letters to the editor/opinion

Our Letters Policy

Posted 24 October 2023 at 3:00 pm

We appreciate input from our readers, and we publish letters to the editor without charge. The letters should be written by the person who submits the letter and not be “ghost written” by someone else. While open speech and responsibility are encouraged, comments may be rejected if they are purely a personal attack, offensive or repetitive. Comments are the opinions of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Orleans Hub. Although care is taken to moderate comments, we have no control over how they are interpreted and we are unable to guarantee the accuracy of comments and the rationality of the opinions expressed. We reserve the right to edit letters for content and brevity. Please limit the length of your letter (we suggest no more than 500 words) and provide your name, telephone number, mailing address and a verifiable email address for verification purposes. Letters should be emailed to news@orleanshub.com.

Fast food apps are exercise in disappointment

Posted 19 September 2023 at 9:43 am


Let’s take a break from arguing over drag queens and priests in order to hear about the joys of fast food apps. Yes, I realize that I am a 73-year-old “dinosaur,” but hear me out.

A few months back I added the McDonald’s app to my phone, as I could get free fries on Fridays for a while. On my second or third time downloading a secret code, I did it from approximately 1/10 of a mile from Albion’s restaurant. Drove there, parked, vigorously (okay, what passes for vigorously) strode in and up to the counter, when my code disappeared! (Later learned it’s supposedly good for 5 minutes – to borrow a quote from Monty Python, it was never 5 minutes!). Was told by the employee that if I waited TWELVE MINUTES, I could generate a NEW code. I said I wanted my food – all I got was my double cheeseburger.

I removed that app.

Discovered last week that Burger King was having a promotion 9/18 for “Cheeseburger Day.” Used that app this noon, and it said the Albion location was CLOSED. Right. Further struggles produced the news that “mobile ordering was currently unavailable.” So I stopped in, and was informed that this location wasn’t doing that promotion!

“Another one bites the dust!”

Guess I’ll have to take my business to KFC! No, wait…

Tom Taber


Yates supervisor reiterates financial successes for town with results for residents

Posted 18 September 2023 at 9:33 am


“Time for sweeping change.” Now there’s a line from Mr. Lauricella’s September 12th letter to Hub readers that needs explaining!

But first a response to concerns Mr. Lauricella has about what the “math shows.” On January 1, 2016, as the newly elected Yates Town Supervisor, the town was operating on a nearly depleted general reserve fund. The budget for 2016 that John Riggi and I inherited from the previous town board was projected to have a large deficit in the general reserve fund by the end of the year.

That negative general reserve fund trend, combined with our costly, multi-year, legal fight against Apex Clean Energy, made it very difficult to stay under the tax cap the next few years, but we did until 2021.

However, even with the 2021 Town Tax Rate increases designed to remediate the negative general reserve fund, the Yates taxpayers’ Combined Tax Rate was the 2nd lowest of six Orleans County towns for “Inside the Village,” and the 4th lowest of ten Orleans County towns for “Outside the Village,” for that year.

For the current 2023 fiscal year, Yates taxpayers’ Combined Tax Rate is the lowest of six towns “Inside the Village,” and the 3rd lowest of 10 towns “Outside the Village,” in Orleans County.

Speaking of “taxpayers first,” Mr. Lauricella and Mr. Colon, what are the “sweeping changes,” you intend to make if elected? The taxpayers deserve to know.

Would you have negotiated a fair and sustainable contract with the SEIU for our hardworking highway team?

Would you have spent sufficient funds to defend the town against Apex Clean Energy?

Would you have extended access to public water to include Goodwin and Hall roads in Water District 4?

Would you have taken out a short-term loan while interest rates were very low to purchase a new highway tractor?

Would you have supported the Lyndonville Fire Department by facilitating the creation of the Joint Fire District?

Would you have frozen the town board and town supervisor pay for the last eight years?

These are all things we did.

With all due respect, what would you have done differently?  What’s your “sweeping” plan?

I admit I’ve learned a few things about municipal government the hard way. But one thing I would not change are those I am currently serving with on the town board.

John Riggi is a retired Medical Device and Pharma Quality Assurance and Regulatory Affairs Executive, and he is in his 8th year as Town Councilman and Deputy Town Supervisor.

