Yates town supervisor says he is committed to community

Posted 30 October 2015 at 12:00 am


This is an open letter to the people of the Town of Yates. I am writing this letter to ask for your support in the upcoming election, Nov. 3 in the town of Yates.

Many of you have known me for years but, for those of you who don’t, let me tell you a little about myself. My wife of 41 years and I grew up in this community and two of our children are raising their families in Yates.

I have been a Town Board member since 2004 and have had the privilege of serving as your Town Supervisor since 2010. Being active in the Lions Club and sponsoring the Little League in the town has kept me actively involved with many of the residents here.

Needless to say, I LOVE THIS TOWN. I want to see it prosper.

During my time on the board I have worked beside the other board members to protect our town and improve it. We were instrumental in helping new businesses establish themselves here. Two examples would be Medina Window and Millers General Store. We have always done everything we could to support the farming community in our town.

Unfortunately, we have also had businesses that have closed due to retirement as well as family and financial issues. As unwelcome as these closings have been for all of us, the circumstances are beyond the control of the board.

Just like you, I want this town to blossom and regenerate. We, (the Town Board and I) will continue to do everything we can to keep existing businesses here while also providing new businesses tools to open and succeed.

I have always worked hard to support the whole town and the majority wishes. I believe that together we can bring back the vibrant, thriving Main Street that so many of us grew up with.

I am asking for your vote on Nov. 3. Again, thank you for your support to ensure that our children and grandchildren will be able to grow and succeed without having to leave our beautiful town.

Thank you,

John Belson
Yates Town Supervisor