letters to the editor/opinion

Our Letters Policy

Posted 24 October 2023 at 3:00 pm

We appreciate input from our readers, and we publish letters to the editor without charge. The letters should be written by the person who submits the letter and not be “ghost written” by someone else. While open speech and responsibility are encouraged, comments may be rejected if they are purely a personal attack, offensive or repetitive. Comments are the opinions of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Orleans Hub. Although care is taken to moderate comments, we have no control over how they are interpreted and we are unable to guarantee the accuracy of comments and the rationality of the opinions expressed. We reserve the right to edit letters for content and brevity. Please limit the length of your letter (we suggest no more than 500 words) and provide your name, telephone number, mailing address and a verifiable email address for verification purposes. Letters should be emailed to news@orleanshub.com.

Shelby town clerk seeks voter support in upcoming election

Posted 2 October 2023 at 9:22 am


I’ve had the privilege of serving as town clerk in Shelby for the past 16 years. This year, I am running for re-election, and I would be honored to continue serving our community.

As a lifelong resident of Shelby, I’m fully vested in our town’s well-being. Together with my husband of 50 years, Mike, we’ve raised four children here and now have four grown grandchildren. This community is dear to my heart, and my commitment to serving you as town clerk stems from that deep-rooted connection.

In my role, I’ve taken great pride in ensuring that all administrative tasks are carried out efficiently. This includes managing marriage, dog, hunting, and fishing licenses, as well as building permits and handicap permits. I also serve as a tax collector, handling significant sums every year. My dedication to transparency and accountability is evidenced by the clean audits I’ve received, both from our town’s financial auditors and the New York State Comptrollers.

The clerk’s office operates independently of other town departments and experience really does matter. Besides these routine duties, I work diligently to keep my skills and knowledge current. I consistently attend educational events and have earned multiple credentials, including Registered Municipal Clerk, Certified Municipal Clerk, and Master Municipal Clerk. I’m one of only 23 individuals statewide to hold the Master Municipal Clerk designation and the only one in Orleans County. These aren’t just titles; they signify my commitment to being the most qualified person to serve you.

Should you have any questions, I’m always here to help! Feel free to contact me by phone (585-520-4201), email (darnmike1@yahoo.com) or Facebook.com/shelbytownclerk.

I am eager to continue my service as Shelby Town Clerk and respectfully request your support and vote in the upcoming election.


Darlene Rich

Shelby Town Clerk

Writer misstates facts in letter about U.S. aid to Ukraine

Posted 30 September 2023 at 7:46 am


In response to Mr. Colon’s post about the U.S. providing aid to the Ukraine, I need to correct some of his factual inaccuracies. His statement that, “Congress wants to borrow $25 billion from China, give that $25 billion to Ukraine and have the American taxpayer repay China,” is totally inaccurate.

Of the nearly $30 trillion of debt that the federal government has, China holds just over 3% of it.  American people and corporations hold over 70% of the debt, so the fact is that we are mainly repaying ourselves.

Sam Bankman Fried is in jail for fraud charges for bilking customers out of money, but there is no credible information that he laundered money to Congressmen. Also, isn’t Congress’s job to audit Federal spending, that is done by the General Accounting Office which is a branch of the Federal Government.

Furthermore, Colon posted previously on the Hub that he was a part of the attempted coup of our government on January 6th, 2021 and he has made numerous false statements about the validity of the 2020 elections. Those comments are not only egregiously harmful, but they also have been refuted numerous times.

Those who went to the Capitol that day with the intent to overthrow our freely elected government are not good Americans, and being proud of such actions is truly traitorous and endangers our democracy.

John Fredericks


Young people should be on teams which create a lifetime of memories

Posted 30 September 2023 at 7:38 am


My inclination to write this stemmed largely from years of working together with others in the pursuit of common interests, goals, and things bigger than what I individually cared about.

Working with people who shared similar objectives gave me many opportunities to experience the satisfaction of accomplishing things I would have otherwise found impossible. Where their families came from and what they looked like mattered not at all. We put aside any differences we may have had in the interests of achieving together what we otherwise could not.

What I have been hearing and observing lately suggests younger people are keeping increasingly to themselves. If that is the case, they are depriving themselves of opportunities to revel in the pleasures of teamwork and celebrating the contributions of every member of a like-minded group to that group’s success. Teaming up also presents us with unique challenges and chances to enjoy what others bring to the “table.” And there is still is much truth to the adage, “The more the merrier.”