Susan Hrovat is a Social Work and Law Enforcement officer with over 30 years’ experience, and she has served as a Town Councilwoman for 4 years and on the Lyndonville School Board for over 10 years.

Meanwhile, I very respectfully ask Yates voters to re-elect John Riggi, Susan Hrovat, and me.  And if you have any questions for me, please don’t hesitate to call me at 716-946-2075.

Jim Simon

Yates Town Supervisor

County Treasurer’s Office needs to make site more handicapped accessible

Posted 18 September 2023 at 9:03 am


Orleans County needs to improve on their ADA’s.  My friend wanted to personally pay his taxes.  He presently has a disability and needs to use a walker.

So we go to 34 East Park St. in Albion. They do have a ramp but it can only be accessed from the front of the building. The parking area in the back only has stairs, no ramp so you have to park on the street across from the building. You then have to walk in the street because the sidewalk is uneven, except for the front of the building.

You proceed to use the ramp but the back door is locked. You ring the doorbell and wait for someone to open the door.  This may take a few minutes if they are waiting on customers inside. Staff was very pleasant but not an ideal situation. This is just one instance as I am now more cognizant of the limitations people with disabilities have to encounter in our county. We need to do better.

Jeanne Crane


Responses to drag show event have caused needless division in community

Posted 18 September 2023 at 7:40 am


Well bust my buttons, the “Drag Me to Brunch” show has caused quite a bit of attention in Albion NY.

I knew without a doubt that the throw the Catholics under the bus scenario would emerge, the left, right, and center folks would all speak out, family values or lack thereof would be called into question.

For those of us few individuals that still believe in a higher power (I’m not talking Donald Trump or George Soros) the tearing down of our community speaks volumes of where we are as people in this country.

The freedom of speech and freedom to assembly are the right of everyone in this country; with it is the right of the Clergy in our community to speak their mind and express their concerns. It is the right of The Lockstone to take money for the assembly of this performance; they’re probably suffering from the canal bridge closure.

We all live with our decisions and hopefully the consequences of those decisions. Stop agonizing over this, whether you are for it or against it, it’s your choice or not whether you go to the event.

Yes, Jesus Christ loved the sinner, adulteress, lepers, winos, pedophiles, and murders; however, he did not love the sin. Also remember in this community the religious establishments contribute a great deal to the feeding, clothing, and offering shelter to those in desperate need, regardless of faith or lack thereof.


Jane Murray


Letter was about right and wrong, not bashing Catholics

Posted 17 September 2023 at 4:37 pm


In response to the gentleman who took issue with my recent Letter to the Editor, I would like to correct a few inaccurate statements in his response in order to set the record straight.

In his post, he stated that I am part of the “American Left,” which is not true. I am politically a centrist. My post had nothing to do with the Right or Left, it was about Right and Wrong.  There were 216,000 kids molested by Catholic priests. If anyone is OK with that, you should take a long look in the mirror.

My comments about Catholic priests were not hateful, they were just plain facts. If the gentleman doubts the veracity of my statements about the Catholic church and priests, look it up. All are correct and verifiable through reliable sources.

Maybe if the gentlemen was more focused upon correcting the heinous behaviors of Catholic (and other denominations) priests versus a local drag show, the world and our area would be a better place.

John Fredericks


Hateful views towards Catholics by letter writer can’t be accepted

Posted 17 September 2023 at 10:58 am


I have been reading the Hub with enjoyment since its inception. Over the last few years I have noticed a left-leaning bias in the letters section.

While reading left-leaning letters with mild amusement, I must draw the line at Catholic-bashing. As a Past Grand Knight of the Knights of Columbus, I am incensed that a letter writer would willy-nilly express his extremely hateful and harmful view on Catholics and our priests.

Apparently, bashing my country is in vogue. Bashing Catholics will never be, despite the best efforts of the American left.


James G. Falkenburgh


Church leaders should keep closer eye on own problems rather than target drag show

Posted 17 September 2023 at 8:50 am


After reading the to the editor that was signed by 29 local clergymen/women regarding the drag show, I was struck with an incredible feeling of hypocrisy.

From 1950 to 2020 over 216,000 children were molested by Catholic priests in the U.S.  4% of said priests were reported to have molested children and the Catholic church has paid billions to settle the lawsuits.

