LED lights will shine on Albion Main Street at far less cost

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 23 September 2013 at 12:00 am

Photos by Tom Rivers – Brad Rouse, a village of Albion sewer plant worker, this morning changes the bulb and globe of a light just north of the Erie Canal.

ALBION – Albion is swapping out about 30 street lights on Main Street with energy-efficient LED lights. The new 30 to 50 watt lights will use about a tenth of the energy as the 400 watt incandescent lights while maintaining similar levels of brightness.

Village employees Brad Rouse and Jay Pahura have been working to replace the lights. They worked on a section north of the canal this morning.

An incandescent light is pictured at left and a new LED light is at right.

Rouse had the high work, using a bucket truck from the village of Medina to remove the old bulbs and light globes. Pahura removed the transformer, starter and diffuser from the old lights. The new lights don’t need those components.

The village expects the new lights will quickly pay for themselves with the energy savings.

The village of Albion is replacing the street lights on Main Street with energy-efficient LED lights.