We often cannot get much of anything done working alone.

So, should we not be encouraging people to band together in the interests of getting more accomplished? The idea that a school cannot field a soccer team for lack of participants is truly sad in my estimation. Someone recently told me that a local baseball team only had 12 players. Those of us who know what there is to gain from working together can contribute by promoting involvement in group activities.

There really is much that we can add to our lives by working with people who share our values and interests. The benefits of setting aside individual aspirations in hopes of securing a common objective are significant and produce a lifetime of memories.

Furthermore, when we gain happiness by setting others up for success, we all win.

Sincerely yours,

Gary F. Kent


Bible includes descriptions of big celebrations

Posted 28 September 2023 at 10:05 am


I would like to suggest a Biblical response to drag queens: 2 Samuel 6 tells how King David welcomed the Ten Commandments:

“14  And David danced before the Lord with all his might; and David was girded with a linen ephod.

“15 So David and all the house of Israel brought up the ark of the Lord with shouting, and with the sound of the trumpet.”

Surely, a local pastor can slaughter a bull and go “Leaping and dancing before the Lord” in a loin cloth to welcome the Ten Commandments to Albion. I think this Biblical reenactment would outdraw the drag queens.

Gerard M. Morrisey


It makes good sense to move treasurer’s office to former Bank of America site

Posted 28 September 2023 at 8:29 am


The moving of the treasurer’s office to the former Bank of America in Albion is a wonderful idea. It’s so hard to get in there for disabled and older people. The parking there is inadequate, there is really nowhere to park that is convenient without crossing the street.

I think that the Bank of America is going to be a perfect location for the treasurer’s office, but with that being said, I really hope that they consider leaving the county historian’s office there and perhaps adding a Santa museum. I am sure there are many artifacts from the old Santa School, and many collections of Santas that could be displayed there.

With our village’s history of the Santa school it would be a wonderful addition to Albion’s Historic Courthouse Square.

Lori Laine


Pastors who oppose drag queen show have been quiet about many threats to children and country

Posted 26 September 2023 at 10:06 am


The pastors and community leaders have every right to express their views as does every other person outlined in the first amendment in the constitution.

I don’t think any of those pastors and named individuals who signed the letter to the editor on Sept. 15 intended to infringe on the freedoms of assembly or expression as outlined in the first amendment of the constitution. To do that would be of course… un-American. However, as the old proverb goes… “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.”

Unfortunately, that’s exactly what they did. They used their pulpits and community positions to publicly pressure The Lockstone from holding “Drag Me to Brunch,” a 21-plus event because it does not align with their own version of Christian worldview.

They misrepresented the danger to children in a time when there is already loads of misinformation and disinformation involving the LGBTQ+ community, who are constantly targeted, harassed and threatened as being predators and pedophiles. If you look at the math (numbers don’t lie), you would see that children are in far more danger with pastors and clergy than with a drag queen.

Even more concerning is that we live in an era of prolific gun violence with mass shootings occurring almost every day, of every week, of every month in this country. If these pastors are concerned for the safety of the children who will not be in attendance of the event, then what about the safety of the patrons and performers?

Is not all life sacred or does that only serve its purpose when it comes to those they deem acceptable in their worldview? Why would they now misrepresent the danger and rile up the community calling even more attention to something they disagree with when there’s been a strip club operating in Bergen, NY for the past how many years?

I’d like to know where their outrage was when the ReAwaken Tour was invited to Batavia by the Cornerstone Church earlier this year whose speakers include election deniers, conspiracy theorists, and white supremacists who are “recruiting an ‘Army of God’” according to retired Gen. Michael Flynn, one of the tour’s speakers. A few of us did ask for that event to be canceled out of legitimate concern that the speakers regurgitate dangerous conspiracy theories like the “Great Replacement Theory” which was a motivator during the 2022 Buffalo Massacre. Let us remember that ten of our Black brothers and sisters were murdered in cold-blood by a young white-supremacist that was radicalized by hate speech and conspiracy theories.

If these pastors and individuals who are still named on the letter are so concerned about the children then I ask every one of them to consider canceling the remainder of their fall services to call attention and hold discussions about legitimate concerns of child abuse and molestation. Wouldn’t it be great if we could have a fair and open conversation about something that wasn’t so self serving?