We all know of the phrase in the Bible, “If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone…”, and I feel that clergy who wrote the letter should be policing their own ranks instead of casting dispersions on another population that has a far lower incident rate of child molestation.

John Fredericks


Church leader says sexuality promoted too soon for children, leading to confusion and division

Posted 16 September 2023 at 12:39 pm


In a recent open letter, area clergy expressed concern over a drag show coming to our local community. Many in our community took this as judgment upon others. I wanted to clarify why our church signed.

Many seemed to express confusion as to why local church leaders may be taking a stand on such an issue. There is a feeling that Jesus would never cast judgment on those who many label “sinners.” If we take a closer look at the life and teachings of Christ, we see Jesus was in fact loving and even accepting of people who struggled with real issues. He walked with them, talked with them and ate with them. As we reflect on the great love of Christ we must be careful, however, that we do not confuse this for an approval of sin.

Consider the adulterous woman. Jesus told those who had no sin to cast the first stone. One by one individuals dropped their stone and walked away. When Jesus asked if there was still anyone to condemn her she said no. Then Jesus told her, “neither do I condemn you, go and sin no more.” You see, Jesus loved and accepted the person. He did not approve of her sin. He loved her enough to speak truth in the hope that there might be a positive change in her life.

Society is changing and with that change our nation and local communities seem to be more polarized than ever. I believe there is a way for us to instead come to the table, eat together, and have open and honest conversations about our convictions and beliefs. When people we disagree with take a position we should see it as an opportunity to come together rather than a moment that tears us apart.

Speaking up on these important issues is becoming more and more important. While we acknowledge the right of people to host and participate in an event they believe appropriate for themselves, there is no doubt there has been an attempt in the modern world to silence those who still hold biblical values. This has led to a great deal of confusion for even children in our society.

When people become blind to the differing values so many others in our communities hold it leads to the type of polarization we see today. The truth is many do not want to see sexuality promoted in our communities, for children to see, when these matters should only be discussed in the home at an age parents feel is appropriate. Ignoring this fact has led to a great deal of confusion and division.

The local school is for education, not a place to promote world views on human sexuality. It is simply inappropriate for youth and children’s programming to promote the idea of transitioning one’s gender when by the same societal standards they are not old enough to get a tattoo or drink a beer.

These positions are not meant to divide. We are simply saying there are certain subjects meant to be left to parents. This is something parents who hold biblical values and those who do not should understand.

Bryan McDowell

Lead Pastor at Oak Orchard Assembly of God in Medina

Churches wrong to exert pressure on organizer to cancel drag queen show

Posted 16 September 2023 at 7:57 am


It has come to my attention that the clergy of Orleans County and their houses of worship have decided to do their civic duty and begin paying taxes. It’s truly about time, and I am sure that the money will be well used for infrastructure and services to the people of  New York, Orleans County and the village of Albion. It’s all I can assume they mean when they call for a cancellation of an event at a tax-paying establishment, that they seem to have an issue with.

Specifically, I’m talking about the Drag Me to Brunch event being help at The Lockstone in Albion on October 1st. The red herring argument used by the writer is on its surface intolerant, but at its core is also bigoted. I am disappointed to find this still surviving in the same town where I was taught acceptance, understanding and tolerance.

I can almost see their issue, but not really. So, they believe that because some adults wish to get together and have some fun, and one of the participating Drag Queens has expressed her enjoyment of Drag Queen Story Hour, one leads directly to the other?

Do they perhaps expect that an army of Drag Queens (there are Drag Kings too, How do you like them?) Are going to march into the Hoag Library and force the village children to list to “Hansel and Gretel?” Or perhaps they envision “Hedwig and the Angry Inch?”

Either way, I don’t see that happening. Any event needs planning and nobody will be forced to participate, believe me, it’s strictly on a volunteer basis.  As with any cult, we must keep our supplicants under-educated and unquestioning. Heaven forbid they begin to think for themselves.

Since the attempted coup of January 6th, 2021 was thwarted, we still live in The United States of America, and as such still live under the U.S. Constitution. I’m sure you know the document, the 1st Amendment of which begins thus: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; ….

It further continues, …or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people to peaceably assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievance. This, I was taught in Albion High School in 1986 by Mr. Miller in 12th grade American History class. He was pretty adamant about our understanding of the Constitution.

