Kendall Elementary holds election and there’s a clear winner: Sweet and Sour Chicken Rice Bowl
Provided photos: The ballot in today’s election at Kendall Elementary School shows a choice between mashed potato bowl with chicken, corn, cheese and gravy OR a sweet and sour chicken and rice bowl.
KENDALL – Elementary students and staff made their voices clear in a landslide vote today. They want sweet and sour chicken rice bowl on the school menu.
Students and staff were asked to choose between sweet and sour chicken rice bowl, or mashed potato bowl with chicken, corn, cheese and gravy.
The chicken rice bowl won with 297 votes to 112 for the mashed potato bowl.
Kevin Watson, the school principal, said the school’s head chef, Megan Bouchey, will work to add the new option to the school menu in January.
(Left) Audra Keirn, district clerk and administrative assistant to the superintendent, cast a ballot in today’s election. (Right) Two kindergartners – Logan Butterfield and Nora Rasmusson – vote in the election. They are in Kristy Markham’s class.
The school created ballots, hung posters, and posted mini promotions on the school sign board.
Superintendent Nick Picardo and Watson also filmed a 5-minute informercial in school’s television student alerting students about the upcoming vote. Picardo and Watson both test-tasted each menu item live and offered their recommendation.
Watson picked the mashed potato bowl while Picardo favored the sweet and sour chicken.
After classes voted today, they posed by a “VOTE” sign outside the main office. This photo shows Taylor Kingsbury’s 4th grade class.
This is the third election at the school on an issue of interest to students. Last year students voted on which slide would better for the school’s new playground: the double slide or a swirl slide.
There were 376 ballots cast, and the swirl was dominant with 303 votes to 73 for the double slide. The district breaks ground on a new playground in the spring that will include the swirl slide.
“Students will see their voice in action soon!” Watson said.
In the first election in 2022, students picked the name for the school’s eagle mascot. “Talon” was the winner.
Kevin Watson, the school principal, and Joseph Reger, a sixth grader, announce the results of the election.