RFK Jr., unfairly rebuffed by Democrats, finds a home with Trump

Posted 25 August 2024 at 8:01 am


The iconic Kennedy family inspired me and millions of others to become interested in politics  in the 1960s.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who is the nephew of the late President John F. Kennedy and eldest son of the late Senator Robert F. Kennedy Sr., was effectively forced out of the 2024 election for next President of the United States by his own party…the same party that revered his family and rode their legacy for generations.

He risked so much in entering the election of 2024, as he was denied any real platform where he could discuss his views. He was excluded from debates, which made it virtually impossible to get his message to voters. He risked his own personal safety to launch his campaign, as he was denied Secret Service protection, in spite of the fact that his uncle and his father were both felled by assassins.

Those of you who still think the Democrat Party is the party of your fathers might want to watch RFK Jr.’s speech, delivered on Friday, as he suspended his campaign and then endorsed and joined forces with former President Trump.

Now, none of us will ever know what he might have done if given that chance. But, as one path ends another path begins, and one on which I wish him godspeed and much success. The Washington Democrats didn’t want him, but everyone else will gladly take him as our own. He received thunderous applause on Friday night at the Republican rally in Arizona, and former President Trump looks forward to working with “Bobby” in forming a committee to address the myriad of health issues that plague the children of America today.

How can the richest country on earth have the sickest children?  That is what we all want to know. All parties surely must agree on this because the children are our greatest national treasure.

Finally, as far as the media goes, they are corrupt and sink lower and lower in the eyes of the public on a daily basis. They have enjoyed and abused the power they were entrusted with, but their time is rapidly coming to an end.

Truth is finding its way into the light, as truth always will. Kennedy said the people who practice censorship are not good people. He is certainly correct. Nobody believes anything the press prints. We all find alternative places to get our news.

Mary Hare
