Kindness and generosity abounds in the local community

Posted 14 September 2023 at 4:24 pm


Approaching a heavy office door recently, a young man spotted me on two canes, and though 10 feet beyond, said “I’m sorry,” turned around and went back and opened the door for me.  Guessing, I said “Gracias.” Confirming my guess, he responded, “De nada.”

Margaret and I are both on canes, and at 87 we struggle to get out of cars and chairs. Countless folks, old, young, male, female, minorities and majorities, often teens offer us help.  I joked with a receptionist who witnessed some of this, “walking with canes seems to bring out the best in people.”

Individually, in particular, people seem to want to be helpful and kind. Sometimes in groups we prioritize the survival of the group to points of selfishness, injustice and even cruelty and brutality.

But, several groups in the Albion area instead are busy helping out the less fortunate. At the regular Catholic Social Justice meeting recently, Annette Finch told about helping with a child-lunch program Tuesdays and Fridays during the summer at Bullard Park, put on by Albion Summer Program, the Masons, Rev. Al and Mrs. Ykeeta Wilson and the Royal Body Shop Church and Annette and other volunteers.

About 150 children came and were respectful and thankful. Annette was moved when a 10-year-old girl asked Annette to wrap hers to take home for her mother. Also, several farmers, stores contribute food. Folks donate money.

She pointed out that several other organizations help the needy and neglected: For instance, Sister Dolores Ann O’Dowd and the Genesee-Orleans Ministry of Concern that for 60 years now has helped with housing, furniture, clothing, bedding, food, prescription, landlord and inspection emergencies and runs the Special Friends volunteer program.

Community Kitchen, now known as Koinonia, has over 60 churches volunteering on their Thursday night hot dinners and lunches to take home. The Royal Body Shop Church runs several feeding activities, offering meals, a help-yourself refrigerator and cupboard at Arnold’s.

Two other churches now in Albion also have refrigerator/cupboards. Jack Burris for several years now has expanded his rug-cleaning business into his weekend Hands of Hope Ministry with food and clothing for the needy.

St. Vincent DePaul, Knights of Columbus, Catholic Daughters, Ladies of Charity all volunteer and the latter three donate to the above causes generously.

Albion Betterment Committee, Hoag Library contribute much to the community and utilize volunteers. Orleans Office of Aging knows about transportation and care for medical, food and other needs and utilizes volunteers. This list is not exhaustive.

Amidst all the anger, meanness and cruelty in our society, I believe it’s outnumbered by those who want to help, and make these efforts. The many volunteers that help in the Albion area are an example of the goodness of mankind.

If you, teen-agers, adults, elderly like me, are anxious to help, contact any of the above or our local churches. If you have problems making contact, you can contact us at:

Marg and Bob Golden