We all unfortunately run the risk of falling into an echo chamber where our beliefs are shaped by the constant reinforcement of like-minded individuals, especially online. The real danger may be that of social media and the warped left vs. right algorithms that shape the content we are exposed to that does not necessarily reflect reality. I’ve noticed at least one person has revoked their name from the letter and for that I applaud you. It may be a small step but isn’t that all it takes? May your coffee cup ever be full.


Dylan Miller


More scrutiny needed of U.S. foreign aid, especially to Ukraine

Posted 26 September 2023 at 9:55 am


Fact: Congress wants to borrow $25 billion from China, give that 25 billion to Ukraine and have the American taxpayer repay China. How is that in the best interest of the United States taxpayers?

There is no oversight of how the Ukrainian aid is being spent and no oversight of the war supplies being sent there to Ukraine. How is that fair to the US taxpayers?

Sam Bankman Fried (FTX ) was allegedly laundering money back to US politicians and is indicted for that but no audits or oversight being done by US Congress. Fact: all request for audits and oversight gets voted down. How is that in the best interest of the US taxpayers? Why would the US Congress not found oversight or audits of US money and military supplies unless they are benefiting from no audits and oversight of US resources.

The American taxpayers had better start demanding to know how and where their money and military supplies are going and who is benefiting from American foreign aid.

Steve Colon


Evidence, including report from U.S. Catholic Church, showed extensive abuse by priests

Posted 25 September 2023 at 2:34 pm


On Sept. 17, Mr. Falkenburgh complained about the “extremely hateful and harmful view of Catholics and our priests,” referencing a letter by Mr. Fredericks. In rebuttal, Mr. Fredericks was correct in suggesting that Mr. Falkenburgh do some research and check out the facts.

When Mr. Falkenburgh does check he facts, he will discover that in response to public pressure, in 2002 the US Catholic Church asked the John Jay College of Criminology (City College of New York) to investigate its own priests to determine the severity of the sexual abuse problem.

The report stated from 1950-2002: 10,667 cases of abuse by 4,392 Catholic clergy, or 4% of the 109,694 serving priests. Of that total 252 were convicted and 100 sent to jail.

In 2018 the State of Pennsylvania received a Grand Jury Report that stated over 1,000 children had been abused in Pennsylvania by 600 priests over a 70-year period. In November 2022, the Attorney General of Maryland issued a report that in the Archdiocese of Baltimore 600 victims had been abused by 158 priests over an 80 year period.

I recommend Mr. Falkenburgh read the three reports and contact the US Conference of Bishops for details. The Bishops will have what he needs because they helped start the whole investigation in the first place. They can be reached at phone number 202 541 3000.

Jack Capurso

Albion High School graduate in 1960

Ashburn, Va.

Green Orleans urges people to choose natural fibers for clothing

Posted 23 September 2023 at 8:18 am


We do not often think about our clothing containing plastic, but synthetic materials do. Every time they are laundered plastic particles are released.

To minimize the detrimental effects on the environment, launder synthetic materials in cold water and either line dry or dry on a cooler setting.

Purchasing secondhand synthetics as opposed to new helps as well. Of course, purchasing clothing made from natural fibers such as cotton is even better. Each one of us, working together, can help preserve the environment that sustains us.

Green Orleans

Tom Robinson

Gary Kent

Anne Downey

Dennis Seekins

Rosanne Leach

Brady Ferguson

Sister Dolores O’Dowd

Drag queen show better fit in Rochester, rather than a small town

Posted 23 September 2023 at 7:40 am


I am embarrassed and deeply disappointed that Albion has chosen to offer such a low form of “so called entertainment” next month. Is our town so starved for entertainment, for there  to be a sold out venue with men parading around as women.

Is this really entertainment? I may be a senior citizen but I feel such a venue should not be offered in a small town but stay in Rochester.

Sandra Shingleton


Albion Betterment Committee urges village to work on ordinance for vacant buildings

Posted 21 September 2023 at 10:06 am


As many of us are aware, American culture has changed dramatically since the “old days” when soda shops and family-run hardware stores were the norm on every main street in small town America. It is true, as well, that “Santa Claus” doesn’t walk the sidewalks of our village year-round, and our historic mansions are no longer homes of millionaires.

The old idea of “main street” can’t be duplicated. In today’s culture, people rely on big box stores and online marketplaces for many of the items they used to make the trip to town to gather. For many small towns, through innovation, an entrepreneurial spirit, and cooperation within the community, a new “main street” has emerged.

