Legion in Lyndonville will retire flags during June 14 ceremony
Press Release, Steve Goodrich, commander of Houseman-Tanner Post
LYNDONVILLE – Flag Day June 14th, 1777 is the day the Second Continental Congress adopted the Stars & Stripes as our official national ensign.
This day is set aside to honor the flag and to officially retire those flags that have become faded, worn and unserviceable from usage.
The Houseman-Tanner Post 1603 of the American Legion will be hosting a retirement ceremony on June 14 at 5 p.m. at Lynhaven Cemetery in Lyndonville. Anyone who has an unserviceable flag (including Military Service or foreign national flags) in need of dignified disposal, may bring them to this ceremony. Anyone interested in seeing this ceremony is asked to meet by the flagpole and cannon in Lynhaven Cemetery on June 14.
If there are any questions you may contact the post at americanlegion1603@gmail.com or myself directly at sjgoodri6511@gmail.com or my cell at 585-765-5049 by voicemail during day or directly anytime between 5:30 to 9 p.m.