Closing Clarendon Street bridge would be detrimental to community

Posted 22 May 2014 at 12:00 am


As a former resident of Orleans County and someone who still has many family members and friends living there, I would like to comment on the Clarendon Street bridge situation.

I agree with those who see the bridge as a vital entry into the Village of Albion. Having this street closed to through traffic would have a negative effect on both the citizens of Albion as well as visitors. It gives the impression that the village and/or county does not care about its citizens or the well being of the community.

At a time when Albion, as well as other villages, are working so hard to beautify and revitalize its business district, and the village as a whole, it would have a detrimental effect to have Clarendon Street block off.

I hope that the county and village can come to an agreement to keep the street open. I believe it is essential to a thriving community.

James Comden
Oak Brook, Illinois