Jacobs joins amicus brief in support of Delphi retirees whose pensions were cut

Posted 31 October 2021 at 9:23 pm

Press Release, Congressman Chris Jacobs

ORCHARD PARK – Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27) joined colleagues in sending an amicus brief to the Supreme Court urging a resolution for former Delphi employees who were unfairly stripped on their pensions.

“Many in my district, especially in Niagara County, are retirees who were unfairly stripped of their retirement benefits at the hands of failed Obama-era economic policies,” Jacobs said. “Now we have an opportunity to right this wrong. I am proud to join this effort to push for a meaningful resolution to this injustice and get our Delphi retirees their pensions earned through years of dedication and hard work. Fighting for the incredible workforce of Western New York is one of my top priorities and I will continue to do so in Congress.”

The amicus brief signed by Jacobs and 15 other members of the House of Representatives calls for the Supreme Court to take up the case brought forward by Delphi salaried retirees. Delphi Automotive Systems, an auto parts company, went bankrupt in 2009 during the financial crisis. As a result of bankruptcy, the pension fund for salaried employees was transferred to the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC), which then terminated the fund, causing these retirees’ benefits to be cut 40% to 70%.