So my understanding is this: The Government is not beholden to any religious group, ever. And furthermore, we can not be forced to do their bidding, ever.

We may exercise our freedom of assembly to enjoy whatever entertainment that we wish, so long as we maintain the peace as defined in the NY State penal code. Since this is an adults-only event, as defined by the NY State Liquor Authority, it seems that we are well within our rights to do as we shall do. I can imagine why this would scare you.

As a 56-year-old, hetero male, my wife and I will certainly have some fun at this event. We will enjoy the music, the food and the show. We can’t help it, we have open minds and open hearts. It’s all one needs to find joy in life.


Karl White


Clergy miss mark with portraying drag queen show as moral threat

Posted 16 September 2023 at 7:49 am


In response to the letter to the editor entitled, “Clergy members ask the organizer to cancel drag queen performance Oct. 1 in Albion.”

I am shocked at the level of absurdity in the notion that drag queens represent a moral threat to society or that their goal is to take over children’s story hours. That is as laughable as it is reprehensible.

As far back as 1975, when the “Rocky Horror Picture Show” was mainstream for well over a decade, drag queens have been accepted for what they are: talented performers.

Regarding the “drag queen story hours,” I am willing to wager that if we added up the hours that the undersigned anti-drag religious folk have devoted to local libraries for children’s story hours, it has either been minuscule or non-existent and that the majority of signees has never hosted a children’s book reading at a library. Thus, their concern that drag queens will take them over seems disingenuous.

Whatever the case, the best solution would not be to call for the event’s cancellation; and it would be for them to attend it. That would provide an opportunity for outreach, as opposed to condemnation – which seems like a Christian concept.

It is one thing to urge people not to attend an event, but an attack on a private, locally-owned business should be unacceptable, even if it is click-worthy on social media.

Thom Jennings


Barre resident has questions about Water District No. 10

Posted 15 September 2023 at 2:44 pm


I live in the Town of Barre Water District #10 and was able to attend the latest Town Board meeting held earlier this week.

I was able to speak. I was, however, unable to formulate appropriate questions,  public speaking not being my forte. Had I been able to, frankly I’m not sure if the answers would have been forthcoming.

My questions are, as follows:

1. How much will the water table plummet in the Town of Barre when water is pumped out of the fields for the footers/foundations or any subterranean structure of the turbines?

2. Were the ditches and streams cleared not because of dead ash trees but for the turbines?

3. Did property owners put tile lines in their properties in anticipation of controlling the water?

4. How are the STAMP project, the Iroquois Wildlife Refuge, and the Town of Barre connected?

5. Did FEMA change the flood plain map in anticipation of someone other the Mother Nature controlling the water in Barre?

Numerous issues surrounding water in the Town  of Barre have reached critical mass. Residents can no longer muddle through life thinking that the Town of Barre has all of us in their thoughts and prayers. We are in their crosshairs.

Kris Welles


Clergy members ask organizer to cancel drag queen performance Oct. 1 in Albion

Posted 15 September 2023 at 11:51 am


It has come to our attention that a drag queen performance has been scheduled at The Lockstone in Albion for Sunday, October 1st. We, the undersigned pastors and ministry leaders in the community would like to address this.

We acknowledge the right of the organizers to hold this event and for people to attend, but we believe that its overall impact would be detrimental to our community. We respect those who hold different views; however, we believe that many share our concerns. In light of that, we are happy to represent those who feel as we do.

As most of you are aware, there have been attempts across the country to make drag more and more mainstream in our society. According to GLAAD (Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) “drag queens are men, typically gay men, who dress like women for the purpose of entertainment.”

While the scheduled event is for those 21 and over, we are also aware of the emergence of “drag queen story hours” for children that have been taking place across the country. One of our concerns is that the attempt to normalize drag queen events such as the one scheduled for October 1st is a precursor to prepare the community for further drag queen events, including drag queen story hours.

One of the performers who is slated to appear in Albion stated on his website that his desire is to be a “queer role model.” Video footage of him conducting children’s story hours is also found on his page.

Clearly, there are sexual overtones and implicit sexual content in most drag performances. While that content is not emphasized in the story hour setting, it remains a significant part of the drag world. Just as most in the community would not endorse “adult film star story hours”, or “exotic dancer story hours”, even if those individuals were not directly promoting the industry that they represent, common sense tells us that such events would be inappropriate for children.

