Trustee candidate says serving Medina shouldn’t be about one issue

Posted 16 March 2015 at 12:00 am


The Village of Medina election to fill two trustee positions is Wednesday, March 18. As has been announced, I am a candidate for a write-in vote for one of the positions.

Perhaps I see this election a little differently than others. I am not a single-issue candidate. I see this as an election to vote for the most qualified individuals to spend the next two years working as a member of the team to manage the village.

There are personnel decisions, buying decisions, grant opportunity decisions, financial decisions amongst many other courses of actions. It is about management management of personnel, finances, assets and more. It is not just about a single issue as some would lead you to believe.

Do I have what it takes to be a member of a team working for a common goal, whatever that goal may be? I think that my 28 years military experience, both active and reserve, bears that out. If the military stresses one thing it’s teamwork. I certainly learned that.

Do I have the business management? In all my years of working in business I have had to make personnel decisions, manage assets for large corporations and be responsible for finances. I’m proud of my record and my accomplishments.

I’ve learned many lessons developing and implementing multi-million dollar budgets and supervising, in some cases, over 100 employees at a time. These were good lessons learned that have helped me in all facets of my life.

I am a former trustee. That is well known. I have the experience of being on the board. I also have the experience of attending meetings for years and not just for the village but towns and shared services meetings also. I’ve tried to become educated in the issues facing all.

Not everyone believes that hard work can lead to solutions that face management of the municipality. I believe that it can, that we can find solutions or work with others to achieve a common goal. I ask that you consider my candidacy for the board and write in my name for election. If elected, I promise to work hard for the best interests of the Village of Medina.

Thank you.

Owen Toale