Business should keep parking lot open for Medina Memorial Day event
I felt anger and sadness on Memorial Day when I saw the no parking signs and barricades in place at the Ace Hardware store on East Center Street during the community program to honor veterans.
Medina observes this holiday in a special way and has been held for over 60 years. It is a time for young and old to honor our men and women who have served the country in the military and shows the true meaning of Memorial Day.
We see our older community members, hear our youth through the band, youth organizations and meet our Boys’ State representative. It probably takes 3 hours out of the day and the owner of the Ace store feels he has to protect his property by not allowing any parking except for his customers.
I personally spoke with the owner last year about this situation, but apparently his property is more important than giving some space to the community on one day a year.
Patricia Farman
Mother of son active US Navy
Husband – served in US Air force Vietnam
Brother – served US Army
Father – US Marine WWII
Grandfather – US Army WWI