Kendall girls down Lyndonville

By Mike Wertman, Sports Writer Posted 17 September 2014 at 12:00 am

Holley girls blank Elba; Roy-Hart boys nip Wilson

Photo by Cheryl Wertman – Kendall’s Taylor Rutland (15) drives the ball up field against Lyndonville’s Rebekah Hoffee during the host Lady Eagles win over the Lady Tigers this evening.

A lightning quick goal in the opening seconds ignited Kendall to a 5-1 victory over visiting Lyndonville this evening in a Genesee Region League girls soccer game.

In another G-R contest, Holley blanked visiting Elba 4-0 to improve to 1-3-1.

Taylor ReQua scored just 48 seconds into the game for Kendall which stays undefeated at 5-0.

It remained a tight 1-0 game until late in the opening half when Kendall erupted for a barrage of three quick goals within a span of nine minutes to break the contrast open.

ReQua scored on a breakaway with 11:27 to go to spark that uprising.

Elizabeth Rath followed up with a goal at the 6:16 mark and Maya Rutland tallied at 2:12 to quickly extend the Lady Eagles advantage to 4-0 at the half.

Photo by Cheryl Wertman – Lyndonville’s Fancy Silversmith battles for the ball with Kendall’s Marisa Hanlon.

Maya Rutland also scored Kendall’s lone second half goal off assists from Coralee Freitag and Kristen Jacob.

Aubrey Lewis scored in the second half for Lyndonville which slips to 2-3 in G-R action.

Makenzie Muck made 12 saves in goal for the Lady Tigers.

Photo by Cheryl Wertman – Kendall’s Coralee Freitag (7) works to advance the ball against Lyndonville’s Leann Balcerzak.

Holley 4, Elba 0
Samantha Barniak scored two goals to lead the attack for Holley.

Lexi Milazzo and Lillian Klafehn each added a goal for the Lady Hawks.

Jade Underwood earned the shutout in goal making four saves.

Boys Soccer

Roy-Hart 1, Wilson 0
Scoring a goal in the final five minutes, Roy-Hart nipped visiting Wilson 1-0 this evening to move into a share of the Niagara-Orleans League lead.

John Stoddard scored the game winner for the Rams on a header off an assist from Andrew Villella.

The victory boosts Roy-Hart’s N-O record to 3-1 and into a tie for first place with Medina/Lyndonville.

“It was a great win,” said Roy-Hart Coach Barry Webber. “These guys just really put in the effort. They just refuse to quit.”

The loss drops Wilson to 2-2.