Those of us who are operating businesses in Albion have a vision of a bustling Main Street corridor. We have poured our time and funds into unique shops and eateries in the village, and we see great potential for growth of the local economy through small, family-owned businesses.

Every summer, tourists visit Albion, either passing through on the canal, or driving in from local campgrounds or cottages. We want to offer them an experience they will want to return to, and tell their friends about.

For several years, there have been a number of buildings within the village that are left vacant and in various stages of deterioration. There are entrepreneurs who are seeking space in which to conduct their business either through purchase, or renting, and are willing to make the investment in the community. Albion’s downtown has the structure and appeal of a thriving, quaint village, but our development is stalled because storefronts sit vacant and unused instead of opening their doors to new businesses.

Last year, the Village Planning Board submitted a proposal to the Village Board of Trustees that would change the local ordinances, which when enforced would encourage vacant building owners to make changes.

We would like to see an improved proposal submitted at this time. There are many similar municipalities who have created ordinances that inspire the kind of change we would like to see, many of these are available as a matter of public record. We would like to see our local leaders follow their lead, and implement codes that have been proven to work.

On behalf of the Albion Betterment Committee, we submit this letter to the editor seeking support from the community to work together toward this vision.

Albion Betterment Committee directors

Gary Derwick

Gary Kent

Joe Gehl

Pullman Church leaders support drag queen show and LGBTQIA+ individuals

Posted 21 September 2023 at 8:16 am


It has come to our attention that there has been some concern regarding a planned drag show at The Lockstone in Albion on Sunday Oct 1. As a faith organization with deep roots in the Orleans County community for the last 129 years, we, the Pullman Memorial Universalist Church, would like to address this.

We acknowledge the right of others to believe and worship differently than we do, but we feel this discrimination and narrow mindedness is detrimental to our community.  We are happy to represent those who feel as we do.

Freedom of expression and freedom to love are foundational to the pursuit of happiness.  Allowing space for LGBTQIA+ individuals to express themselves and serve as role models for young people learning about themselves and their way of loving is essential to reducing stigma and increasing safety, especially in an area where many may feel isolated and even unsafe.

According to the Trevor Project, LGBTQIA+ youth are more than four times as likely than their counterparts to attempt suicide.  If we are concerned about our youth, certainly making a community safe for them to express themselves and their identity is a much more helpful way to do so than to call for the cancellation of an adults-only drag show at a private venue.

As Susan B. Anthony once said, “I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do, because I notice it always coincides with their own desires.”

At Pullman, we trust individuals to find their own paths through life and seek to provide loving fellowship and community as we seek truth together, in love.  We applaud those that have begun this journey and continue on it in love, as well as those that seek to be beacons and advocates for others who may be struggling.

The previous “local faith leaders” do not speak for us. We support the venue, the performers, and the show.

May the show go on.


The Board of Pullman Memorial Universalist Church,

Jessica George

Dylan Miller

Chris Loss

Alan Nugent

Carol Taillie

Sylvia Goodstine

Reverend Susan Frawley

Pastor welcomes dialogue with drag queen performers

Posted 20 September 2023 at 4:42 pm


The pastors and leaders have expressed their views in the letter to the editor. I followed up by agreeing to do an interview with Carla Rogner of Channel 13. I am not accusing her or the station of bias, and I understand the time constraints that they are under for a newscast, but probably 80-plus percent of what I said ended up on the “cutting room floor.”

We have tried to make our position clear and stand by the letter.

I would like to extend an offer:

If ever any of the drag queen performers would like to meet in person and have a dialogue, I would welcome that opportunity. Even if it’s after October 1st, so people can’t say this is being done to exert pressure upon them.

I am sincere about this and am willing to do it in a setting that they would be comfortable with.


Pastor Tim Lindsay

Harvest Christian Fellowship


Pastors missed common humanity in letter opposing drag queen show

Posted 20 September 2023 at 2:43 pm


I would like to state that I am someone that grew up in Lyndonville and am a member of the LGBTQIA+ community and now live in New York City.  I read the Orleans Hub from time to time to see what is going on back home and I know that there is a largely conservative and religious influence on what goes on back home.

As much as I recognize that evangelical Christians wish to influence their views on others, (which they have done for years) the letter from the pastors and other local clergy that was written essentially said to people like me, “You are not welcome here.”

