Somerset officials thanked for opposing wind project
After living in the Town of Orangeville in Wyoming County for 22 years, I was forced to move out of our once-beautiful home and countryside because of the negative impacts of a 58-turbine, industrial wind factory that was built amongst our homes there.
Sadly, Invenergy’s Orangeville wind factory was facilitated by greed-driven, energy-illiterate Town and County government officials, and the foreign-owned, multi-billion dollar Invenergy Wind, LLC.
Whereas I watched as my former home of Orangeville became a company-owned town, and Invenergy was allowed to run slipshod over the people and Town of Orangevillle, I want to offer my sincere thanks to Supervisor Dan Engert and the Somerset Town Board for stepping up to the plate and doing their due diligence on behalf of the people of Somerset and the surrounding communities!
They have done their homework, and listened to the majority of Somerset taxpayers – as well as adjoining people from Yates, who will also be affected.
Because the Somerset Town Board is undertaking a difficult task by challenging the current ‘green’/’greed’ political agenda that our State and Federal government continue to push – despite the fact that unreliable, inefficient industrial wind has been proven to be a net loser world-wide that taxpayers and ratepayers are stuck footing the bill for – their courageous decision to navigate the higher road deserves many thanks!
Credit needs to be given our Town Board because credit is definitely due here. Since I’ve watched Governors $pitzer, Pater$on and Cuomo – along with many New York and Wyoming County official$, enabling the scam of industrial wind to exist over the past 20-plus years (via either their support, or their failure to speak out at all), I realize that this Town Board has a lot of guts – something sorely missing in most politicians these days!
They are defying the ‘green’ agenda of the State and Federal government in favor of preserving the health, safety and welfare of the people of Somerset – and the surrounding area for miles around, as the negative impacts of seventy 570-foot-tall industrial wind turbines would not be limited to Somerset!
Thank you again, Somerset officials, for oing the right thing! As for myself, and quite a large number of Somerset people I have talked to, “We have your back – Thanks for having ours!”
Cathi Orr
“Wyoming County wind refugee”