Writer urges support for new Barre Fire Hall
First of all I would like to thank the Barre Fire District Commissioners and all those involved in the development and planning for a new fire hall for the Barre Fire District. You have shown a lot of dignity at this time.
For the last two weeks we have read ads put in the Pennysaver that are against the new proposed fire hall. The people putting in these ads were not at the informational meeting nor have the correct facts and information. They are listening to people who think they have all the answers.
Although I don’t have all the answers, I do know this:
1. Will my taxes go up because of this building? No. You pay more garbage pickup than you do for fire protection. If you don’t believe that, check your recent tax statement.
2. The Fire Commissioners are responsible to the voters of the Town of Barre to make sure there is a building that the fire trucks can be in and that is safe for both the trucks and the firefighters – Not a building that has a leaking roof, no storage and, above all, is not handicapped accessible.
3. This building if built by EITHER the Fire District or Fire Company must be built according to New York State Building, Fire and Energy Codes and OSHA, State and Federal Regulations, and prevailing wages must be paid because it is a public works project and financed with the taxpayer money. If you don’t believe that check with the Town of Batavia about having the same issue or you can look up a recent lawsuit that the Bath Fire Department just went through.
To me this fire hall project is a no brainer. We either build it now with the approval of the Town of Barre voters, or we build it when we are forced to build it with no voice from the taxpayers. If you still need additional information you can visit the fire hall on Tuesday evening June 3 and there will be people that you can ask questions and get answers.
Remember to vote on Wednesday, June 4, from 3 to 9 p.m. at the Barre Fire Hall.
Cheryl Babcock