Not all wind companies signed ethics code

Posted 25 March 2015 at 12:00 am


Is Andrew Cuomo serious about ethics??

On March 23 you posted an article that said Governor Cuomo won’t sign the budget without ethics reform.

In July 2009, as Attorney General, Andrew Cuomo announced a new Wind Industry Ethics Code. At the time, this code was signed by 16 wind development companies. Apex, the company proposing 60 to 70 570-foot industrial wind turbines along the Lake Ontario shoreline, has NOT signed this Ethics Code.

The Apex project manager told me that the Attorney General had not asked them to sign. Is it up to the Attorney General to pursue the wind company? Or does an ethical wind company initiate the signing?

If the Governor is serious about ethics, the AG should ensure that all wind development companies have signed and comply with the Ethics Code.

Do we really have a Wind Development Ethics Code in New York state?
I think not.

Susan Dudley