Lattin releases new book on Halloween pictures and pranks

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 31 October 2015 at 12:00 am

Photos by Tom Rivers
ALBION – Bill Lattin signs a copy of his new book, “Halloween Pictures and Pranks,” for Albion resident Kim Pritt during a book launch party and photo exhibit this evening at the Pullman Memorial Universalist Church.

Lattin retired last Dec. 31 as Orleans County historian. He has been working on the book about Halloween, and includes submitted photos and essays of recollections and pranks from local residents.

Lattin also shares some personal photos, including one of him dressed as Tootsie for Halloween. He also divulges some of his own tricks during Halloween.

Lattin and organizers of the event at Pullman encouraged people to attend in costume, and Melissa Ierlan, the Clarendon town historian, dressed as a historical marker, noting that Lattin had written another book about local history.

The book launch party included a presentation by Joe Struble, retired archivist from the George Eastman House. He shared some historic photos about Halloween from the Eastman House collection.

The book is available for $10. It can be purchased from Bindings Bookstore and the Pullman church in Albion. Proceeds from sales of the book go the Pullman Memorial Repair and Restoration Building Fund.

A grant from the Genesee-Orleans Regional Arts Council and additional support from businesses and sponsors helped make the book possible.

One of the images in the book shows this group at a Halloween party in 1943. Front row: Cary Lattin (standing), John Larwood, Avis Lattin, Robert Brown, Katherine Church, Fred Miller, William Phillips. Seated on floor: Ward Wilson. 2nd row: Jean Jackson, Geraldine Larwood, Doris Phillips, Dorothy Miller, Agnes Wilson, Angie Brown, Grace Phillips. 3rd row: Albert Mason, Ruth Mason, Marcus Phillips, John Jackson, Sanford B. Church.