Resident questions if Apex should pay towns attorney costs with wind project

Posted 19 June 2015 at 12:00 am


Does anyone else find it concerning that Apex Clean Energy, during its efforts to develop the Lighthouse Wind Project, has offered to retroactively pay for the Town of Yates’ attorney fees back to January 2015?

This information was brought into public view during the Yates Board’s monthly workshop on June 8. According to town officials, APEX may fund an escrow account to pay consulting fees provided by the town’s retained lawyer, Dan Spitzer. Mr. Spitzer, among other accomplishments, has worked for industrial wind turbine developers in the past.

It’s interesting that this escrow revelation came to the forefront just days prior to the Board’s vote on the project’s MET tower application. Should this have been done when Mr. Spitzer was initially hired? Why now? Legalities aside, I question if this arrangement passes the impropriety litmus test?

Glenn Maid