Towns shouldn’t play hide and seek
We assume we elect adults to office. We assume they do what they say, and do what they mean.
After reading that our town officials are not providing the information they are legally obliged to by the freedom of information act is more than disappointing. (Click here to see “Towns miss deadline on FOI request” in the May 28, 2014 Journal-Register.)
It seems that the Ridgeway and Shelby town boards are waiting for our paper to close and for the voices that may question or critique their actions are silent.
We really only have one of our three governments presenting options for our collective benefit. That benefit is lower taxes for most, and similar taxes for the rest. These statements are based on the combination of us all into one Medina.
I am personally disappointed in the lack of communication from the town governments. Personally I do not know the people, so I’m not sure if it is a lack of commitment, courage or fear of being elected again.
But it does seem like hide and seek.
Either way, when all three governments agreed that consolidation was the best option in 2011, it would be best for them to work toward that option.
Dean Bellack