We, the undersigned, respectfully ask the organizers of this event to cancel the upcoming show.

Pastor Tim Lindsay – Harvest Christian Fellowship

Pastor Russ Peters – Alabama Full Gospel Fellowship

Pastors Jovannie & Melisa Canales – Oasis Church

Pastor Bryan McDowell – Oak Orchard Assembly of God

Pastor Dan Thurber – Oak Orchard Assembly of God

Chaplain Don Snyder – Oak Orchard Assembly of God

Pastors Tim & Virginia Thomas – The River at Orleans County New York Church

Pastors Sam & Sue Hershberger – Faith Covenant Fellowship

Pastor Vincent Iorio – Calvary Tabernacle Assembly of God

Chaplain Ayesha Kreutz – Frederick Douglass Foundation of New York

Pastor Rich Allis – Light of Victory Church

Pastor Terry Bryant – God’s Voice Ministries

Pastor Sarah Ferguson – The Risen Café

Pastor Steve Pawley – Shelby Center Church

Pastors Eddie & Lady Rose English – The Lord’s House

Rev. Larry Malakie – Founder/Director, My Messenger Ministries

Pastor Jim Heiler – West Barre United Methodist Church

Pastor Margie Eason – Gateway to Heaven Church

Wende Swick – Care Net Center of Greater Orleans

Pastor Kevin Lawson – Calvary Tabernacle Assembly of God

Rev. Mike Stephenson

Pastor Erik Olsen – East Shelby Community Bible Church

Pastor Paul Adelle Sr. – Grove United Methodist Church

Pastor Mark A. Washington – Greater Lamb of Life Church of God in Christ

Kindness and generosity abounds in the local community

Posted 14 September 2023 at 4:24 pm


Approaching a heavy office door recently, a young man spotted me on two canes, and though 10 feet beyond, said “I’m sorry,” turned around and went back and opened the door for me.  Guessing, I said “Gracias.” Confirming my guess, he responded, “De nada.”

Margaret and I are both on canes, and at 87 we struggle to get out of cars and chairs. Countless folks, old, young, male, female, minorities and majorities, often teens offer us help.  I joked with a receptionist who witnessed some of this, “walking with canes seems to bring out the best in people.”

Individually, in particular, people seem to want to be helpful and kind. Sometimes in groups we prioritize the survival of the group to points of selfishness, injustice and even cruelty and brutality.

But, several groups in the Albion area instead are busy helping out the less fortunate. At the regular Catholic Social Justice meeting recently, Annette Finch told about helping with a child-lunch program Tuesdays and Fridays during the summer at Bullard Park, put on by Albion Summer Program, the Masons, Rev. Al and Mrs. Ykeeta Wilson and the Royal Body Shop Church and Annette and other volunteers.

About 150 children came and were respectful and thankful. Annette was moved when a 10-year-old girl asked Annette to wrap hers to take home for her mother. Also, several farmers, stores contribute food. Folks donate money.

She pointed out that several other organizations help the needy and neglected: For instance, Sister Dolores Ann O’Dowd and the Genesee-Orleans Ministry of Concern that for 60 years now has helped with housing, furniture, clothing, bedding, food, prescription, landlord and inspection emergencies and runs the Special Friends volunteer program.

Community Kitchen, now known as Koinonia, has over 60 churches volunteering on their Thursday night hot dinners and lunches to take home. The Royal Body Shop Church runs several feeding activities, offering meals, a help-yourself refrigerator and cupboard at Arnold’s.

Two other churches now in Albion also have refrigerator/cupboards. Jack Burris for several years now has expanded his rug-cleaning business into his weekend Hands of Hope Ministry with food and clothing for the needy.

St. Vincent DePaul, Knights of Columbus, Catholic Daughters, Ladies of Charity all volunteer and the latter three donate to the above causes generously.

Albion Betterment Committee, Hoag Library contribute much to the community and utilize volunteers. Orleans Office of Aging knows about transportation and care for medical, food and other needs and utilizes volunteers. This list is not exhaustive.

Amidst all the anger, meanness and cruelty in our society, I believe it’s outnumbered by those who want to help, and make these efforts. The many volunteers that help in the Albion area are an example of the goodness of mankind.

