Lead abatement program extended throughout Orleans, Genesee
Grant will help landlords, homeowners with costs to remove lead
Press Release, Genesee and Orleans County Health Departments
In January of 2019, the Genesee County Health Department received a $1.3 million federal grant from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to address lead-based paint hazards in residential buildings within the counties of Genesee and Orleans.
Of this $1.3 million, HUD has directed that $1 million be used specifically for lead-based paint hazard reduction activities, while $300,000 to be directed to other health-related home repairs, maintenance and upgrades.
“The funds were initially earmarked strictly for use in the City of Batavia and the Village of Albion,” said Darren Brodie, Lead Coordinator for Genesee and Orleans County Health Departments. “Fortunately, in December of 2020, HUD approved an expansion of the Genesee-Orleans Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes Program to include qualified properties throughout all municipalities in both counties.”
Eligible homeowners and landlords with eligible tenants may apply to receive these funds. Landlords are required to match 10 percent of the total project costs. For example, a landlord would be required to pay $500 toward a $5,000 project, or $2,000 toward a $20,000 project. Buildings containing more than one unit are accepted, even if all units are not eligible based on the requirements described below.
No match is required for owner-occupied dwellings. All recipients of these grant funds are required to maintain ownership of the residence for 5 years following project completion.
Projects are bid on and completed by a pre-approved list of local contractors, all verified as properly trained and EPA-certified in lead-safe work practices. Contractors who wish to be on our list should contact this office.
Applications can be obtained by contacting lead program staff at the Genesee County Health Department. Program staff can quickly determine your initial eligibility and will help to guide you through the application process, which requires document gathering and filling out forms by the owners and tenants.
In order to be eligible to receive these funds you must meet all of the following requirements:
- low income tenants or homeowners (call for details regarding vacant units);
- dwelling was built prior to 1978;
- dwelling contains lead-based paint;
- dwelling houses a family with at least one child under the age of 6 living there or visiting frequently, or an expectant mother.
If you need help determining if your family or home fits the criteria, contact lead program staff.
For additional information contact the Genesee County Health Department at: 344-2580 ext. 5555 or visit the website at www.co.genesee.ny.us/departments/health/index.html.