plans are more inflationary than Ms. Harris’s and would add more to the deficit, plus The Wall Street Journal’s own analysis shows that Mr. Trump’s plans would explode the national debt.

Scientific America endorsed Kamala Harris because she “offers the country better prospects, relying on science, solid evidence and the willingness to learn from experience.  She pushes policies that boost good jobs nationwide by embracing technology and clean energy. She supports education, public health and reproductive rights. She treats the climate crisis as the emergency it is and seeks to mitigate its catastrophic storms, fires and droughts.”

Republican officials view Mr. Trump as a threat to our national security. General John Kelly, former Chief of Staff to Mr. Trump, stated that Mr. Trump “has nothing but contempt for our democratic institutions, our Constitution, and the rule of law.”

General James Mattis, Mr. Trump’s former Secretary of Defense, stated: “His use of the Presidency to destroy trust in our election and to poison our respect for fellow citizens has been enabled by pseudo political leaders whose names will live in infamy as profiles in cowardice.”  William Barr, Mr. Trump’s former Attorney General, stated: “If he was in the White House again, he will always put his own interest and gratifying his own ego ahead of everything else, including the country’s interest.”  Mark Esper, former Secretary of Defense under Mr. Trump, “I do regard him as a threat to democracy, democracy as we know it, our institutions, our political culture, all those things that make America great and have defined us as, you know, the oldest democracy on the planet.”

I believe you already know that Mr. Trump is an egotist and a racist not just in verbal comments but in his policy choices. When North Korean leaders praised Mr. Trump he stated he fell in love with the North Korean dictator and even saluted one of their Generals while disparaging U.S. troops whose only allegiance is to the Constitution.

You know that supporting Mr. Trump will result in failed policies like his failure with Covid-19. During Mr. Trump’s administration there were refrigerator trucks outside of hospital morgues because of his failed policies.  The failure is evident in how many more Americans died because of Covid than Canadians, both in absolute numbers and in ratios of death.

Mr. Trump is a failure from the economy to healthcare to environmental disasters to national security. Mr. Trump would be a disaster for our country.  I strongly endorse Kamala Harris and encourage you to vote for her.

William Fine
