Medina police officers say dissolution will end village police department

Posted 6 January 2015 at 12:00 am


The members of the Medina Police Benevolent Association strongly encourage all registered village voters to vote on Jan. 20. This vote is NOT to combine the village and two townships into one entity or “One Medina,” but to dissolve the village.

Dissolving the village ends any agreement with the village and the Medina Police, ultimately resulting in ending police services for the village.

So what are we saying? Police services that you as the village taxpayer pay for are gone, including community policing, quick response times to calls, animal control, downtown business door checks, crossing guard, school resource officer, K-9 officer, officers’ knowledge of the community, 24/7 coverage, and many other services.

One Medina promoters have preached that there will be no loss of police services, everything will remain the same. The creation of a police force falls on the towns, who have publicly said they have no desire to create. The towns are satisfied with the sheriff and state police service.

As of a letter sent to the Medina-Ridgeway-Shelby Consolidation Feasibility Study Committee dated Jan. 27, 2011, the Orleans County Sheriff’s Office indicated that its department is NOT currently in a position NOR interested in providing services to the village and that the village is already well served by the Medina Police Department.

The Medina Police again strongly encourages the registered village voters to consider the level of police services they want. Please vote.

Members of the Medina Police Benevolent Association

Chad Kenward
Michael Borrell
Joseph Frentz
Steven Fox
Todd Draper
Greg Fraser
Mark Prawel
Mark Parker