Optics matter, Orleans County. The local churches of the county are obviously against this performance of drag queens in Albion and they have a right to be against events that they disagree with. That is not what I have the issue with.

Churches, I thought, always were supposed to be places of “love and inclusion.” This letter and its tone does not feel anything like how we should be treating our fellow human beings. Drag Queens are people, gay men and lesbians are people, Trans people are people, and yes, Christians are people too. This is a common humanity that we should keep in mind when expressing viewpoints of this nature.

This makes Orleans County and the village of Albion seem like a non-welcome place for people that are like me in the LGBTQIA+ community.  I made a conscious decision to leave the county back when I was 18, to escape the hatred and bigotry that I felt growing up from neighbors and friends, and to find community, to find people that were not going to judge me for being who I am.

However, there are many people that identify with the LGBT community that live and work among you, go to your churches, teach your children, work the factories alongside you, or could just simply be shopping at the local supermarket or out to dinner at the same restaurant as your family.

Getting back to the event, it should be reminded that this is a private venue, it is adults only, and there are going to be no kids present at the brunch. Furthermore, extrapolating that this is going to lead to drag queen story hour, and influencing kids is absolutely ridiculous.

Your kids, regardless of the events around them, are going to be gay if their DNA says so, not because a drag queen read them a story. I was never read a story by a drag queen and I have been out of the closet now for nearly 25 years.

Growing up in the county, there were never events that reached out to different groups of people in the community. This should be a welcome event to a county that has struggled with poverty and a flailing economy for years. If you aren’t interested in going to see a performer, dressed in a wig and women’s clothing, you don’t have to buy a ticket.

There is nothing wrong with this event being held in Albion, and if people wish to spend their money to go to this performance they should have the freedom to do so, without the churches of the area vilifying a marginalized group of people. Remember, you have a choice, stay home, and pray for us that we all find Jesus and buckle under the pressure that you wish to exert on the people in your community to conform and be like you.

I say, expression of self matters, respect for religion matters, but treat everyone with the common humanity that they deserve.

Oh, I almost forgot, for those that plan on going to the event, make sure you have plenty of dollar bills and tip the queens generously! As Mrs. Kasha Davis would say, “There’s always time for kindness!” Enjoy the show, everyone!

Jason Helsdon


Yates in need of common sense and accountability on Town Board

Posted 20 September 2023 at 8:05 am


My response to Mr. Simon’s September 18th letter to the Hub. Mr. Simon you are a “college academic.” I’m surprised you need an explanation of what sweeping change is.

There are two councilman seats up for election. Simple, myself and Steven Colon would like to earn both of them. You seem angry over that. Why? We are not running against anyone. We are running for the people of the Town of Yates.

True, you inherited an $86,345 deficit in account A. So here is the part that was conveniently left out. Mr. Simon you were new. I didn’t blame you for this then or now but it’s how you handled it that is simply disgraceful.

The Supervisor along with bookkeeper and cohorts were a target of the NYS Comptroller’s Office Financial Audit. The audit was scathing! The bookkeeper was forced to resign. People came to town meeting demanding that the bookkeeper be changed.

A different competent bookkeeper was interviewed, came in at cheaper price, even provided the software and what does Mr. Simon do? He turns down saving the taxpayers money and rehires this same bookkeeper and cohorts.

Keep in mind during the period since audit of almost 4 years that the (“You”!) taxpayers of this town had to pay to build up this $86,345 bookkeeping error deficit in account A (Village taxpayers paid a big brunt of this IE: the tax increases of 2020) the town credit rating was downgraded during this.

Mr. Simon when you were asked how you could justify such a thing your response was “I am the Supervisor I get to pick the bookkeeper.” Only one councilman voted against this insult to the taxpayers of this town that was Councilman Bradley. Let me refresh the taxpayers’ minds  (Click here to see report from comptroller.) I don’t know about you, Yates voters and readers, but if you or I did this would you have a job? Would your boss have not held you accountable?  Mr. Simon held no one accountable.

That’s when I knew nothing would ever change. He has allocated a raise to the bookkeeper recently (after all the trouble and extended financial hurt caused to taxpayers). I’m going to leave it right here and let the readers decide.

Please bring common sense to this board. Please elect to both seats, Paul Lauricella and Steven Colon, on November 7th for Yates Town Councilman. Putting “You” The Taxpayers First.

Paul Lauricella
