Survey from Batavia newspaper also shows strong opposition to Lighthouse Wind Project
The results are in on The Batavia News Survey on Wind Energy Support, as included in the Oct. 27 article (Vote Now: Lighthouse Wind: Supporters growing, feel underestimated).
Interestingly, the News Survey results (72% Opposed, 28% Support), closely correlate to the SOS survey results as performed in Yates (77.9% Opposed, 19.5% Support, 2.6% No Opinion).
By design, the survey respondent pool was not limited to only Somerset/Yates Town Residents, but was open to anyone to voice their opinion.
It is gratifying to see that the general population is, in fact, opposed to the specter of APEX’s Lighthouse Wind Industrial Wind Turbine Emplacement Project.
The positive survey result is welcome news. They serve to increase SOS’ resolve to defeat the APEX Lighthouse Wind Industrial Wind Turbine Emplacement Project.
Thank You,
John Riggi
Endorsed Republican candidate for Yates Town Board
President, Save Ontario Shores, Inc.