Vote with Medina dissolution shows that change is hard

Posted 22 January 2015 at 12:00 am


During the discussion on the Medina dissolution and even now that the referendum has been defeated, I hear the leaders of the various communities talk about Shared Services as a way to reduce costs.

Personally I see Shared Services as proof that you have too many bosses – one boss loaning equipment and workers to another boss tells me you have too many bosses.

Also, I don’t understand why some folks think that with dissolution they will “LOSE THEIR COMMUNITY.” My thoughts on this are if lines on a map define your community maybe you don’t have the community you thought you did.

And if you really want to save some money you should be discussing merging all three governments of Shelby, Medina and Ridgeway into one. Then maybe some real cost savings could be found.

I completely understand why dissolution is hard because change is hard especially when you have community leaders who aren’t united in the process.

John Beckingham