If you, teen-agers, adults, elderly like me, are anxious to help, contact any of the above or our local churches. If you have problems making contact, you can contact us at: goldenjazz59@gmail.com.

Marg and Bob Golden


Genesee leaders say STAMP sewer won’t hurt Oak Orchard, Orleans economic development efforts

Posted 13 September 2023 at 4:05 pm


A number of concerns have been raised about the impacts of the construction of an underground pipeline that would discharge treated water from businesses at STAMP into Oak Orchard Creek.

These are concerns that we have taken very seriously and addressed. Multiple engineering studies and peer engineering and environmental regulatory reviews have been conducted to assess potential impacts of discharging this treated water into the creek. This process is similar to how municipalities treat water before it is discharged into local waterways.

While existing businesses at STAMP, including Plug Power and Edwards, would discharge approximately 50,000 gallons per day of treated water into Oak Orchard Creek, the studies and peer reviews assessed the impacts of the potential for a maximum of 6 million gallons per day as if STAMP was at full build out.

The various studies and peer reviews conducted by engineering professionals took that maximum level into account and determined that the increased flow from the STAMP discharge will not have a noticeable impact on the 100-year flood elevations downstream nor will it impact stream velocity, water levels, water quality impairments and/or area wide erosion.

Concerns also have been raised about potentially impacting the capacity at water treatment facilities in neighboring communities which could negatively impact bringing new businesses and/or assist business expansion because of a lack of capacity.

Again, citing these same studies and peer reviews for the potential for a maximum of 6 million gallons per day if STAMP was at full build out it was determined that:

The increase in surface water elevations in Oak Orchard Creek during a 10-year storm event would be approximately 1/8-inch to 1/4-inch with STAMP discharging at the maximum expected level of 6 MGD.

Given the above, the Medina water treatment plant which currently operates with a maximum permitted level of treating 4.5 MGD could expand by another 10 MGD in order to accommodate new capacity for business growth and/or expansion without impact from STAMP’s maximum expected 6 MGD discharge.

An adjoining dam to Oak Orchard Creek could absorb the 6 MGD into its storage capacity without modification to the dam’s operations.

We want to support our partners in economic development to assist any we can to enhance investment in the GLOW region. We would not advocate for something that would be detrimental to our partners as we all are working collaboratively to bring prosperity to our region.

Finally, we want to thank the approximately 38 landowners who agreed to temporary and permanent easements on their properties to allow the underground pipeline to be constructed.  We appreciate their understanding of the temporary and permanent need to use their properties for this critically important regional economic development initiative.

Please visit www.informationaboutstamp.com to review the various engineering studies and peer review documents related to this project.


Peter Zeliff


Genesee County Economic Development Center

Steven G. Hyde

President & CEO

Genesee County Economic Development Center

Yates candidate questions town numbers for fiscal stewardship

Posted 12 September 2023 at 10:47 am


To the Yates Town Board, your letter in the Orleans Hub on 9/6/23 in response to my letter of 9/4/23 stated the following:

“To let the Hub readers decide for themselves whether we are prudent stewards of the taxpayers hard-earned money, we offer the following: From 2021-2023, the Town ‘Inside Village’ tax rate was either flat or decreased each year (2021 = 3.66, 2022 = 3.55, 2023 = 3.66).  And while the Town ‘Outside Village’ tax rate has increased 2% per year (2021 = 4.83, 2022 = 4.93, 2023 = 5.03), the combined tax rate increase each year averaged below 2%.”

The above numbers are correct, but here is “The rest of the story,” as Paul Harvey would have said.

Let’s go back to one year prior to 2021. In 2020 the Town “Inside Village” tax rate was $2.49.  Math shows us that the $3.66 tax rate in 2021 noted above was a $1.17 or 46.9% increase! In 2020 the Town “Outside Village” tax rate was $4.34. Math shows us that the $4.83 tax rate in 2021 noted above was a $0.49 or 11.3% increase.

I will stop there and “let the Hub readers decide for themselves whether (you) are prudent stewards of the taxpayers hard-earned money.”

Time for sweeping change. This November 7th please elect both Paul Lauricella and Steven Colon on the “Conservative” or “Taxpayers First” line to Yates Town Councilman.

Paul Lauricella
